Mother pregnant 2 months with flu can affect the fetus?

2 months pregnant mother with flu is a very bad condition during pregnancy, especially in winter. If you have unfortunately caught a flu, how should mom handle it so that both mother and baby are not in trouble?

Flu situation in pregnant mothers

This is a common phenomenon in pregnant mothers during the first and last trimesters.

What is the flu?

The term "flu" refers to both the common cold and the common cold.

Flu is a group of diseases caused by infection with influenza virus. There are many groups of influenza, of which influenza A and B are the most common. The way this virus enters the human body is the respiratory tract, especially the nose and mouth.

The flu often progresses benign. But for people with cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, pregnant women, ... will leave quite large complications. Even death if not promptly intervened.

Signs identifying mother pregnant 2 months pregnant with flu

Although not everyone with the flu will have a fever, having a fever with a cough is considered the typical sign of flu. Pregnant mothers will have a fever, moderate to high fever and very high. Accompanied by dry coughs.

You may also have a sore throat, a feeling of chills on your spine, a stuffy nose, and a runny nose. Sometimes mom also has muscle pain or weakness, prolonged fatigue.

The flu can come and go very quickly. If the disease gets worse, the illness will last about 1 to 2 weeks.

The cause to the illness

2 months pregnant mother with flu is characteristic of early pregnancy.

Mother pregnant 2 months with flu can affect the fetus?

During the first trimester, pregnant mothers have weaker resistance than normal people. This time, the mother has not adapted to being pregnant. Psychological or irritable, the body is always sluggish and tired.

Besides, the first 2 months are the time when a new fetus begins to form. Body organs also gradually appear and develop the body's organs. If the mother has a fever, the baby does not have a rhythmic response to the mother's high temperature.

Pregnant moms 2 months pregnant with flu, affecting pregnancy?

Flu will make your body tired, drowsy, and mentally uncomfortable. Although flu is a common disease, "common" does not mean "common consequence." Pregnant mothers absolutely cannot be subjective about the disease situation. You should speak with your doctor to quickly determine the cause.

If the pregnant mother has dizziness, difficulty breathing, chest pain, vaginal bleeding, severe vomiting, and high fever does not decrease, the mother should seek the intervention of a doctor.

Mother pregnant 2 months with flu can affect the fetus?

The risk of preterm birth and birth defects can have serious consequences if not addressed in time. Even the worst case can be mentioned is stillbirth or death in the first week from birth.

Some of the other complications that can occur are otitis media, blood infection causing a serious decrease in blood pressure (septic shock), meningitis, encephalitis, endocarditis ...

Pregnant moms pregnant for 2 months, what should we do to stop the illness?

Get a flu shot

There is really no vaccine for the common cold right now. Getting a flu shot during pregnancy protects both mother and baby.

This is safe for any stage of pregnancy, from the first few weeks to the due date. October or the beginning of the flu season is a good time for mothers to get vaccinated.

Pregnant can take medicine?

Taking antibiotics when a fever is an option for many people. However, not all drugs are suitable for pregnant women in 2 months. Consult your doctor for advice on prescribing drugs and appropriate pregnancy care measures is what mothers should do.

Absolutely do not buy drugs arbitrarily. Some medicines that treat flu symptoms can be dangerous for a woman's first 2 months of pregnancy. The fetus is also affected, most commonly causing birth defects in the child's intestines: small intestine stenosis, cracked abdomen, ...

Mother pregnant 2 months with flu can affect the fetus?

Other measures

To avoid catching the virus that causes colds, mothers should wash their hands often with soap and warm water, or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Avoid touching your nose, eyes and mouth.

Drink enough water and ensure a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. 1 cup of vitamin C-rich juice per day helps pregnant mothers fight infection.

Get enough sleep, exercise regularly, improve endurance and endurance.

Keep warm enough, but do not cover the body overheating and sweating.

Run your nose as soon as you have signs of a cold. Marjoram, perilla, grapefruit leaves, basil, mint, lemon, ginger, lemongrass ... are ideal ingredients for the pot of pregnant mothers.

2 months pregnant mother with flu is not comfortable or comfortable at all. As soon as there are signs of instability, mother should go to the doctor for advice on the best solution. Wish mom and baby have a memorable journey together!

See more:

Can a cold during pregnancy cause birth defects?

Looking for a solution to the question of whether pregnant mothers are vaccinated with flu vaccine dangerous to the fetus?

2nd month pregnancy: What should pregnant mothers need to pay attention to?


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