Is pregnancy easy to upset body, sensitive or irritable, is it good for the baby?

Self-pity during pregnancy, easily irritable, slightly tearful - What is the feeling of pregnant mother?

Pregnant mothers often have a sensitive mood, easily upset themselves, and erratic emotions during pregnancy can be caused by many reasons. However, the main cause is due to the hormonal changes in the woman's body during pregnancy.

The worries and changes in living habits during pregnancy make many pregnant women turn into multi-personality people. Sometimes extremely happy, sometimes horrible, fierce or grumpy, sometimes there was tears in her eyes that made her husband panic.

What happens to your mother's feelings during the first trimester?

Is pregnancy easy to upset body, sensitive or irritable, is it good for the baby?

Pregnancy hormones make the feeling of pregnant women fluctuate easily. This also makes the woman feel irritable, morning sick, and gagging. Sometimes just smelling the sweet food is unbearable. Or on the contrary, always in a state of cravings. After eating, I wanted to taste one dish after another.

For mothers with symptoms of morning sickness more often feel more uncomfortable than other pregnant mothers. The mentality of these mothers is often tired and do not want to do anything. Not to mention how much worrying for the first months of pregnancy is always permanent, like mother gagging a lot to see if the baby can grow up. I don't like to eat food for my children. The more worried the mother is, the more she feels sagging.

Because of this "difficult to say" situation, fathers need to take care of the pregnant mother as well as understand and sympathize with the pregnant mother that the reason why his wife is so difficult to stay.

Fatigue is also one of the symptoms that frequently appear in pregnant mothers. But this also easily makes the mood of the pregnant mother easily erratic.

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All these worries and symptoms in the first few months are the main factors that stimulate the mother's mood and emotions.

Is pregnancy easy to upset body, sensitive or irritable, is it good for the baby?

The emotional change of pregnant mothers when entering the second trimester

For mothers entering the second trimester of pregnancy, hormones continue to change, even though they have decreased somewhat compared to the first trimester.

Mothers will feel much more comfortable because morning sickness is no longer "terrible" like months ago.

However, the mood swings up and down, prone to self-pity can still appear because the physical changes are very obvious such as the pregnant belly is revealed, pain all over the body, more acne , ... the bigger the mother, the more worries she will have.

During this trimester, many mothers may need amniocentesis to check the health of the fetus as well as tests to screen for defects. Keeping track of how many times your baby kicks, making sure the weight of the fetus and the mother is up to standard can both make mom think more.

Contrary to the myth of pregnancy, some women have a higher sex drive when morning sickness stops. But can sex during pregnancy affect the unborn baby?

Conflict and anxiety during pregnancy always makes a woman more sensitive and tears more quickly.

Entering the third trimester, how does your mother's emotional mood change?

The last 3 months of pregnancy often cause many pregnant mothers to experience pain, swelling and insomnia. The heavier and heavier the belly and the baby who likes to mess around at night more is also the cause of the mother's mood to rise and fall erratically.

It's easy to pity yourself during pregnancy, feeling like rain and shine on summer day - Is there any way to improve this situation for pregnant mothers?

Is pregnancy easy to upset body, sensitive or irritable, is it good for the baby?

1. Try to be alert to recognize your own feelings

When the pregnant mother feels she is starting to get upset or shows dissatisfaction with something, try to keep yourself away from the place. Find a quiet place, try to regulate your breathing. This will help the mother calm down more easily.

Try not to think too much about the past, but think of the baby in the womb. A lot of stress from mothers is at risk of low birth weight and premature birth.

2. Chat with relatives and friends

As soon as you feel you have an emotional problem, the pregnant mother should not forget to confide in her relatives (especially her husband) or you can find close friends to confide in.

Saying how you really feel is an easier way to release your mood.

3. Be ready to welcome morning sickness during pregnancy

A willingness and solid knowledge about pregnancy, especially the issue of how to reduce morning sickness , fatigue, and aches in pregnancy will help pregnant mothers easily overcome the discomfort of pregnancy. Pregnancy period.

4. Sleep is always the most important thing

Proper rest and adequate sleep are one of the most important factors to ensure pregnant mothers have a healthy pregnancy and a happy mood.

When the pregnant mother is heavier because of the bulky belly, insomnia may appear. Try to take a nap that doesn't last 30-45 minutes, limit drinking too much water before going to bed, use pillows to support your pregnant belly, soak your feet with herbs before going to bed as well as keep the bed airy, don't use electronic devices before bedtime will help pregnant mothers improve sleep in the last months.

5. Talk to other pregnant mothers

When pregnant mothers feel stressed and worried about the upcoming motherhood journey, no one can understand this better than pregnant mothers.

Talking, counseling and sharing useful experiences in pregnancy as well as learning how to take care of a new baby are considered topics that other pregnant mothers are always excited to talk about with their mothers. This will definitely help mom feel comfortable when someone understands her feelings.

6. Practice yoga or meditation

The great benefit of yoga is to help pregnant mothers control their breathing as well as body movements. That way, the mother will find herself calm and no longer easily provoked by the trivial things and excessive worries of being pregnant.

7. Don't read too many things that make pregnant mothers worry

Finding out about pregnancy is essential, but pregnant women should also have the choice of reading and receiving information. Do not let negative content unduly affect your pregnancy. When there is any concern about the fetus, it is best to consult with your specialist or your antenatal doctor. This will help pregnant mothers avoid unnecessary worries.


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