Gestational diabetes - Pregnant mothers need to Understand and Do Now!

Currently, it is estimated that the proportion of pregnant women with gestational diabetes  tends to increase. Many cases have serious complications due to the influence of their lifestyle and diet . Therefore, pregnant mothers need to know clearly the information related to gestational diabetes to avoid maximum risks that may be encountered. The following synthesis article will provide more information to help pregnant mothers have a healthy pregnancy.

What is a SECRETS?

Pregnant from the 20th week onwards, pregnant mothers may be diagnosed with gestational diabetes.

Gestational diabetes - Pregnant mothers need to Understand and Do Now!


gestational diabetes

More specifically, pregnant mothers have gestational diabetes when basically due to: high blood sugar.

At this time, the pancreas does not produce enough the hormone insulin to meet the body's needs, or the body cannot metabolize insulin. Insulin will assist in transporting glucose in the bloodstream into cells, helping to provide energy for the functioning of cells in the body.

During pregnancy, because the need for energy is higher, the mother's body will have the need to increase the amount of sugar. Some pregnant mothers can produce the right amount of insulin and will not have diabetes.

In addition, pregnant mothers may also be diagnosed with gestational diabetes due to hormonal disorders.

Because during pregnancy, the placenta produces hormones that help the fetus grow. These hormones cause a number of adverse effects on insulin, causing hormonal disruption. If insulin and blood sugar levels reach the same index and maintain blood sugar at a safe level, pregnant women will avoid gestational diabetes. Another unlucky one will get sick.

The glycemic index should note:

 Before meals At least 90 minutes after a meal

Pregnant mothers do not have gestational diabetes 4 - 5.9mmol / L (72 - 106mg / dl) Less than 7.8mmol / L (140mg / dl)

Diabetes Type 2 4 - 7 mmol / L (72 - 126mg / dl) Less than 8.5mmol / L (153 mg / dl)

Diabetes type 1 4 - 7 mmol / L (72 - 126mg / dl) 5-9mmol / L (90 - 162mg / dl)

Children 4 - 7 mmol / L (72 - 126mg / dl) 5-9mmol / L (90 - 162mg / dl)

Who is more susceptible to diabetes during pregnancy?

Pregnant mothers will be at the risk of gestational diabetes if one of the following factors is present:

Pregnant when over 30 years old.

Family with someone with type 2 diabetes.

Mother is overweight and obese before and during pregnancy.

Or have had this disease in a previous pregnancy

Some signs of gestational diabetes:

Gestational diabetes - Pregnant mothers need to Understand and Do Now!


gestational diabetes - signs of fatigue

This disease takes place quietly, the pregnant mother only knows if she has the disease or not until she goes to regular pregnancy check-ups and tests for gestational diabetes. Some common signs of gestational diabetes in pregnant women with this disease are:

Constantly thirsty, or wake up in the middle of the night to drink water.

Urinating many times and the amount of urine is also much compared to other pregnant mothers.

If accidentally scratched, the injury will take a long time to heal.

The genital area is infected with the fungus, the usual antifungal creams / medications do not go away.

Weight loss, fatigue, drowsiness, lack of vitality.

How dangerous is gestational diabetes?

With pregnant mother:

If the disease is not detected and controlled well, it can seriously affect the health of pregnant mothers.

Pregnant mothers are at risk of miscarriage, preeclampsia , infection, postpartum haemorrhage, cesarean section due to big pregnancy ...

With the fetus:

Risks for the fetus can be death or malformations, developmental delay, large fetus susceptible to trauma such as clavicle fracture, shoulder dislocation, easy respiratory failure, decreased lung maturation, hypoglycemia. blood at birth due to high insulin concentrations, jaundice and eyesight….

What to do to overcome and prevent gestational diabetes

If pregnant women are diagnosed with gestational diabetes, choosing appropriate foods to help control weight is very important. The implementation of a healthy , scientific diet combining reasonable movement during pregnancy helps pregnant mothers control and avoid gestational diabetes.

1. Change your diet

"What should I eat with gestational diabetes" is the question of most pregnant mothers who encounter this situation. Your doctor will teach you how to maintain the right nutrition and how to balance the amount of carbohydrates, fat and protein in your diet every day. These guidelines are for general use only in the treatment of gestational diabetes.

Gestational diabetes - Pregnant mothers need to Understand and Do Now!


gestational diabetes - diet

In fact, the diet will depend on the health status of the pregnant mother such as blood glucose concentration, weight, exercise habits, eating preferences and taste. Experienced nutritionists can set up a menu for pregnant women with gestational diabetes to help mothers with an effective eating plan.

Experts often encourage women with gestational diabetes to maintain the following eating habits:

Please have a full breakfast

No matter how busy you are, pregnant mothers should have a good breakfast to ensure energy for the working day. Breakfast also avoids cravings that lead to difficult eating. Eating a nutritious breakfast helps to stabilize blood sugar.

Pregnant mothers can eat breakfast with whole grain and a boiled egg, dessert with a jar of yogurt.

Gestational diabetes - Pregnant mothers need to Understand and Do Now!


gestational diabetes - diet

Stay away from sugary and starchy foods

To keep blood sugar levels from rising too high, pregnant women need to stay away from foods capable of increasing sugar, such as sugar, honey, brown sugar, syrup, and starch. These foods will disrupt the blood sugar balance because insulin in the mother's body cannot fully metabolize the sugar intake.

When examining food packaging, keep in mind that the ingredients that have the OSE letters are always sugar (sucrose, dextrose, glucose). Pregnant mothers can eat foods that contain a moderate amount of sugar. But try to stay away from foods with higher than standards of sugar.

Such as baked goods, cakes, cakes, ice cream, candies and soft drinks.

Therefore, pregnant mothers can eat foods such as corn (corn), whole grain bread, beans, apples, pears, oranges ...

Abstain from drinking fruit juice

Even the natural sugars in the fruit can increase blood sugar levels of pregnant mothers. So pregnant mothers also need to limit drinking pure fruit juice.

Nutrition experts and doctors believe that sometimes pregnant mothers can drink about 30ml of juice with meals. Tomato juice is also a good choice as it is low in sugar.

Or pregnant mothers can eat fresh fruits, because fresh fruits contain fiber that helps slow the absorption of sugar into the blood.

Eat less refined foods

Pregnant mothers should choose foods containing unrefined starch. If you eat too many refined carbohydrates such as white rice, mashed potatoes, and white bread, they will quickly turn into sugar and raise blood sugar.

Instead, focus on eating fiber-rich foods such as whole grains, beans, peas and vegetables ... These foods help reduce the amount of insulin your body needs to keep blood sugar levels in. normal level.

Eat foods containing chromium

This mineral has been shown to help improve glucose tolerance in gestational diabetes. Therefore, always add foods containing chromium in the daily diet of pregnant mothers.

Pregnant women can find this mineral in whole grain products, spinach, carrots and chicken.

Eat foods low in fat

Everyone needs fat through their diet, especially pregnant women. However, a diet high in fat may not be entirely healthy. Focus on eating foods containing healthy fats from nuts or fortified with vegetable oils such as soybean oil, sunflower oil, olive oil ...

2. Control your meals

Due to the fear of high blood sugar, pregnant mothers will have the thought of skipping meals. In fact, this does not help stabilize blood sugar. The rule is: Do not overeat in one meal, but split the portion size into smaller meals. Pregnant mothers should eat at least three main meals and three snacks a day (including a snack before going to bed) and divide them by the time evenly as possible.

Another rule that applies to all pregnant women and those with gestational diabetes has to follow even more stricter than never skipping meals. Skipping meals (or snacks) can lead to hypoglycemia, causing pregnant women to experience tremors, headaches, and possibly harm the fetus.

The most important snack falls in the evening because it will help pregnant mothers prevent hypoglycemia at night. Before bed, eat a snack that contains protein (like low-fat cheese) and starches (like white bread). Starches will help stabilize blood sugar in the early evening, while proteins act as long-term stabilizers.

3. Weight control

Gestational diabetes - Pregnant mothers need to Understand and Do Now!


Gestational diabetes - weight control

Excessive weight gain can cause blood sugar to spike. So pregnant mothers need to pay more attention to the speed and weight gain rate. Gaining too much weight quickly (1kg or more / week) will create more body fat and may cause insulin resistance.

Pregnant mothers consult with your doctor about exercise exercises during pregnancy to help you lose weight during pregnancy to effectively control weight. You can learn yoga exercises for pregnant women to practice at home.

Gestational diabetes not only affects the health of a mother, but also has many consequences on the fetus, even long-lasting effects even after the baby is born. Therefore, we bring that the information in the article will help pregnant mothers have a healthy pregnancy, a square mother!

-Ele Luong-

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