Which side of pregnancy is good and safe for the baby in the womb?

Sleeping position is very important during pregnancy, if sleeping incorrectly can lead to serious consequences on the health of mother and baby. Please refer to the following article to know which side of the pregnant woman is on the good side and ensure the safety of the baby in the abdomen.

Which side is good for pregnant women?

According to the American Pregnancy Association, lying on your left side will help the amount of blood and nutrients nourish the fetus.

Which side of pregnancy is good and safe for the baby in the womb?

This can be said to be a good sleeping position for pregnant women and ensure safety for the baby in the abdomen by the following benefits:

Allows easy blood circulation, while putting absolutely no pressure on your internal organs.

Pregnant women sleeping on their left side will increase blood flow and bring nutrients to better pregnancy.

This position also reduces the risk of stillbirth.

Pregnant women sleep on the left side also help the kidneys filter harmful toxins better.

Avoid sleeping on your back while pregnant

The sleeping position on the back is really not good for pregnant women, because the weight of the fetus and uterus puts pressure on the internal organs of the mother, thereby leading to difficulty in blood circulation to the placenta. very dangerous.

That is why pregnant women should choose safer and more suitable sleeping positions to reduce the risk of stillbirth and fetal growth delay. However, you should not be too worried because if your pregnancy has no negative complications, the stillbirth rate is quite low (1/200).

In addition, research in the International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology shows that sleeping position of pregnant mothers increases the risk of stillbirth by 2.3 times. Another study concluded that most women with miscarriage slept on their right side the night before the day they lost their baby.

Sleep position according to each stage of pregnancy

Sleep position during the first 3 months of pregnancy

During this stage, the baby is still young and does not put pressure on the mother's body. You can try to lie on your back, lie on your side or any position that makes you comfortable. However, moms should still avoid lying on their stomach when sleeping! Not good for the baby at all.

Which side of pregnancy is good and safe for the baby in the womb?

Sleep position during mid-3 months pregnancy

Starting from  the 4th month of pregnancy , you can already see your belly "peeking out" behind the maternity shirt. At this stage, the mother should pay special attention to the external effects on her abdomen. Lying on the back is no longer a suitable choice for moms. Lying on your side with your feet raised will help you relax and sleep better.

Sleeping position during the last 3 months of pregnancy

The fetus usually tends to turn to the right during the third trimester. Sleeping Therefore, lying on your left side will reduce the pressure on the ligaments and uterus. Leaning to the right will stretch the uterus and main blood vessels, impeding the fetal blood circulation. If you often have swollen legs or cramps when you sleep, you should remember to raise your legs to help blood flow from the legs to the heart better!

Things to note when sleeping for pregnant women

Skip the snacks at night

To get a good night's sleep during pregnancy, pregnant mothers need to avoid eating meals at night. Night comes is also the time when the fetus begins to feel the same, but they do not absorb anything that the pregnant mother eats during 2 hours before bedtime.

According to Dr. Sugar, a specialist on maternity in America, eating at night has the risk of causing heartburn or reflux, causing insomnia and discomfort in pregnant mothers.

Take some time to be quiet before going to bed

Pregnant mothers should spend a quiet amount of time before their sleep, away from external temptations such as books, newspapers, television or any other sound or light source.

Along with that, pregnant mothers should not be too active such as exercise or cleaning the house, these things will make pregnant mothers lose sleep.

Which side of pregnancy is good and safe for the baby in the womb?

Turn off all the lights before going to bed

To get a good night's sleep, pregnant mothers remember to keep their room dark and quiet. If the alarm clock has a bright indicator light or any other electromagnetic device with a light source, make sure they won't disturb your sleep. You can put a cloth to cover them or move those devices away.

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