13 simple ways to overcome difficulty getting pregnant

These "tricks" will not only bring a lot of fun for "looking for a baby" but also increase your chances of conceiving. Those who find it difficult to get pregnant should read.

1. Do not abstain from too much fat

Low-fat milk can help you stay in shape, but it won't help you give birth faster. One large study found that consuming low-fat milk resulted in difficulty getting pregnant compared to people who drank high-fat milk. So why not drop the door with a few scoops of full-fat caramel?

13 simple ways to overcome difficulty getting pregnant


Let's eat cream with fat!

2. Be steamy and wild

When “looking for a baby” becomes more difficult than an act of lust, dry vagina becomes an issue. Trouble is, many lubricants have the ability to affect sperm during intercourse. The difficulty of getting pregnant can cause 80% of it from gels. You should avoid using these products. Let's do something steamy. The only way is to let go of the wild. Don't take it too seriously like you're going to a briefing.

3. Sip a little yeast

Oh good? Maybe you will. "Some studies show that drinking a small amount of alcohol, about one drink a day, will shorten the time of conception," Dr. Jensen said. Studies are still uncertain whether a beer or a cocktail has the same effect. However, you can enjoy it safely.

4. Massage and massage

Jill Blakeway, an acupuncturist and co-author of Making Babies, advocates for self-massage during the time of conception. "It can increase blood flow to the uterus and ovaries, possibly improving your fertility."

Try this method to stimulate your reproductive organs for four days before ovulation. Put your hand on the pubic bone. Apply gentle pressure and make small circles in your lower abdomen. Lower your arms and face outward for 10 seconds. Rest for a while, then repeat for up to two minutes.

5. Spend time with your husband

“Having sex once a month with full thought of being pregnant is great for your relationship,” says Dr. Jensen. The more spontaneous, the better! An impromptu date night on a couch and finally sweaty. Or drag him into his bedroom on a weekend instead of waiting until evening.

6. Please sunbathe

Vitamin D is essential for good reproductive function in both women and men. But vitamins alone are not enough. A recent review of vitamin D found that sun exposure was linked to healthy testosterone in both sexes. It also leads to better sperm quality in men. At least one hour a day for sunbathing is very beneficial.

13 simple ways to overcome difficulty getting pregnant


Vitamin D is very good for reproductive health

7. Too tired to diet

There will come a day when you will have a long list of foods that make it easier to have children. At that time please calculate! Now relax. Eat full of raw foods like oysters to increase fertility, high in zinc. And don't forget sushi and sashimi. In particular, salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids that are good for fertility.

8. Be kind to yourself

When you don't reach the "target"? Don't punish yourself. If not pregnant, book a trip out. Don't make yourself chirp at home. You have a lot of time to get pregnant. Do not think it is your fault. And even if it's your fault, it doesn't matter.

9. Laugh freely

In a study in Israel, infertility patients were exposed to clowns shortly after embryo transplantation. Soothing your mood could theoretically help you conceive. Try watching your favorite comedies before going into battle.

Listen to a funny song from middle school. Select a few songs from the "lyrical" playlist for the story "going to bed". You and that person will laugh hard.

13 simple ways to overcome difficulty getting pregnant


Laughing together will help you get pregnant easier

10. Learn how to have sex to get pregnant

There is no scientific evidence to prove these at all. Instead of placing this problem on, you should try to be relaxed. It is difficult to get pregnant due to your stress and thought. Research shows that reaching orgasm causes the uterine cavity to contract, creating pressure that pushes the sperm to move faster.

11. Get a good night's sleep

For women, stress in the long term will disturb the menstrual cycle. For men, this can have a major effect on sperm quality. This leads to weakened sperm making it difficult to get pregnant. So you should relax and sleep well.

12. Oral hygiene

Unbelievable! Men with good oral health will have high-quality sperm, and thus fertility is also increased significantly. So, if you want to get pregnant quickly, pay attention to take care of your "tooth" today.

13. Seasonal conception

The most fertile time is when the "sperm" are actively working and quality, namely from July to August. If you want to have children, more married life because now. The remaining months are more difficult to get pregnant, but feel free to enjoy it!

Just live a carefree life and do not put too much weight on giving birth even if it is difficult to get pregnant. The above tips will help you have more confidence to "find children". Everything also takes time and effort. Be patient and try until… you pack the dust bag with diapers and milk!

See more:

The prestigious infertility treatment hospitals in HCMC

Rarity in men: Early detection, easier treatment!

How to check sperm is healthy or not just with the naked eye


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