Yoga poses that increase your chances of getting pregnant part 1

Try these yoga poses to relax, better align your pelvis, and increase blood flow - all of which can help speed up conception . Here are yoga poses to help increase your chances of getting pregnant part 1.

See also: Yoga poses to help increase pregnancy part 2

Can yoga help you get pregnant?

Can yoga really get you pregnant ?! Studies show that yoga can help reduce stress, which can affect fertility. Some experts also believe that specific poses can help promote childbirth by increasing blood flow to your pelvis, stimulating hormone-producing glands and releasing muscle tension.

Click on the following slides for a variety of fertility-enhancing yoga poses by Eden Fromberg, DO, a board-certified gynecologist and yoga teacher in New York City. Exercise four to five times a week for best results.

Yoga poses that increase your chances of getting pregnant part 1

Posture to keep feet and toes warm

Walking in high heels can get your pelvis out of alignment, which can interfere with your lymphatic system and make getting pregnant more difficult, says Dr. Fromberg.

Yoga poses that increase your chances of getting pregnant part 1

1. Straighten your back, using fingertips on either side for extra support when needed.

2. Rotate both ankles in a circle five times, clockwise; Repeat going counter-clockwise.

3. wiggle your toes; rotate and bend your ankles.

4. Shake your legs by gently bringing your knees up and down, this will lubricate your knee and hip joints and help keep them limping.

Place ankle on the other knee

These hip open positions can help align your uterus properly, which makes conception more possible, according to experts at the Reproductive Medicine Group in San Diego, CA.

Yoga poses that increase your chances of getting pregnant part 1

1. Sitting in a straight back position, bend your right knee and place your right ankle on the thigh just above your left knee. Keep your left leg engaged by bending your left leg.

2. Stretch your right foot and press your left palm against the soles of your right foot, pressing them together in opposition. At the same time, use your right hand just above your right knee to press down firmly but without force. Hold for three breaths.

3. Gently bring your knees up and down to lubricate the hip joints.

4. Gradually bend forward as far as possible, you can engage the abdominal muscles to support and lengthen your spine.

5. Repeat on the opposite side.

Bring the knee close to the chest

If you sit at your desk all day, your hips flexes. This pose benefits your baby in releasing stress and regulating your bonding.

Yoga poses that increase your chances of getting pregnant part 1

1. Lie on your back with left leg straight on the floor, feet flexed.

2. Bend right knee to chest, squeezing hand (or towel) around top of lower leg. Hold for five sighs, then let go.

3. Repeat on the opposite side.

4. Pull both knees to your chest, keeping your feet together, holding hands, inhaling and exhaling for five counts.

Bridging posture

This pose helps promote elastic connections between your hips, pelvis and lower back, and stimulates your immune and endocrine systems.

Yoga poses that increase your chances of getting pregnant part 1

1. Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor, slightly wider than hip distance; Place your arms relaxed on the sides, palms up.

2. Exhale and press your lower back to the floor. Bend your spine below, lift your buttocks until you rest on your upper back. Keep your pelvis curled underneath and your lower back long.

3. Hold the pose for 5 to 15 deep, deep breaths.

4. Gradually relax your posture, flexing your spine to the floor from upper back to lower back.

5. Repeat twice.

Standing upright, arms open like a mountain

You can help improve circulation and better regulate your pelvis when doing this pose. Join the muscles you use in this pose while standing, walking and sitting to help strengthen your bones and joints.

Yoga poses that increase your chances of getting pregnant part 1

1. Stand away from your feet. Curl your knees slightly as you place one hand in front of your pelvis, just below your navel and the other behind your back.

2. Join your abs and curl your lower tail, stretching your lower back.

3. Keeping this connection, straighten legs and release arms to the side.

4. Take a deep breath without letting your lower ribs protrude, and let your shoulder blades relax away from your neck. If you drop a straight line from the top of your head, it is ideal to go straight to your cervix.

5. Breathe in and out deeply while holding this position for at least two minutes.

Keep your shoulders open and raise your arms up high

Stress monitors your body and can create muscle restrictions from your neck to your pelvis, which can reduce your breathing rate and raise fertility stress.

Yoga poses that increase your chances of getting pregnant part 1

1. Enter the mountain pose, with hip distance.

2. Curl your lower extremities and lengthen your lower back and torso.

3. Raise hands up to the ceiling, away from shoulder, keep palms facing each other. Make sure your elbows are straight, with your inner elbows facing your head. Keep your arm straight up, even if it becomes challenging, for the full 2 ​​to 5 minutes, inhale and exhale deeply.

4. Bring your arms down to the sides and shrug your shoulders up and down quickly at least 60 times.

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