Mothers pregnancy handbook - Things you need to know for a healthy pregnancy

Handbook pregnant mother helps mothers to pay attention to taking care of themselves health will help the fetus stay healthy every day.

In order to have a perfect pregnancy, mothers should pay attention to taking care of their own health right before and during pregnancy according to every pregnant handbook recommended. The simple things but with great effect that not all mothers know. Let's follow the things pregnant mothers need to know and pay attention. 

Need vaccination before pregnancy

One of the things to know during pregnancy that pregnant mothers need to know is the vaccination before pregnancy. During pregnancy, the body's immune system becomes less active than usual, and the risk of infection increases. Therefore, experts recommend that all women planning to become pregnant should be vaccinated at least 3 months in advance to prevent some dangerous diseases that can directly affect the mother and baby such as: Rubella, chickenpox, hepatitis B, meningitis, flu ...

Periodic pregnancy check-up

Mother's pregnancy handbook - Things you need to know for a healthy pregnancy


Handbook of pregnant mother - periodic pregnancy check-ups

This is one of the things to know when pregnant is very important for mothers to note. The Ministry of Health recommends that pregnant women go for antenatal care at least 3 times. Ideally, with a normal pregnancy, mothers should have antenatal care 8 times as recommended.

Periodic prenatal check-up helps mothers to monitor the development of the fetus, early detect the risk of defects or dangerous complications that may occur. In particular, there are 3 important prenatal check-up milestones, pregnant mothers should not be ignored: Pregnancy exam 11-13 weeks of pregnancy to measure the nape of the nape of the neck, 21-24 weeks of diagnosis of birth defects and 30 weeks 32 of pregnancy to "peg" before giving birth.

Diverse and complete nutrition


Handbook pregnant mother - nutrition mother elected

Not only affects personal health, what mothers eat during pregnancy will directly affect the development of the fetus. Therefore, nutrition for pregnant women is always the top concern. To have a healthy pregnancy, you should ensure a menu full of the following groups:

- Starch group

Starches have the main role of providing energy, helping to maintain the functioning of organs in the body. However, the conversion rate from starch to fat is very fast. Voting should be careful when adding this group to your diet. Foods that are good for pregnant women such as bread (made from raw flour), corn, oats, brown rice, whole grains ...

- Protein and fat group

The group of substances plays an important role in the development of the fetus, participates in the process of hematopoiesis and placenta formation. Every day pregnant mothers need to provide at least 70g protein and 40g fat. Note should not be used too much, because in the process of protein metabolism can produce substances that are not good for mothers and babies.

Not only contains iron and B vitamins, beef is also a rich source of protein for the body. Fish is also one of the foods that contain a lot of protein, more omega-3 in fish also has a very good impact on the brain development of the fetus. However, pregnant mothers should not eat tuna, shark, big mackerel, swordfish ... because they have very high mercury content, which is not good for the fetus.

- Group of vitamins and minerals

Rich in vitamins, minerals as well as a rich amount of fiber, vegetables and fruits are an indispensable ingredient in the mother's daily menu.

To have a healthy pregnancy, maternal nutrition menu will definitely be indispensable with green vegetables and fruits

Some green vegetables pregnant mothers should not ignore such as: Spinach, spinach, broccoli, mustard greens are high in folic acid to help limit neural tube defects in the fetus. Citrus fruits such as oranges, tangerines, and grapefruit contain large amounts of vitamin C to help increase resistance and reduce the discomfort of morning sickness.

Working and resting mode

Pregnant mothers need to remember that when pregnant, they should not do heavy work, do not work in a hazardous environment or do things that require long standing or bow because it will affect the fetus.

Mother's pregnancy handbook - Things you need to know for a healthy pregnancy

Pregnant women need to maintain a reasonable resting regime, sleep at least 8 hours a day and spend about 30 minutes on a nap. Avoid staying up too late. In parallel with sleeping and rest, pregnant should also exercise regularly, helping to relax while helping blood circulation. Reasonable exercises for pregnant women: swimming, walking, yoga ...

Stay away from irritants

The last but most important thing to know in pregnancy is to stay away from drugs, cigarettes, and alcoholic beverages such as alcohol, beer, or even alcohol. Caffeinated beverages such as tea, coffee, and soft drinks should also be minimized.

Many studies have demonstrated the harmful effects of drugs, tobacco, or alcohol on the development of the fetus as well as the health of the pregnant mother. Caffeine in moderate amounts, less than 200 mg of caffeine per day, equates to 1.5 cups of filtered coffee or 2 cups of instant coffee. If you are a "follower" of coffee, you should be careful to reduce your coffee intake slowly. Cutting back suddenly can make you feel headaches, irritable, and distracting.

Prevent and handle complications during pregnancy

Not every pregnant mother is smooth during 9 months of "heavy bearing". Preparing in advance the basic knowledge to help pregnant mothers know how to cope with the unexpected complications of pregnancy.

- Low placenta

Only 5% of pregnant women experience this condition. To avoid excessive bleeding affecting the health of the mother and baby, the doctor will perform an ultrasound and determine if you should have a caesarean section to be safer.

- Gestational diabetes

By 24-28 weeks of pregnancy, about 3-8% of pregnant women have blood sugar levels that exceed the prescribed level. Usually, these cases go away automatically at the end of the pregnancy. Pregnant mothers need to pay special attention to nutrition, avoid sweet or too much sugar. In some cases when your body does not make enough insulin, your doctor may prescribe additional injections.

- Preeclampsia

10% of pregnant women are affected by pre-eclampsia during their pregnancy. In particular, women with a history of high blood pressure have a relatively high risk of preeclampsia. Caesarean section is an option to be considered in cases of pre-eclampsia.

Lack of amniotic fluid

At different times in pregnancy, 4% of pregnant mothers experience amniotic fluid deficiency. If this is the case, the pregnant mother needs to be carefully monitored to ensure that the baby can still grow normally.

Sex during pregnancy

Except for some abstinence cases required by doctors, sex during pregnancy is still very safe for the health of mother and baby. Even many mothers can still "love" until the last day before "cutting board". Contrary to what many mothers think, the baby's nervous system is not sensitive enough to notice anything during this stage.

You can be natural, without worrying too much. However, pregnant mothers should also pay attention to the posture of "love" during pregnancy, so avoid poses that put pressure on your abdomen. Please pay attention to this pregnant mother manual.

Exercise during pregnancy

Regular exercise during pregnancy is a simple way to help you maintain your weight and stay healthy. Not only that, some exercises during pregnancy can help alleviate the discomfort, even contribute to the pain of birth. Pregnant mothers should choose gentle exercises suitable for their own health conditions.

Note health

With less resistance than usual, pregnant mother becomes the target of attack of many viruses. Being sick during pregnancy not only affects the mother's health but also can cause serious complications for the baby if not treated properly. Pregnant mothers should not arbitrarily use drugs without the permission of a doctor. Ideally, to avoid the bad effects of some diseases, pregnant mothers should be vaccinated before full pregnancy.

Mother's pregnancy handbook - Things you need to know for a healthy pregnancy

The hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause inflammation and itchiness in your "baby". This is very normal, you do not need to be shy, talk to your doctor about early treatment. Infection during pregnancy, if not treated properly, can cause urinary tract infection, stillbirth, premature birth, and even neonatal infection with high mortality.

Connect with your baby

Talk to… pregnant belly

Scientists have shown that babies are stimulated to sound and communicate even before they are born. Talking with your baby in the belly helps your baby improve vision, hearing, develop language and motor, increase confidence and even make baby sleep better.

Recognize your baby's movements

If your baby moves less than usual or stops moving, you should seek immediate medical attention. You may need to learn how to record your baby's movements, usually 10 movements at a time, to make sure they stay healthy.

Listen to thai music

Help mothers reduce stress and nurture potentials of intelligence.

Above are the issues that pregnant mothers must remember before and during pregnancy to ensure the baby's best development, as well as to keep his own health.

See more:

Foods that should and should not be eaten in a pregnancy preparation diet

Sex during first month of pregnancy dangerous?

Brown epidemic when 8 weeks pregnant okay?

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