9 priceless lessons about money and life in a letter from father to daughter!

In the letter to his little girl less than one year old, what did the father write? Here are 9 priceless lessons about money and life that he wants to convey to his children.

Teaching children through letters - the new trend in technology?

This is a form chosen by many mothers and fathers "in technology". Surprisingly, as the society develops, "goes up", the way of expressing human emotions is "going backwards". It seems that more exposure to modern equipment every day has made them more and more need to express their emotions in the purest, most simple way.

In particular, the happiness of having a baby makes emotions overflowing. Parents always want to show affection for their children. They like to give their children sincere messages associated with the events that happen every day. Through letters and diaries, they want to give their children the best: the most useful lessons, the most useful advice. For later, when you grow up, those advice will be invaluable means for you to stand firm in the middle of life.

Morgan Housel is a leading financial expert and former reporter of the Wall Street Journal. But with his less than one year old daughter, Morgan Housel is just a father. As a man who spent most of his career researching money and business, what did he write for his little girl who could just eat and sleep?

9 priceless lessons about money and father's life message to his daughter

Don't underestimate the role opportunities play in life

Cherish every opportunity in life - this is the first lesson he chooses to teach his daughter.

Any choice will lead to certain consequences. Whether it's the good outcome or the bad outcome, you are responsible for your choices.

9 priceless lessons about money and life in a letter from father to daughter!

Not all success is the result of hard work, just as poverty is not the result of laziness. The families, the country, the generation we are born in, as well as the people we meet on the road, all play a role in the outcomes we get. If you know to seize the right opportunity, you will succeed.

The highest return is the ability to control time

Time is priceless. If you can master your time, you are the richest man in the world. What is happier than when you can do what you want, anywhere, in any time, with anyone you want.

Having control over your own life is your final destination. Self-control is not a "get it all, fall back to zero" game. A coin you save is equivalent to owning a slice in the future. Instead of being managed by others and having to stick to their priorities.

Don't rely on pampering

If you do not "sweat, bring tears" to get money, you will never understand its value. Not everything I like will belong to me. This will teach your child how to budget, save money, and value what you have.

Knowing how to save without hurting yourself - this is an essential life skill. By practicing this skill, you will overcome the ups and downs that you cannot avoid in life.

Success doesn't always come from big things

Success is not measured by the magnitude of the problem. When I achieved the goal I set, I succeeded.

Napoleon used to define genius as someone who can do ordinary things, while everyone around him becomes insane. The same goes for money management. Just don't keep making mistakes, avoid falling into debt, you have been successful in your financial strategy.

Spending lower than your income level

This is one of the most powerful financial levers. When you spend less than your income, you have more financial control.

9 priceless lessons about money and life in a letter from father to daughter!

A person who makes $ 50,000 a year, but only needs $ 40,000 to be happy, rich is much better than someone who makes $ 150,000, but needs $ 151,000 to be happy.

Don't be afraid to change your mindset over time

Hardly anyone lives the life they thought of at age 18. Life is constantly moving and developing. Like a growing seedling, it will grow and mature day by day.

If one day you want to "cross" to another field, that day is not the end of the world. Realizing that the values ​​you pursue have changed, you just boldly change your mind. towel, especially for young people, but I believe my daughter will forgive herself when her thoughts suddenly "turn around" one day!

Everything has a price

Everything in the world has a price. The cost of a busy career is having less time with friends and family. The price of laziness is poverty.

9 priceless lessons about money and life in a letter from father to daughter!

When you accept this, you will begin to “value” your time, relationships, autonomy and creativity. Sometimes we have to accept the trade-off, but never let go of its real value. You have to consider: is this worth the tradeoffs?

Money is not the highest measure of success

Billionaire Warren Buffett says: "Real success in life is the number of people you want them to love you to truly love you."

That love comes from the way you treat people, not the money you have. Money is not going to get what you or others want most. No amount of money can compensate for the lack of personality, dishonesty, lack of empathy for everyone.

Don't blindly believe all the advice

This last lesson seems to go against the 8 lessons above. The eight lessons I shared with you are the ones that most of us have realized too late. However, everyone's life is different. Your child's world is different from the world of your parents . The world of parents is different from that of grandparents. No advice is absolutely right in all circumstances.
The advice of others is just advice. You will personally understand if these tips are right for you. And you will be the deciding factor for what you need to do, not anyone else.

No amount of money can compensate for the lack of personality, dishonesty, lack of empathy for everyone. Hope 9 priceless lessons about money and life in the letter from father to daughter under one year old will help you to enlighten many meaningful things in life!

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