12 ways to choose the sex of the fetus according to the natural method

     The desire to have a boy or a girl is the most common psychological need of all mothers and fathers. These 12 ways can affect the sex selection of the fetus according to the most popular natural method ever.

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      Regardless of the era, the "sex" of the child is always the top concern of many couples. Being able to choose for yourself a cute girl or a mischievous boy requires many factors and methods. In addition to using advanced medical methods that require huge expenses, there are also natural methods that can help parents choose the sex of the fetus. Although not 100% effective, these are also considered the 12 most common methods to increase your chances of having a baby with the desired sex.

1. The woman's vaginal environment

      According to fertility experts, fetal sex selection can achieve a high success rate if the right alkaline and acidic environment is created in a woman's vagina.

      Y sperm lives and develops healthy in an alkaline environment and X sperm likes acid, if you want to give birth to a girl, the vaginal environment must be an acidic environment, which will help weak Y sperm and destroy it. before it goes to the egg.

       Therefore, if you wash your vagina with natural acids such as lemonade or vinegar (diluted with water), your chances of having a girl are higher. On the contrary, before having sex for 2-3 hours, a woman creates an alkaline environment for the vagina using sodium Hydrocarbonate douched salt, the probability of having a boy will be higher. 

2. The diet of the couple

       Using alkaline (easy to have a boy) and acidic (high chances of a girl) environment, couples can adjust their diet to help increase the success rate of gender selection. calculated for the fetus.

       To give birth to a girl, you need to enhance foods that help the vaginal environment rich in acid, such as eating lots of vegetables, fruits, seasoning bland foods, adding to the menu of milk, bread and calcium-rich foods.

       If you want to have a son, you should prepare rich foods, take the trouble to eat meat, pickled pickles, and seafood in your daily meals.

12 ways to choose the sex of the fetus according to the natural method

3. Relationship posture also contributes to the choice of the fetus's sex

      According to sex posture statistics, sex experts say that women who peak when having sex often produce a lot of vaginal discharge in an alkaline environment. This will help couples to increase the birth rate of a boy more. Meanwhile, if you want to give birth to a baby girl, experts advise that the woman absolutely must not reach the top before the man ejaculates.

4. Weather climate while having sex 

      Normally, Y sperm will move at a fast speed, but life in the vaginal environment is also very short, while X sperm moves slowly and lives longer. Therefore, when having sex, to have the baby's sex as desired, couples should pay attention to this:

- Having a warm, high temperature relationship will often give birth to a boy.

- When having sex in a cold to cold air environment, it will facilitate the sex of the fetus as a girl more because Y sperm does not exist in a too cold environment. 

12 ways to choose the sex of the fetus according to the natural method

5. Health status of husband and wife

     According to many statistics, if a spouse has a disease in the body, often has a smoking habit, the chance of having a girl is higher because sperm X is able to live longer in "difficult" environments. like this.

6. Sex on the day of ovulation

      If a woman has regular periods (28 days), the ability to calculate the time of ovulation is often more accurate. Therefore, if you want to choose the sex of the fetus according to the date of ovulation, husband and wife should note:

Have sex on the date of ovulation (usually the 14th day of your period) the tendency to have a boy is usually quite high.

Conversely, a couple maintains regular sexual intercourse for the whole month (eg every 2 days) but stops having sex 2-3 days before ovulation is more likely to have a boy. 

7. The shallow-depth of the penis into the vagina during sex

     The longer the contact distance between the penis and vagina, the more difficult the viability of Y sperm will be. Therefore, when having sex, husband and wife can choose the sex of their child by:

Inserting a penis into a shallow vagina increases your chances of having a girl.

The deeper the penis, the easier it is for a couple to have a son. 

8. The sexual intercourse can be helpful in choosing the sex of the fetus

    Sex experts say, some of the classic sex poses also contribute to the sex of the fetus. 

The  M i ssionary (male above, female below) posture prevents the penis from getting too deep so the chance of having a girl is often high. 

Other poses that help the penis go deeper like Rear entry, horse riding posture (male below, female above), etc. whereby Y sperm can easily enter the uterus. bow, which facilitates getting a baby boy.  

9. Habit and personality of husband and wife

     One thing that is quite surprising according to the latest medical research is that the living habits and personality of the parents also contribute to the sex of the fetus. According to statistics, husbands who are often anxious, stressed, exercise less or stay up a lot are more likely to have a daughter. Meanwhile, the wives who are confident, have a strong personality, like to compete and win have a high rate of son.

12 ways to choose the sex of the fetus according to the natural method

10. The husband's "boy" temperature

     Please pay attention to this. According to statistics, if the husband likes to take a hot bath, wearing tight underwear will cause the penis to have a higher temperature than normal. Then there is a high chance that your couple will give birth to a daughter because Y sperm is often difficult to survive in such a hot environment. 

11. Unintended pregnancy

      Many scientific studies have shown that, women who perform contraception but happen to have mistakes such as forgetting to take birth control pills at the prescribed time, being pregnant during insertion or having sterilized but not succeeding. , a condom that is leaked during sex, etc. often a higher female birth rate. 

12. The couple is vegetarian, meditating

      One of the methods of natural fetal sex selection according to scientific research is the retreat and fasting of husband and wife. According to many statistics, couples who are often vegetarian, focus on the diet of vegetables and fruits and abstain from all kinds of meat, combine meditation, relaxed thoughts, and calm mind, the probability of having a girl is very high. high. 


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