After a miscarriage is abdominal pain dangerous?

After a miscarriage, prolonged lower abdominal pain and bleeding can warn of placental retention or dangerous infection.

Post-miscarriage with lower abdominal pain - Causes women need to know

There are many causes of lower abdominal pain after abortion, and other clinical symptoms can be a sign of danger.

1. The uterus contracts after a miscarriage

Normally, there is a thin layer of fluid in the uterus. The uterus after abortion / miscarriage or postpartum will recover to flush the remaining fluids and return to size in about 4-6 weeks; woman with dull pain sensation in lower abdomen.

This symptom can last about 5-7 days (the longest 10 days) after the miscarriage depends on each person's condition. To put it simply, the lower abdominal pain will disappear after the female body stops bleeding.

This is a common phenomenon so women do not need to worry too much.

2. The risk of placenta remaining after miscarriage with abdominal pain

One of the signs of an abortion failure is the remaining pregnancy in the uterus, also known as a miscarriage or a stillbirth. After the termination of pregnancy, women are required to come back for follow-up visits to make sure the uterus is completely clean, to avoid leaving the placenta after medical abortion.

After a miscarriage is abdominal pain dangerous?


Signs of fetal loss and placenta include spasm of the vagina, vaginal bleeding for many days, blood with dark red color, large clots appearing, and lower abdominal pain after several days of abortion without signs reduced effect.


This phenomenon needs to be treated early to avoid dangerous complications such as pelvic infection and sepsis.

3. After a miscarriage, lower abdominal pain can be caused by infection after a miscarriage

Postoperative infection is the most common complication after a miscarriage. This is usually caused by:

Medical instruments used for surgery are not hygienic

The drug abortion has not been successful, so it is necessary to have an abortion with other methods

An early, unsuccessful medical abortion leads to an infection of the uterus

Incorrect abortion can cause uterus and cervix to be damaged, leading to infection.

In addition, other complications can also lead to infections such as uterine perforation, stillbirth, uterine hematoma,….

After a miscarriage is abdominal pain dangerous?

Depending on the condition of each person, the infection appears sooner or later, some people have just finished abortion, have severe lower abdominal pain, some have lower abdominal pain after a few days to 2 weeks abortion.


Post-miscarriage infection is one of the most dangerous complications to watch out for as it can cause infertility and can be life-threatening if not treated in time.

After a miscarriage with abdominal pain along with dangerous signs you need to be alert

In the case of a complete miscarriage, a woman will show signs of pregnancy; After abdominal pain, bleeding, the fetus is shed, then less bleeding will be seen; examination will find the cervix closed, uterus is smaller than the age of the fetus; clean ultrasound of the uterus.

In case of incomplete miscarriage, the patient will see signs of pregnancy and miscarriage. After seeing the pregnancy, the pregnant woman still has abdominal pain, the bleeding is prolonged. Examination of the cervix will reveal an opening and the uterus is still enlarged. Ultrasound will reveal an echo pattern that is not consistent with the uterine cavity.

Therefore, if you experience prolonged lower abdominal pain with bleeding, you should go to your doctor early to ensure your health

Take care after a miscarriage so that your body recovers soon

According to obstetricians, in order for the body to recover soon, women need to pay attention to the following regimen of care, rest and nutrition.

1. Clean the genital area

The genital area will be the most sensitive and hurtful place when mothers have miscarriages. Therefore, you need to take special care of this organ to avoid harmful bacteria from attacking and causing inflammation.

Ideally, women should change their tampons every 4 hours and preferably not to use a tampon - a stick-like tampon, because the tampon has to go deep into the sensitive area so there is a potential risk. cause inflammation.

Wash your genital area often with warm water or saline solution. Do not use cleaning solutions that have high antiseptic properties, cause allergies or change the vaginal environment ...

2. Rest more

After a spontaneous miscarriage, women should take some time to rest so that their body has time to best recover. Avoid doing heavy work, carrying a lot, standing or sitting in one place for too long ...

3. Develop a reasonable nutritional regime

Diet after a miscarriage requires a boost in protein, iron and fiber. Women should eat a lot of green vegetables and fruits to provide vitamins and minerals for the body. At the same time, need to drink plenty of water, be it fruit juice, smoothie ...

After a miscarriage is abdominal pain dangerous?

At the same time, women also need to stay away from hot spicy foods, stimulants such as alcohol, cigarettes, coffee ... because they are considered to be not good for women's health after a miscarriage.

In particular, to ensure the safety of health, doctors advise women to wait for at least 2-3 periods to go through pregnancy.

See more:

After a miscarriage, how long should it take a break to go back to work ?

Unexpected dangers of bleeding after spontaneous miscarriage

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