How to get pregnant early and 11 answers from doctors help women get the good news quickly

How to get pregnant soon? Professor and obstetrician at Yale University of Medicine (USA) advises women to have a clear understanding of these 11 things during prenatal visits to increase conception rates and have a safe and healthy pregnancy. strong.

How long will it take me to get pregnant?

Theoretically, obstetricians can help you predict exactly when you will conceive. Some couples get pregnant at the first sex, while others spend years with a natural method of getting pregnant.

Therefore, in order to soon be able to conceive successfully, consult your doctor about this question. Specialized doctors will give appropriate advice based on your age, medical history and the number of times you have been pregnant (if any).

How to get pregnant soon and contraception 

Most women can become pregnant soon after stopping the birth control method. Depending on the methods of contraception you are using, it may take a while for your body to get back to normal.

If you are using t humor contraceptive or IUD , do not forget to inform your doctor for a detailed explanation about time you get pregnant after they stop using.

How to get pregnant early - Your health will determine this

According to obstetricians, certain health conditions may affect your ability to become pregnant. These include polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, thyroid disorders and even STDs (sexually transmitted diseases).

For your male partner, problems with sperm count, sperm quality are also one of the reasons that make conception difficult. Prenatal care will be the best way for your doctor to assess your health and offer solutions to help you conceive as soon as possible.

How will drug use affect my fertility?

Certain medications, including medications for high blood pressure and epilepsy, can decrease your ability to conceive. Furthermore, certain prescription and over-the-counter medicines can harm your baby while you are pregnant (for example, NSAIDs, steroids, some antidepressants and antipsychotics, and thyroid medications. ).

Therefore, once you are planning a pregnancy, talk to your doctor about the medications you are taking to see if you should stop taking medications or using herbal alternatives.

How to get pregnant early and 11 answers from doctors help women get the good news quickly

Women need vitamin supplements properly to get pregnant early

Prospective mothers should start taking folic acid supplements 3-6 months before trying to conceive. Folic acid reduces the risk of neural tube defects and some birth defects of the fetus, says Dr. Minken. In addition, your doctor may also recommend prenatal vitamins, especially if you are deficient in certain nutrients needed for conception.

Make changes to your daily routine to help you get pregnant early

Did you know that being overweight or underweight can impair your fertility? Being unbalanced can also lead to pregnancy complications such as gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, miscarriage, ... Excessive exercise, alcohol consumption and smoking can also have negative effects. to your fertility and pregnancy.

It is essential to have an open conversation with your doctor about your lifestyle habits. Applying helpful advice and changing harmful habits will help you get pregnant as soon as you intended.

How to get pregnant early and 11 answers from doctors help women get the good news quickly

Do I need to be vaccinated?

Getting sick during pregnancy puts your health and the health of your fetus at risk. Protect your baby from serious diseases by keeping the necessary vaccines up to date before becoming pregnant. If you are not immune, your doctor will administer the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) and chickenpox vaccines before conception, as these live viruses may be safe for pregnant women. The seasonal flu vaccine, tetanus / diphtheria / pertussis (Tdap) and hepatitis B vaccine can be given during pregnancy.

Consultation with a specialist is essential for early pregnancy

Not all gynecologists are licensed to practice obstetrics with expertise in the care of pregnancy and childbirth. Women need to consult and consult with qualified doctors to ensure the preparation for pregnancy as well as pregnancy, childbirth is safe and healthy.

Do I need genetic testing?

You and your partner may decide to have genetic testing to see if you carry any genetic pathogens, including spinal muscular atrophy, cystic fibrosis, etc.If the results show positive for In the case of a natural pregnancy, your doctor can give you the necessary advice about the risks.

One way to prevent the inheritance of the disease from parent to child is in vitro fertilization (IVF) with pre-transplant genetic diagnosis (PGD). This allows prospective mothers and fathers to check which embryos are healthy enough to conceive.

How to get pregnant early and 11 answers from doctors help women get the good news quickly

What if I can't conceive?

If you've been trying to conceive for a year with no results (or six months if you're over the age of 35) then you should consider infertility. Now this ratio can go up to 1: 8 (think one in eight couples will face this situation). From there, the doctor will give appropriate advice to the couple to perform necessary tests, find out the cause of infertility and improve your health and infertility treatment.

What should I do after I have a positive pregnancy test?

Many couples do not know what to do after learning they have a baby. Should they go directly to the obstetrician, or wait until the fetus is old enough to have an ultrasound. Don't hesitate to ask your doctor about this.

How to get pregnant early and 11 answers from doctors help women get the good news quickly

In addition to the above questions that you should prepare when going to a prenatal visit, women should learn more about nutrition, menstrual cycle, ovulation time and how to have effective sex, ... Because these are also important factors that determine how soon your fertility will be successful.

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