How does stress during pregnancy affect the fetus?

Women under stress during pregnancy can affect fetal index and development, causing many dangerous health problems for the baby in the future.

Stress during pregnancy is not good for the fetus

How does stress during pregnancy affect the fetus?


Stress during pregnancy has a negative effect on the baby

1. Easy to cause premature birth and low birth weight

Stress increases corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH). In pregnant women, CRH affects the duration of pregnancy and fetal maturity. The higher the CRH level, the earlier the delivery time. People often think that to prevent premature birth, pregnant women need to avoid stress in the last 3 months of pregnancy. However, in fact, preterm birth is provoked by an early rise in CRH, caused by stress during the first weeks of pregnancy.

2. Affecting the intelligence of the baby

Scientists have found that high cortisol levels can lower a child's IQ. Normally, the placenta produces enzymes that break down cortisol. It will not produce enough if the pregnancy is under excessive stress or for long periods of time. Additionally, stress during pregnancy can affect your baby's brain development.

3. Sleep Problems

Not only affects the development of the fetus, but also affects the mother's mood and sleep time after the baby is born. Scientists have measured sleep time and frequency of night waking of babies aged 6, 18 and 30 months. The results showed that babies whose mothers were stressed during pregnancy had trouble sleeping at 18 and 30 months. This happens because cortisol crosses the placenta, affecting the area of ​​the brain responsible for stabilizing the baby's circadian rhythm.

4. Effects on overall health

Many studies have found a higher risk of early infections and mental disorders in stressed children in the womb. In addition, other problems can occur related to eyes, ears, digestion, breathing, skin, musculoskeletal system, circulation and genital disease. It contributes to the development of allergies and asthma in children in the future.

5. Increase the child's level of fear and anxiety

High cortisol levels in pregnant women make babies more susceptible to stress. When tested, babies exposed to maternal high cortisol had a more stressful response. At the time of learning to walk, children are more likely to be afraid of being exposed to simple challenges such as seeing a stranger enter a room, or having a ball rolling towards them. Mothers have also found that their baby will have a more intense level of anxiety than many of his peers and school-age peers and they will be afraid of going to school.

How does stress during pregnancy affect the fetus?


What to do to avoid stress during pregnancy

How to overcome stress during pregnancy

1. Take time to rest

It would be nice to say "no" when you don't have the energy to do any of the chores around the house even if you have plenty of time.

At work, find a place to raise your legs, relax during lunch and at night. Try to cut down on chores as much as possible.

If you have children, it is very difficult to have time to yourself. So don't be afraid to ask your husband, friend or grandparents to look after your baby so that you can have more time to rest.

2. Practice yoga before giving birth

How does stress during pregnancy affect the fetus?


Meditation helps reduce stress during pregnancy

Yoga during pregnancy not only helps the body to be flexible, but also a relaxation technique that helps the labor process more smoothly. If there are feelings of anxiety or during labor, the practice of yoga breathing techniques will be helpful.

3. Relaxation and complementary therapy

Mother can choose massage is a very interesting way to reduce stress. If using aromatherapy or essential oils, then be careful about its safety for pregnant women, especially in the early and late stages of pregnancy.

Read books that teach relaxation techniques and pick a time that no one is disturbed and do it within 30 minutes. Playing some soothing music is also a great way to relax for pregnant mothers while waiting for their baby!

4. Nutrition and exercise

Eating foods with mood effects such as whole grains (rich in B vitamins) will help the body improve its ability to cope with stress, thanks to the production of the hormone serotonin. Making sure you eat and drink during pregnancy is also very important.

Exercise also helps reduce stress so it is advisable to exercise regularly before pregnancy and during pregnancy. Mom could consider sports like swimming or walking as well.

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