Great benefits of pregnancy in the last 3 months of pregnancy

Pregnancy in the last 3 months of pregnancy helps the baby be healthier and smarter

The third trimester means the end of pregnancy is near! Up to now, mothers are very eager to meet their baby, right. The baby does not stop interacting with his mother, making her feel more and more expected. This is a very important time in your baby's developmental milestone, especially for the baby's conception process to help strengthen both the physical and mental foundation of the baby at birth.

Great benefits of pregnancy in the last 3 months of pregnancy


Benefits of conception in the last 3 months of pregnancy - photo Shutterstock

How does the fetus develop in the last 3 months?

By the 7th month, fetus has grown and developed rapidly in both size and weight. At this stage, the baby's brain develops amazingly. The baby was able to perform movements such as opening eyes, closing eyes, sucking hands, crying, hiccup ...

By the 32nd week, almost all of the baby's body was able to feel the heat, the cold, and the pain. The baby's hearing is also more complete when the daily sounds or the mother's voice have become extremely familiar to the baby. Mom can clearly feel the baby's reaction to sound.

This time is also the time when the baby begins to feel the taste through the conduction of amniotic fluid into the nose. The baby's taste buds are also very sensitive to the taste of the foods that mothers eat, so the mother's eating habits during this time have a great influence on the baby's food pickiness in the future.

In terms of vision, babies begin to track the rays of light moving across the womb and turn their heads to avoid strong light from around the 8th month of pregnancy. The nervous system and senses are quite complete, so this is the right time for parents to strengthen their child's fetus.

Methods of conception in the last 3 months of pregnancy

Science has proven, the baby's senses are firmly strengthened through the process of conception from parents.

Thai religion by music

Music helps stimulate the development of the fetal brain and hearing organs. Music conception helps improve children's brain function, especially in sound processing and language. Besides, bringing beautiful emotions to the mother when listening to music helps the mother's body release many "happy" hormones from which the baby can absorb many of these hormones.

Choose a fixed timeframe, 2 to 3 times a day, for 10 to 15 minutes each time to let your child listen to music using specialized headphones. This habit helps your child create a routine and form a schedule of listening to music every day.

Great benefits of pregnancy in the last 3 months of pregnancy


Pregnancy in the last 3 months of pregnancy with music - photo Shutterstock

Thai religion in language

In fact, teaching language is not as difficult as many people think. This can be singing, talking or reading.

Singing can be considered as a form of conception by language combined with music. Mothers can choose a song or a rhyme song, sing repeated several times to create an impression on the baby, help develop memory and language skills for the baby. After that, mom should switch to teaching your baby to sing by singing a short sentence, then stop, imagine the baby is singing along with you, after a few seconds of pause, she will sing again.

When talking to your baby, mom should choose the same time every day. For example, after waking up, before eating, before going to bed, mothers gently talk to their children about anything happening in everyday life with a soft, warm, yet inspiring voice.

Pregnancy by reading stories to babies sounds easier. In addition to paying attention to reading books to children at fixed times every day, mothers should choose works with pure content, talk about good things, or praise noble human qualities such as ancient tales. stories, short stories for children, fables, poetry ...

This method of pregnancy helps to foster the perception of aesthetics, art and humanity as well as consolidate the memory of the baby in the future.

Pregnancy by emotion

Positive mother's emotions have a positive effect on the baby and vice versa. Maintaining positive emotions is a key factor in forming a child's personality in the future. During pregnancy, especially in the last 3 months of pregnancy, mothers should maintain a happy and comfortable mood so that this mood has a positive impact on the fetus. This helps your baby always feel safe and comfortable, from which he will always actively accept the world around him, increase curiosity, thereby stimulating the brain and senses to develop.

In addition, pregnant mothers should avoid negative emotions such as anxiety, anger or psychological excitement. These emotions will adversely affect the mother's body, from which the mother's body will produce stress hormones, transmitted to the fetus, causing negative effects, even the foundation of behavioral disorders later of children.

Great benefits of pregnancy in the last 3 months of pregnancy


Pregnancy in the last 3 months with emotion - photo Shutterstock

Pregnancy by light

From the 28th week, your baby can open his eyes and see around. By the 33rd week, the baby's eyes are quite complete, the baby can see light even objects outside the womb. Scientific studies have shown that light conception helps to stimulate the baby's vision, which is the premise for healthy and beautiful eyes in the future.

The basis of this approach is that the mother holds a light-lit flashlight on her abdomen, initially at 1 point, then she moves the flashlight along her abdomen slowly and memorizes the response of baby through womb movement and movement. However, please pay attention not to choose lamps with too strong light and each time light conception should only last about 5 minutes, doing about 2 to 3 times a day.

Pregnancy is a long process, requiring parents to be patient and follow the correct method. Although it is not easy, but surely the mother will be satisfied with the wonderful results that pregnancy brings. Please share the fun experiences with your baby!

See other articles:

The method of pregnancy according to Buddhism pregnant mothers need to know!

Effective Thai pregnancy according to the method of Japanese experts!

5 ways to communicate with the fetus to help the baby smart, or stories right from the womb


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