Teaching Japanese children in the 1 year old stage: Things that parents care about

Teaching Japanese children in the 1-year-old stage is a method of teaching babies that many mothers learn and apply to make babies smarter and more stable.

Age 1 - The golden moment of parenting

1-2 years is considered the most important stage in forming awareness and intelligence of children. Baby moves from crawling on all fours to walking on two feet. When walking, the child's prefrontal cortex is forced to work harder. This organ will transmit information to the muscles to help the baby keep balance and move.

Children will have the opportunity to use up all senses of seeing, hearing, touching and holding. This process will help stimulate the child's brain to develop strongly. This is also a time when you can start practicing advanced parenting techniques. In particular, Japanese-style parenting is a modern method that many families believe.

Teaching children in Japanese style for 1 year old: Building for children to be independent

Teaching basic 1 year life skills

Japanese parents always attach great importance to perfecting their children's daily living skills. Children will be instructed how to eat, go to the toilet, and dress. Children also learn how to keep clean while playing, recognizing dangerous situations. If the child makes a mistake such as dressing left, parents should not interfere. Let your child find themselves in the wrong clothes and correct themselves. Even if the child likes to wear clothes in a weird way, let the mother wear them.

Teaching Japanese children in the 1 year old stage: Things that parents care about


Japanese people uphold a sense of responsibility from a very young age

Forging ethics, a sense of responsibility

The Japanese have always passed on the spirit of "Samurai" through generations. From an early age, Japanese children have learned to be self-reliant. Children soon learn to respect each other, live responsibly with themselves and the society.

Parents will teach their children the first basic lessons, such as knowing how to greet people, taking care of their own belongings and being honest. In Japan, children always carry their own bags. When they are a little older, they will go to school alone without their parents. The Japanese always avoid forming bad habits in children such as being flabby or nagging.

Teaching Japanese children in the 1 year old stage: Things that parents care about


Children in Japan often bring their own backpack to school

Teach your children Japanese style by giving them freedom to move and explore

Children 1-2 years old will love to move and discover new things around. The Japanese always let them experience everything through movement and discovery. They usually do not stop the baby if his actions are not in danger. Children in Japan are encouraged to pull, beat, throw, tear, listen, imitate…. From such practical experience, the child will observe and draw lessons for himself. It is also inevitable that the baby falls during this period.

Therefore, Vietnamese parents who want to apply the Japanese-style parenting method for the 1-year-old period need to comply with these principles. When the child falls, you should not impatiently run right away, but encourage him to stand up on his own. This action also trains children to have a strong spirit and solve their own problems.

Teaching Japanese children in the 1 year old stage: Things that parents care about


Japanese parents always encourage their children to play active games

Parents, create a safe play space for your baby to enjoy moving! The first thing is to make sure the dangerous object is out of the reach of the child. You should also cover sharp corners in active areas such as cupboards and tables. Families also need to use safety door latches so their children don't get stuck in their hands. Electrical sockets, chemical solutions, dangerous items should be kept out of reach of children.

Japanese parents do not prohibit children

Japanese parents rarely forbid or scold when their children explore everything. They understand that this will make children shy. Gradually, the baby will always be afraid of new things, lack of confidence. Babies just feel scared but do not understand that their parents are only worried about their safety! In order for their children to understand the dangers, Japanese parents often softly explain. In addition they also distract children from unsafe areas with other toys. Parents applying Japanese-style parenting should also pay attention to this issue.

For example, when a child picks up a cup from high above, he pulls his hand on the tablecloth, causing the cup to fall and break. Children will realize that they can pull close to a distant object, the porcelain will break when dropped from above, etc. But children do not understand that broken cups can be splashed into their eyes, causing bleeding. Therefore, parents should carefully explain why the cup is broken, why taking things from above can cause pain for the baby. You can also show your baby how to take it safer.

Teaching Japanese children in the 1 year old stage: Things that parents care about


Let children freely explore the world around them, limit saying no to nurture confidence for them

Teach your children 1 year old Japanese style with games that stimulate language development for children

1 to 2 years old is also the period when babies perfect their speaking skills. Babies begin to differentiate syllables and use them correctly at the end of this period. Children can also use good sentences from 2, 3 to 4, 5 words in a sentence. Moreover, the more vocabulary a child is taught, the better his brain will develop. That is the premise for the baby to become smarter and brighter.

To increase children's vocabulary, Japanese people regularly talk to their children every day. Maybe while bathing, eating, going out, changing clothes or singing lullaby to sleep. In addition, in order for your baby to remember better, you can teach him or her to speak through pictures and games. Children will easily memorize and recognize the names of animals, different colors.

In conclusion

Parenting is a challenging but rewarding process. Every parent wants to search for the best educational method for the child. Among them, the Japanese-style teaching method in the 1-year-old period has many advantages. Remember the principles of this method and apply it to your baby as soon as he turns 1 year old. Children taught in Japanese style will be much smarter , brave and independent. It is also a precious luggage that you bring to your baby. Wish parents and baby success !.

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