Mound pregnancy - Is this a sign of the imminent birth?

If this is the first time you are pregnant, when it gets closer to the due date , you will have a lot of feelings as expected or anxious. You will wonder when and how you will feel. However, there are many contractions of varying intensity and duration that you may be confused about as a sign of the impending delivery . Join us to find out!

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Mound pregnancy - Is this a sign that mom is about to give birth?

Distinguish uterine contractions

Braxton - Hicks or physiological contractions

Mound pregnancy - Is this a sign of the imminent birth?


mound pregnancy

Around the 4th month of pregnancy you may notice sudden uterine contractions during the day. This is the Braxton - Hicks mound, which is usually irregular and infrequent. This physiological contraction is the way your body or uterus trains for the day of labor.

Features of the mound:

Usually not painful

A feeling of concentration in the abdomen

A feeling of tightness in the lower abdomen

May make you uncomfortable.

The physiological contraction does not increase with time nor does the pain get worse, it does not change your cervix. You may experience these bumps when you are tired, dehydrated or when walking too much. Your physiological stress usually goes away when you rest or relax.

Before going to the doctor, you can try the following measures to see if the contraction subsides or goes away:

Drink a lot of water

Change positions (like from standing to sitting)

Stop what you are doing and take a break (lie on your left side).

If you have tried the above methods and the symptoms above still do not go away or occur more often, you should see your doctor right away because you may be born prematurely.

Premature uterine contractions

Mound pregnancy - Is this a sign of the imminent birth?


mound pregnancy

A miscarriage that occurred frequently before 37 weeks could be a sign of preterm labor. The contractions appear steadily over time, such as every 10 to 12 minutes for more than an hour, you may be on the verge of having a preterm birth.

During the contraction of the uterus, your whole abdomen will become harder when you touch it. Along with a tight feeling in the uterus, you may feel:

Dull ache

Pressure in the pelvis

Abdominal pressure

Cramps or cramps

Pregnant mothers should go to the doctor or hospital to examine immediately if these signs appear, especially if you are accompanied by vaginal bleeding, diarrhea or water discharge from the vagina (rupture of membranes).

You need to pay attention to the distance between uterine contractions or the frequency of contractions as well as other accompanying symptoms to notify your doctor and take timely intervention.

Labor uterine contractions

Mound pregnancy - Is this a sign of the imminent birth?


mound pregnancy

Unlike Braxton-Hicks contractions, once uterine contractions actually occur, they will subside and disappear with simple measures such as drinking water or resting. Instead, these mounds will increase in intensity as well as time and distance between mounds. All of these contractions help the cervix to expand and prepare the baby for birth.

The early stage before labor

The mounds in this period are still gentle. You should feel a tightening of your uterus or lower abdomen, lasting from 30 to 90 seconds. These mounds will appear steadily increasing in distance and intensity. Initially it may be quite far apart, but as the time goes on, each contraction may appear after 5 minutes.

In the early pre-labor period, you should also look for signs that will help you recognize real labor like you will see pink mucus from the cervix as the cervix expands. The amniotic fluid can even break into oozing rays or a large stream from your vagina.

Real labor

Mound pregnancy - Is this a sign of the imminent birth?


mound pregnancy

These mounds will be painful more and more often than in the early stage. During this stage, the cervix will expand 4 to 10cm, preparing the baby to be passed out.

You should feel this contraction around your body from your back to your belly. You may also experience leg cramps and pain. If you find that you are really in labor, you need to go to the hospital immediately, contractions can last 45 to 60 seconds, after 3 to 5 minutes.

During labor, the cervix is ​​enlarged from 7 to 10cm, uterine contractions will last from 60 to 90 seconds and the distance between each contraction is 30 seconds or 2 minutes. The mound can even overlap to push the baby out. However, the perception of uterine contractions in different women will be different. Headache and nausea are common symptoms associated with contractions during labor. You may also feel:

Hot flashes



Bloating, belching, gas.

So, when to hospitalize?

You can consult your doctor first if you are concerned and concerned about your condition. Go to the hospital if your cramps are characterized by:

Occurs often, even if it is painless

Does not decrease when you drink, rest or change positions

Occurs before 37 weeks of pregnancy

Gradually increase in time, distance and intensity

The distance between mounds is 5 minutes

Accompanied by severe pain, bleeding, rupture or oozing of amniotic fluid and other signs of labor.

It can be quite difficult when this is your first time as a mother to determine which seizure is real labor. When in doubt, it is best to see a doctor for prompt diagnosis. You should be aware of the timing of uterine contractions and other signs to inform your doctor during the examination.

-Ele Luong-

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