Pregnant mother with lower abdominal pain during pregnancy is a sign of danger?

Having lower abdominal pain during pregnancy is a normal bodily phenomenon. It only becomes abnormal when accompanied by other signs.

Cause pregnant women have abdominal pain during pregnancy

During pregnancy, there are many reasons that pregnant mothers suffer from abdominal pain . Here are some of the most common causes:

Premature placenta causes pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy

This is a relatively common condition among pregnant women. Then the placenta will fall out of the uterine wall, causing the uterus to tighten and cause pain. If this pain is constant and does not go away, you should see your doctor right away.

Pregnant mother with lower abdominal pain during pregnancy is a sign of danger?


There is danger of lower abdominal pain during pregnancy that is a problem that pregnant women often wonder

Pregnant mother has constipation and bloating

This situation is largely derived from unhealthy eating habits of pregnant mothers. Increased levels of progesterone reduce bowel movements, causing food to pass through the digestive tract often more slowly. So pregnant mother has pain in the lower abdomen. Sometimes the uterus presses on the intestinal wall, causing the pregnant mother to have abdominal pain.

Lower abdominal pain due to fat accumulation

During the first 6 months, excess fat builds up in the abdomen and thighs. As the abdomen gets bigger, fat cells also need to adapt to the development of the uterus. Therefore, lower abdominal pain due to fat accumulation will occur.

The fetus kicks

Baby too "hyperactive" is also the reason why pregnant mothers have lower abdominal pain. This is because the abdominal wall stiffens in response to this stimulus in the baby.

Excessive stretching of the abdomen during pregnancy

This appears most clearly in the last three months. It is also the reason why pregnant mothers have lower abdominal pain. The muscles in the abdomen and thighs (which connect to the tissues around the groin and uterus) are stretched to accommodate the development of the fetus. Dragging along that stretch makes pregnant mothers feel pain in the lower abdomen.

Pregnant mother with lower abdominal pain during pregnancy is a sign of danger?


Excessive stretching of the abdomen also makes pregnant mothers suffer from lower abdominal pain

Lower abdominal pain caused by a urinary tract infection

Pregnant mothers will feel pain, discomfort or burning when urinating. You are pregnant with uncontrolled urination and your urine is smelly, foul-smelling or bloody. At this time, you should see the doctor because a urinary infection can progress to an infection in your kidneys. From there, increases the  risk of preterm birth.


During pregnancy, the uterus enlarges, the appendix pulls up near the stomach or liver node. Therefore, pregnant mothers have lower abdominal pain sometimes with appendicitis. Pregnant mothers should see a doctor when there are other signs such as loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting.


Pregnant women with lower abdominal pain during pregnancy are sometimes caused by gallstones. In some cases, pain can also spread around the back and below the right shoulder.

Lower abdominal pain may be a sign of pre-eclampsia

Pre-eclampsia are dangerous pregnancy complications. If pregnant mothers have lower abdominal pain with severe headache, pregnant mothers should pay attention. If pregnant mother has changes in vision (blurred vision or seeing spots or stars) and other symptoms mother should see a doctor. Other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, swelling of the face ...

Pregnant mother with lower abdominal pain during pregnancy is a sign of danger?


Pregnant mothers should pay attention because one of the signs of pre-eclampsia is abdominal pain

Pregnant mothers with lower abdominal pain during pregnancy will be dangerous if ...

Lower stomach pain during pregnancy is very dangerous if accompanied by other symptoms. Pregnant mothers should visit immediately when they see:

- Severe abdominal pain with black hemorrhage like coffee grounds; Besides going out, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, fatigue ... If there are these phenomena, the mother may be pregnant outside the womb.

- Pregnant mothers have abdominal pain in each and more and more attacks, accompanied by blood clots. These are signs of threatening miscarriage and miscarriage.

9 out of 10 pregnant mothers will experience lower abdominal pain during the first month of pregnancy. The reason is that the fetus is nesting. When the fetus tries to cling to the uterus, the pregnant mother will feel angry. This lasts about 2-3 days and the pain begins to subside.

Pregnant mother with lower abdominal pain during pregnancy is a sign of danger?


When the eggs are implanted in the uterus, pregnant mothers also have lower abdominal pain

In the following months, pregnant mothers still suffer from abdominal pain. The reason is that the uterus must be supported, so the muscles and ligaments are stretched. Lower abdominal pain during pregnancy also appears in the last month before giving birth due to increased gastric juice, bloating.

Help pregnant mother reduce abdominal pain during pregnancy

If you have mild pain and no other symptoms, it is mostly physiological. At that time, pregnant mothers should apply the following ways to reduce stomach pain:

Walk or do some gentle exercises

Take a bath with warm water

Practice bending movements

Drink a lot of water

Lying to relax

Wrap a bottle of warm water in a towel and apply it to your lower abdomen.


Suffering from lower abdominal pain during pregnancy is a common phenomenon in most pregnant women. The condition is only really of concern if it is accompanied by other symptoms listed above. So pregnant mothers do not worry too much, but pay close attention to their pain. If it is only physiological pain condition, pregnant mothers can take a few small measures so that the pain does not make pregnant mothers too uncomfortable.

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