After giving birth, breastmilk is opaque yellow, pink brown, should I breastfeed?

Breast milk is the best milk for babies and babies. So how to know what is breastmilk is good and bad? Please follow along!

How is breast milk produced?

Breast milk is the milk made from a woman's breasts after becoming pregnant and begins to grow in volume about 24 to 48 hours after birth.

Milk is made up of pouch-shaped glands in the mother's breast.

These lactating glands grow and work from the third month of pregnancy, due to the influence of hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, prolactin (from the pituitary gland on the mother's brain) and lactogen (from the placenta).

A mother's breast does not contain as much available milk as a cow's breast, so it is not until after giving birth that a mother has a lot.

After giving birth, breastmilk is opaque yellow, pink brown, should I breastfeed?

When breastfeeding, the baby's sucking power creates a reflex in the mother's brain to release two hormones (the hormone mon) prolactin and oxytocin. Prolactin stimulates the lactating glands to secrete more milk while oxytoxin stimulates these glands to squeeze and push the milk through the vessels to the nipple.

Great benefits of breast milk

With babies

Breast milk is the safest of all types of milk. Breast milk allergy is rare and it also ensures the necessary nutritional ingredients for the development of babies.

Breast milk is easier to digest than babies who are less likely to constipation.

Reduced risk of diabetes, obesity, Celiac disease and Crohn's disease, even cancer.

Reduced risk of SIDS- sudden infant death syndrome.

Helps increase the effectiveness of vaccines.

With mothers

Regular breastfeeding helps you lose weight naturally.

Helps with uterine contraction after birth.

Preventing bleeding after giving birth.

Reduces the risk of breast, ovarian or womb cancer.

Reduce the risk of osteoporosis and diabetes.

Delay your ovulation, which means you will have a delay in your period and won't need to use a condom during sex.

Breastfeeding will help strengthen the bond between mother and baby.

It is readily available food so it saves money.

Ingredients in breast milk

After giving birth, breastmilk is opaque yellow, pink brown, should I breastfeed?

Breast milk is full of essential nutrients such as protein, starches, fats, vitamins and minerals. Detail:

Casein - is a special protein in breast milk that helps prevent diarrhea, respiratory infections, ear infections, and allergies.

Iron - the basic building block of red blood cells.

Lactose - helps in brain and nerve development and regulates bacteria in the gut.

Vitamin C - promotes collagen formation, activates enzymes, helps iron absorption.

DHA - Docosahexaenoic acid helps in brain and eye development.

Lipase - This enzyme helps the baby digest and absorb fats.

Lactase - helps in the absorption of lactose in breast milk.

Amylase - helps digest starch.

How good is breast milk?

Types of breast milk

Colostrum: is produced in late pregnancy and the first few days after birth. This milk is concentrated, rich in protein, antibodies and immune cells; low fat. It looks glossy, pale yellow.

Old milk (mature milk): is the type of milk during lactation, although there is a change in composition from time to time, but not too significant. This milk is white in color.

Colostrum: secreted at first, large amount, helps to quench thirst and it looks quite thin.

End milk: secreted later, it has more fat and vitamins. This type looks thicker and aromatic.

In general, babies need all of the above types of milk for best development.

* How is breast milk good? According to many studies, even in difficult conditions such as poverty and war, breast milk is still full of essential nutrients for the baby.

How to help ensure the quality of breast milk

Despite the stability of nutritional composition, mothers still have to pay attention to lifestyle and diet, as it also affects the ability to make milk and the safety of breast milk:

Eat a balanced and well-balanced diet for a healthy body.

Get enough sleep, relax and rest properly.

Do not use stimulants such as alcohol, beer, coffee, cigarettes, and condensed tea ... Reduce spices like garlic, chili, pepper, vinegar ... because it is passed on to your baby through breast milk.

Exercise regularly, avoid stress.

Breast milk color is not good for babies

After giving birth, breastmilk is opaque yellow, pink brown, should I breastfeed?

If breastmilk is not ivory white, but pinkish brown, it is a bit mixed with blood. This usually occurs in the early days of life (also known as rust pipe syndrome ", which is quite common in women who have their first child.

Usually this goes away after a few days. But if you see this going on for a longer period of time, and the chest is sore, your baby will no longer be interested in breastfeeding. Then you should go to medical facilities to check the health as well as the quality of milk to give yourself the most accurate advice.

Instructions for properly breastfeeding your baby

Right after, you should always breastfeed, because this milk has a lot of antibodies.

Breastfeeding is recommended for infants exclusively for the first 6 months and with solid foods for the next 6 months.

Breastfeeding regularly stimulates milk production.

You should express breastmilk and store it for a long time and when you're away from home.

If you are drinking a bottle, you should choose a nipple with a medium hole to avoid swallowing a lot of gas, causing vomiting.

Always clean nipples and utensils when breastfeeding your baby.

So, you know what is good breast milk and how to breastfeed your baby for the best development. Formula milk is convenient but not necessarily safe because there are many types of milk on the market that are not of good quality, so you should use breast milk. Wish you success in exclusive breastfeeding.

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