Preparing for pregnancy - 10 useful experiences future mothers and fathers must not miss!

Are you planning to become pregnant? For a healthy baby to be born, good preparation for a pregnancy is essential. Here's what women need to prepare before they begin to “pop” their baby.

1. Stop all methods of birth control

Preparing for pregnancy - 10 useful experiences future mothers and fathers must not miss!


To prepare for pregnancy, remember these 10 carefully

If you are taking birth control pills, or if you have an insertion, stop immediately when you intend to have a baby. After you have been using birth control for a while, it may take your body a few cycles to begin regular ovulation and prepare to become pregnant.

2. Vaccination

Pregnant mothers should vaccinate against the following diseases:






Currently, medicine is developing, so there is a 3-1 combination vaccine. Just 1 nose is to prevent all 3 measles, mumps and rubella.
In addition, the mother can also test to see if her body has antibodies to any kind of disease. If so, the vaccine may no longer be needed.

3. Checkup - The most important step to prepare for the most effective pregnancy

One of the things to be prepared for during pregnancy is a prenatal visit. Here, the doctor will learn about your medical history, your family, the medicines you are taking ...

In addition, any medications you are taking that may interfere with pregnancy will also be told by your doctor. Your doctor will order genetic testing to make sure you and your husband don't have serious genetic conditions like sickle cell anemia.

In case you have diabetes, asthma or high blood pressure. Your doctor will ask you to see a specialist for screening and treatment before you become pregnant.

If you have had less frequent medical visits in the past, your doctor may also recommend a blood test and a smear to detect sexually transmitted diseases.

4. Have a healthy diet

Preparing for pregnancy - 10 useful experiences future mothers and fathers must not miss!


10 things to keep in mind about preparing for pregnancy

For nutrition preparing for pregnancy, you do not have to overeat. But you must eat nutritious foods for a healthy pregnancy. A healthy diet of a couple will also increase fertility.

For women:  A good pregnancy preparation diet is to eat plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Every day, drink 2 glasses of milk and 1 jar of yogurt. Additionally, women should supplement with folic acid as it will help reduce the risk of neural tube defects in infants.

For men:  Eat foods rich in zinc and vitamin E to keep sperm healthy. You can eat a lot of carrots because this is a food that contains lots of vitamins A and D.

Both women and men should avoid consuming caffeine-containing foods such as coffee, tobacco, and alcohol ... Because caffeine intake will decrease fertility.

Currently there are many applications to calculate ovulation date. Women can install the "My Days" app. After entering the start and end date of the red light for a few months, it will calculate the date of ovulation, the date of fertility, son or daughter.

The application also allows entering other data such as uterine mucus, back pain, abdominal pain, difficulty sleeping, date of intercourse. Future mothers can keep track of their menstrual cycle, ovulation date, maybe even conception date. This information will be very important for future monitoring of fetal development.

6. Read books about pregnancy, teach children

Read as much as possible and as soon as possible. Especially those who are the parents for the first time have no experience. Pregnancy period is quite leisurely, women should supplement themselves with necessary knowledge for being a parent.

Women can refer to the English-language book "A First Time Fathers Handbook" to gain as much experience as possible.

7. Worming

Worms often stick in the intestines and lay eggs a lot, so just taking one pill will not eat. If the mother has worms, the worms will compete with the baby's nutrients.

Be active with both dads and people who will have a lot of contact with the worming baby. At least before the baby is born. It is best to deworm at least 2 months before becoming pregnant. One month for worm removal, one month for the body to recover.

8. Examination of teeth

Mother should go to a general dental examination, resolve all cavities, gingivitis, and dental diseases before pregnancy. Because gingivitis during pregnancy will easily lead to miscarriage, or sick pregnancy. This oral exam should also be done about 2-3 months before becoming pregnant.

Preparing for pregnancy - 10 useful experiences future mothers and fathers must not miss!


10 things you need to know about preparing for pregnancy

9. Understanding knowledge about sex

You also need to know the best time for sex, increase the ability to fertilize. To increase your chances of becoming pregnant, you need to know how to calculate the date of your ovulation. Or use an ovulation test to be able to determine the exact time of ovulation. From there to help increase the ability to conceive.

As well as which sexual position will be most fertile. According to scientists, the male posture above, the female below will be the most suitable. Then the vagina will slope down, with the woman's legs raised will facilitate the deepest sperm penetration.

10. Prepare your finances

An indispensable thing in the list of things to prepare before pregnancy is the financial issue. If you intend to become pregnant, you need to plan your finances and insurance matters in detail.

Need to find out which hospital you want to deliver. Depending on your family's economic conditions, choose the right gynecological hospital.

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