7 Household Products Women Should Avoid When Preparing For Pregnancy

Household products to avoid while preparing for pregnancy is knowledge women should know when preparing for a new experience in life. The products seem very familiar, but potentially dangerous when trying to get pregnant and for the fetus in the future.

1. Home paint products

Contact with home paint products such as oil-based paints and paint supplies that contain lead or mercury is not recommended while you are preparing to become pregnant. According to the American Pregnancy Association, latex paints with ethylene glycol and biocide additives are also household products to avoid. Exposure to these chemicals puts you at higher risk of miscarriage. And the fetus is at risk for both physical and mental birth defects.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, lead poisoning can be passed from mother to child in the womb. And it can cause miscarriage, premature birth, low birth weight, behavior problems, and damage to the brain, kidneys or nervous system. If you want to remodel the house to pick up your baby, you should let your husband or hire a unit in charge of painting and repairing.

7 Household Products Women Should Avoid When Preparing For Pregnancy

2. Canned foods containing BPA

Some dangers can lurk in your own kitchen. BPA is a chemical found in plastic that can seep into food and is a concern for fertility and baby 's development.

"Canned foods can be contaminated with BPA, so fresh fruits and vegetables are always the best option. But remember to wash them thoroughly to avoid pesticides!" Ms. Erika Nichelson - member of the "Hoffman and Associates" group affiliated with Mercy Hospital in Baltimore - said.

The good news is that many brands now use BPA-free cans. Therefore, check the label to see which products are safe when you plan to have a baby.

7 Household Products Women Should Avoid When Preparing For Pregnancy

3. Fragrances contain phthalates

Perhaps it is time to change your signature perfume scent. Synthetic fragrances used in beauty products, including perfumes, contain chemicals that can disrupt hormone levels, affect fertility, and build up in breast milk during pregnancy. ", According to Alexandra Scanton - Director of science and research at the organization" Woman's Voices for the Earth ".

Avoid perfume products that contain phthalates and synthetic musk, often called "white musk". But be careful: because fragrance ingredients are rarely listed on labels, the only way to avoid them is to not use perfumes, Scanton says.

7 Household Products Women Should Avoid When Preparing For Pregnancy

4. Cosmetics containing retinoids

When you're trying to get pregnant, take some time to check your makeup bag to see if any beauty products, like foundation or face masks, contain retinoids. Retinoids are a popular ingredient known to help reverse aging and reduce wrinkles.

"Retinoids are a group of vitamin A-related compounds that, when consumed continuously, can be teratogenic (meaning that they disturb embryonic or fetal development). We advise patients. cosmetics with retinoids should be avoided while attempting to conceive and during pregnancy as they can be harmful. "

"Should be discontinued in the early embryonic stage, ie during the first two weeks of conception, as well as in the embryonic period after 2-7 weeks and also during fetal development" Khalid M.Sultan - Director of Department Reproductive endocrine and infertility at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York said. "The hazards include cranial defects, cardiovascular defects and central nervous system defects so we recommend great. for no use. "

Safe alternative ingredients for retinol include glycolic acid and vitamin C.

7 Household Products Women Should Avoid When Preparing For Pregnancy

5. Nail polish products containing acetone

Sure, every woman wants a nice set of nails and toes, but avoid acetone-based products, advises Dr. Shilpi Agarwal in Washington DC.

"Many women don't realize that acetone is in nail polish remover or nail polish remover and it can have a lasting effect on fertility if you are exposed to it regularly or for long periods of time," she says. "If you are doing nail polish weekly, use an acetone-free remover and a toxic nail polish."

7 Household Products Women Should Avoid When Preparing For Pregnancy

6. Medicinal products

"When it comes to medicinal products, these products are usually not tested on pregnant women so there is no exact data," says Dr. Doris Day - esthetic dermatologist and chief esthetician. by Realelf, said. It's safe with over-the-counter health and beauty products.

"I advise patients to discontinue the medicinal products they are taking when they become pregnant and follow up so we can make adjustments as needed. I also advise them to talk to an obstetrician to see the necessary notes. "

7 Household Products Women Should Avoid When Preparing For Pregnancy

7. Sanitary products containing parabens

Don't forget to read the list of ingredients on shower gel, shampoo, conditioner and soap. If they contain parabens then these are products to avoid. Parabens are a preservative used to suppress bacterial growth and have the ability to alter the properties of the hormone estrogen, according to Dr. Jerald S. Goldtein - founder and chief medical officer at Fertility. Specialists in Texas.

"Both men and women produce estrogen, but too much of it inevitably affects fertility. Estrogen regulates hormones in both men and women. When hormones are out of balance, there is a chance of creating healthy eggs or sperm. Paraben-containing products are commonly found under names such as propylparaben, ethylparaben, etc. Then, limit and eliminate as much as possible for the six months prior to conception and during conception pregnancy, "he explained.

7 Household Products Women Should Avoid When Preparing For Pregnancy

Above are 7 household products to avoid if women are planning to have children. Do not because you do not update knowledge, but accidentally harm yourself and your fetus in the womb of future mothers.

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