When to use pregnancy test to get the most accurate results and common precautions

When using a pregnancy test to get the correct results is the concern of women when they suspect that they are pregnant or are wishing to welcome their first child. To answer the most suitable time for women to take a pregnancy test, please see the article below.

How the pregnancy test works

The pregnancy test works by measuring the concentration of HCG in the urine. This is a hormone that only occurs in pregnant women, so if the test stick shows 2 bars, it is up to 97% chance that you are pregnant.

Because of its absolute accuracy, cheap price, easy purchase and the ability to perform a home pregnancy test, this pregnancy test is trusted by many women.

The most accurate time to use a pregnancy test

Back to the question when is the most accurate pregnancy test? According to doctors, within the first 24 hours after sex, conception can take place. However, the changes that take place in the body are so small that they cannot be felt.

Having at least 7 days of delayed period is the best time for a woman to use a pregnancy test. At that time, the HCG concentration in the body was produced in a certain amount to show accurate results on the test, women are not afraid of confusion or deviation.

In case the test strip does not show 2 bars but you still have not had your period again, you can wait 3 more days to perform another pregnancy test.

When to use pregnancy test to get the most accurate results and common precautions

The "warning" signs you should use a pregnancy test

1. Late menstruation

The first sign most often found by women is late menstruation . For women with regular cycles, it's not too difficult to recognize. But in the event that you don't have the habit of tracking and remembering exact dates or having irregular periods, it will be harder to identify. However, women typically have a menstrual cycle of around 28 days, so you might want to consider using a pregnancy test one month after your last period.

2. Blood reported pregnancy

This usually occurs 8-12 days after sexual intercourse and conception. This time is sometimes close to your period, making women confused. However, pregnancy report only appears very little about 1 time / day or 1-2 days to appear once. This is also one of the warning signs of pregnancy that women should pay attention to.

3. Tired body

When the body is conceived, it secretes the hormone progesterone, which causes the temperature to rise and burns more energy. Then your heart rate also increases to ensure adequate supply of oxygen to the ovaries. Therefore, in the first few weeks of pregnancy, you will feel tired because your body is not used to the new rhythm of working to provide nutrients to the fetus. Also because your baby needs more oxygen to grow, sometimes you will find it difficult to breathe, short of breath.

When to use pregnancy test to get the most accurate results and common precautions

4. Cramps

Conception can cause a body reaction similar to the feeling of cramping during menstruation. At this stage, you may feel uncomfortable and think your period is on the way. But after that your period may come later than usual. So, while it's easy to spot, this little sign is often overlooked in the early stages of pregnancy.

5. Nausea, loss of appetite

Nausea is a common sign of pregnancy that women see in movies. After 4-8 weeks of conception, women will experience nausea, when looking at food, they feel bored and want to vomit. This symptom usually manifests very early from the first 3 months of pregnancy, so if a woman sees this abnormal phenomenon need to conduct pregnancy test immediately.

6. Relations without using contraception

When you have unprotected sex or even use condoms or birth control pills, there is always a very small chance that you can become pregnant. Currently, apart from sterilization methods, there is no contraceptive method that reaches 100% accuracy.

Not only that, but also the cases of forgetting to take the oral contraceptive or taking the pill irregularly (The daily birth control pill). right.

When to use pregnancy test to get the most accurate results and common precautions

How to use the most accurate pregnancy test

Many women do not understand clearly the steps and procedures for using the pregnancy test, so it is easy to receive false and inaccurate results. Therefore, women need special care when using the test

When to use pregnancy test to get the most accurate results and common precautions

Place a small amount of urine in the test cup, then dip the test stick for 5-6 seconds. Then take out the test stick and wait about 1 minute (Keep the stick in the direction of the arrow, do not let the urine over the arrow, do not let the stick lean against the cup, so keep the stick upright ...)

The best time to do a pregnancy test is in the morning after waking up.

Use the pregnancy test right after opening the box, do not open the box for more than 1 hour because this will falsify the pregnancy test results.

Taking a pregnancy test while taking medications can give false results because the urine may contain residues of the medication you are taking.

Take a pregnancy test and read the results. If the 1-line result is not pregnant, the 2-bar indicates that you are pregnant.

Not only when using a pregnancy test, but also using the correct stick for women to get the most accurate results. In addition, you must always pay close attention to the signs of your body. When there is an abnormality that is suspected of being pregnant, medical centers and hospitals are also needed to get the most accurate final conclusion.

See more:

Do not get pregnant 12 days late and what women should do

4 days delayed period should go ultrasound and prompt answers for young mothers

The signs of infertility are certain couples must be aware of


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