Experience in antenatal care at Tu Du Hospital

Women who are in need of antenatal care at Tu Du hospital, but do not understand the antenatal check-up process here? The following article will provide the information you are looking for.

Experience in antenatal care at Tu Du Hospital


Tu Du Hospital is the largest hospital in the city. HCM City.

General information when going to Tu Du Hospital for antenatal care

The address of the clinic and antenatal consultation at Tu Du Hospital is located at:

- General examination: 1st floor, area M 227 Cong Quynh, District 1, HCMC. Exam time is from Monday to June: 7:00 - 16:30

The total cost of the checkup depends on the additional tests of each person. Only the cost of timed examination is 200,000 VND / time. Switchboard for booking antenatal care at Tu Du hospital: 028 1081 - 028 1068.

Documents to be prepared before antenatal examination at Tu Du Hospital:

- Personal identification papers: Identity card, social insurance card, ...

- Kinds of medical examination papers: Immunization paper, last medical examination paper.

Your pregnancy history: For women who gave birth once.

- Information about your medical history and your family. In the past, there has been any medical treatment, allergies to what ingredients, and genetic diseases.

What are the steps of antenatal care at Tu Du Hospital?

- For men:

Examination of genital organs. Examination of the testicles and manifestations of sexual development such as erection, ejaculation. From there evaluate the male fertility.

Bilateral testicular ultrasound (CĐHA).

Semen Test Map, FSH / Follicular stimulating hormone test. There is also the LH / Luteinizing hormone Testosterone test. The above tests will help assess and predict fertility, natural fertility. If the men show signs of abnormalities, they will be treated immediately.

Experience in antenatal care at Tu Du Hospital


More and more couples are becoming aware of the importance of reproductive health, reducing the risk of birth defects

- For women:

Genital examination for infections or abnormalities and prompt treatment.

Ultrasound of the uterus, ovaries to detect abnormal signs. For example, ovarian cysts, ovarian obstruction, fibroids ...

Breast cancer screening: Ultrasound of the bilateral breast

Conducting screening tests in the antenatal procedure at Tu Du Hospital

Screening is an indispensable step in the prenatal examination process at Tu Du Hospital. This step helps to check for blood sugar diseases, diseases spread from mother to child.

Testing for Rubella virus, HIV virus, Syphilis virus, Hepatitis B ... And some other tests if needed.

Experience in antenatal care at Tu Du Hospital


A blood test is an important step in screening for diseases that are transmitted from mother to child

Counseling on genetic diseases

Many cases of relatives have the following genetic diseases. When measuring, the doctor will advise on the percentage of genetic defects in the fetus:

Blood sugar problems: diabetes, high blood pressure, ..

Genetic diseases such as hemophilia, fibroids type 1, ...

Psychological and physiological problems such as depression and autism.

Impaired vision and hearing.

Infertility, miscarriage, stillbirth.

Mental problems: mental retardation, schizophrenia, ...

Birth defects: cleft palate, bent legs, ...

Vaccination before pregnancy

Some of the basic shots mothers need to get before getting pregnant are:

Rubella vaccination:

Rubella infection in the first 3 months of pregnancy, easy to give birth prematurely. More severe, the baby can suffer deformities or even miscarriage. The reasonable length of time to get Rubella vaccination is 3 months prior to pregnancy.

Experience in antenatal care at Tu Du Hospital


Vaccination as directed is an effective way of preventing the transmission of the disease from mother to child

Chickenpox vaccination:

According to statistics, 2% of children are congenital malformations caused by chickenpox during pregnancy. If you get chickenpox during pregnancy, the germ is likely to pass on to your baby. The reasonable period of pregnancy is 2 months from the time of vaccination.

Hepatitis B vaccination:

A mother with hepatitis B can infect her baby. This disease can easily turn into liver cancer. The hepatitis B shot can be given before and during pregnancy.

In addition, there are some injections such as influenza, meningitis, viral hepatitis, ... You can refer to the injection as required and directed by your doctor.

Note when going to Tu Du hospital antenatal check

Before going to Tu Du antenatal exam, women should have some small notes as follows:

Your prenatal visit should be postponed if your period is hit. The best time to have a prenatal check-up is 3 to 4 days after menstruation.

Should abstain from sex. Or don't let anything insert into your vagina 1 to 2 days before your prenatal visit.

Do not douche deeply for the vagina at least 24 hours before your prenatal visit. Do not use feminine hygiene solutions or scented soaps, vaginal perfumes ... Because they are the cause of the wrong results.

You need to avoid eating too sweet, drinking carbonated water. Also do not use substances at least 24 hours before the visit. These substances can falsify test results.

Dress comfortably. Dress should be worn to facilitate the examination of the reproductive organs.

Prepare your psychology and a list of questions and questions to talk to your doctor to save time.

Antenatal care is very important

Medicine today has made great progress, especially in the problem of reproduction. Prenatal screening is a safe and scientific way to prepare your baby for the future. Hopefully the above content will help you prepare better before going to Tu Du Hospital's prenatal examination. Wishing you and your husband a smooth experience during your visit.

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