Should pregnant women take vitamin D?

Should pregnant women take vitamin D?

Vitamin D during pregnancy is very important for the development of fetal bones and teeth. Vitamin D is required for calcium absorption and plays a decisive role in the development of healthy bones. In addition , vitamin D during pregnancy can ensure the health of mothers and babies in reducing the risk of developing autism in young children . Therefore, pregnant women who are at risk of vitamin D deficiency should take appropriate supplements.

Should pregnant women take vitamin D?


Pregnancy Vitamin D is important for fetal development

A new study at the University of Queensland in Australia has found evidence that vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy can reduce a child's risk of developing autism. A noteworthy number is that mothers who do not take vitamin D are 2-7 times more likely to have an autistic baby than women who focus on taking vitamins before and during pregnancy. The results of the study emphasize the effects of vitamin D in fetal development.

According to experts, pregnant women need to get 5,000 IU of vitamin D per day during pregnancy and lactation. Adequate vitamin D intake for pregnant women and infants will reduce autism in children. This finding is considered a strong step in the process of reproductive health research, and it is a warning for all women to pay attention to protecting their health to ensure the best health of their children. after birth.

The causes of vitamin D deficiency

At this time about 40-60% of the US population is deficient in vitamin D, including pregnant women. There are many reasons for this situation.

Obesity : Because the fat layer in the body retains more of the vitamin D produced from the skin and makes it less likely to enter the body.

Dark skin : People with dark skin tend to have more melanin, which acts as a natural sunscreen and thus reduces the production of vitamin D from the skin.

Certain medications : such as steroids, anti-epilepsy drugs, cholesterol-lowering drugs and some diuretics reduce the absorption of vitamin D from the gut.

People with fat malabsorption : Disorders such as celiac disease and Crohn's disease are associated with poor fat absorption and thus lower absorption of vitamin D.

Consequences if the body lacks vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy will lead to fetal rickets, weak bones, deformed bones, causing deformities, slow teething, malnutrition and growth retardation, shortness ...

For herself, the pregnant woman will feel fatigue, limbs, back pain, joint pain, cramps, convulsions of the facial and upper extremities, osteoporosis, spinal adhesions. In addition, pregnant women are also susceptible to diabetes , preeclampsia (high blood pressure and excess protein in the urine), vaginal infections and even premature birth or fetal death due to lack of nutrients.

How to add vitamin D properly

Get vitamin D through food

Should pregnant women take vitamin D?


Pregnant mothers should supplement vitamin D during pregnancy properly

You can start with foods rich in vitamin D.

Foods rich in vitamin D such as: Liver, eggs, sea fish. You can drink fish oil, egg yolks, butter, canned sardines, milk, cheese, herring, shiitake mushrooms ...

Here are some of the best food sources of vitamin D:

85g salmon: 465 IU

85g mackerel: 211 IU

240ml of orange juice, fortified with vitamin D: 100 IU

240ml of low-fat, fortified milk with vitamin D: 98 IU

1 cup of cereals, fortified with vitamin D: 40-50 IU

1 large egg yolk: 37 IU

85g sardines: 164 IU

Supplement through medicine

The best way to really get enough vitamin D is to take vitamin D supplements. You can choose from two forms of vitamin D: plant-derived ergocalciferol and animal-derived cholecalciferol.

Should pregnant women take vitamin D?


Women should take extra vitamin D during pregnancy

Cholecalciferol is the most easily absorbed and used form of the body, but if you are a vegetarian, you should use the ergocalciferol form.

However, you should note that:

- The supplementation of vitamin D through drugs for pregnant women needs to be tested and tested. The goal is to know how much vitamin D the pregnant woman needs to supplement.

Vitamin D supplementation must be directed by a doctor to avoid deficiency or overdose. The consequences can be excessive hypercalcemia, urinary tract stones, dizziness, abdominal pain, diarrhea, kidney stones, high blood pressure. Or calcification of the placenta, making the baby unable to absorb nutrition from the mother.

In addition, there are studies that have recommended that pregnant mothers should be properly exposed to sunlight (usually 5-10 minutes of contact with hands, feet, hands, arms and face, 2-3 times per week). can be very effective.

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