9 principles women must remember in the diet before pregnancy

Diet before pregnancy is very important because it helps husband and wife easily conceive and healthy baby. So what should be noted in the nutritional diet to start the journey to parenthood.

1. The first pre-pregnancy diet is to eat lots of green vegetables

Green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale (kale) and swiss chard are excellent sources of folate. They also have important B vitamins that help prevent neural tube defects, including spina bifida, during the earliest stages of fetal development. But this doesn't mean you have to eat salad every day. There are many other ways to prepare and incorporate green vegetables into your diet. Cut the kale into small pieces, add some olive oil, sprinkle with salt, and bake over high heat to make it crispy. Or add small spinach to whole grain pasta or brown rice.

9 principles women must remember in the diet before pregnancy

2. Drink more milk in the diet before pregnancy 

Milk contains a lot of calcium, which is important for fetal bone development. Because calcium takes time Because it takes time for calcium levels in the body to increase, you should start adding milk now. If you are lactose intolerant or dislike for milk, remember that countless non-dairy foods are also rich in calcium. Consultant Paola Mora at Montefiore Medical Center in New York City said. Fish (with bones), tofu, legumes, kale, broccoli, and fortified foods are high in calcium.

9 principles women must remember in the diet before pregnancy

3. Saying no to alcohol is a must in the pre-pregnancy diet

Many US health agencies and organizations, surgeons, and gynecologists warn women not to drink alcohol when planning a pregnancy. Why? The early stages of pregnancy are one of the most important in a child's development. Your baby's nervous system - the intricate network that transmits messages back and forth between the brain and the different parts of the body - starts to form even before your period begins. Because alcohol is the leading cause of physical and mental birth defects in the United States and other countries. Therefore, it is best for women to abstain from or quit alcohol while trying to conceive.

9 principles women must remember in the diet before pregnancy

4. Eat more raspberries

Raspberries, like blueberries and strawberries, are more than just a delicious fruit dish. They contain phytonutrients - plant compounds that help fight disease. At the same time, vitamin C is also abundant in the above fruits. Vitamin C is required for collagen formation, which is key to strengthening mucous membranes during pregnancy. One study found that women on a diet low in vitamin C had an increased risk of preterm birth . So, immediately replenish this fruit and mix it with yogurt and high-fiber cereals for a fruity parfait that starts the day.

9 principles women must remember in the diet before pregnancy

5. Yogurt snacks are also very good in the pre-pregnancy diet

Yogurt contains probiotics, good bacteria that help boost the immune system. This is especially important during pregnancy as the mother's body naturally suppresses the immune system to protect the baby (considered by your body to be invasive tissue). Read the label carefully to make sure the yogurt you plan to buy contains probiotics. If spoon-fed yogurt isn't your thing, filter the yogurt out and use it with other foods.

9 principles women must remember in the diet before pregnancy

6. Say no to unpasteurized milk or cheese

Soft cheeses such as brie, feta and blue cheese can cause infections, and pregnant women are especially susceptible. This can lead to miscarriage, stillbirth , or other serious health problems. Sausage and bacon can also cause infections, so stay away from them.

9 principles women must remember in the diet before pregnancy

7. Add oysters to your diet

Oysters contain high amounts of zinc, a very important aphrodisiac nutrient in both men and women. Studies show that zinc deficiency can interfere with fertility in two sexes, hinder growth and development, and delay sexual arousal. As recommended by the RDA, men need 11 mg per day, and women 8 mg.

Maintaining the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of zinc (11 mg per day for men, 8 mg per day for women) can help control your reproductive system. If you thought oysters' aphrodisiac powers would help you get pregnant faster, unfortunately this theory has never been proven.

9 principles women must remember in the diet before pregnancy

8. Stay away from fish with high mercury concentrations

Out of all types of fish, shark, swordfish, mackerel and tile fish have the highest levels of mercury, which can harm an unborn baby. The US Environmental Protection Agency warns women trying to conceive should not eat these fish. Other fish species can safely provide omega-3 fatty acids. You can comfortably eat two servings of about 170 grams of low-mercury fish such as salmon, tuna and tilapia. And always make sure to eat fresh fish and cook it thoroughly to kill all the bacteria.

9 principles women must remember in the diet before pregnancy


Safe seafood

9. Add beef to the diet before pregnancy

According to the US Census Bureau, about six million women of reproductive age are iron deficient. And that can be dangerous in the early stages of pregnancy. Iron deficiency anemia in the first 6 months of pregnancy doubles the risk of preterm birth and triples the risk of having a low birth weight baby. At the same time, iron deficiency can also lead to an increased risk of blood loss during childbirth.

Try grass-fed beef or lean meats like buffalo. It is even possible to combine meat with tomato sauce, which contains vitamin C, to enhance iron absorption. Spaghetti and meatballs sound delicious, right?

9 principles women must remember in the diet before pregnancy

With a reasonable pre-pregnancy diet, women ensure a great health, but also help their children develop comprehensively.

See more:

6 issues to help you determine whether you are ready to become pregnant or not

Super sensitive pregnancy test strips for mothers to try at home

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