6 foods pregnant mothers need to absolutely avoid eating during pregnancy

In addition to ensuring a nutritious, reasonable and necessary diet, the issue Pregnant mothers need to absolutely avoid eating during pregnancy is equally important to avoid fetal defects and complications. danger.

Nutritional characteristics of pregnant mothers during pregnancy have a direct impact on the development of the fetus. For example, the habit of eating too little or eating the wrong foods can cause:

The fetus is underweight, has premature birth, or has had birth defects

Decide mainly on the health of the pregnant mother and the complications that the mother may experience such as diabetes, anemia, pregnancy toxicity, etc. or unpleasant symptoms such as fatigue, diarrhea, constipation, cramps . 

Affect the ability to give birth. Pregnant mothers who eat poorly or eat dangerous foods have a higher risk of preterm birth than other women, are prone to depression and have difficulty recovering physically after birth.

Therefore, these are 6 foods pregnant mothers should absolutely avoid eating to ensure their own health as well as the safety and development of the baby in the womb.

Raw or undercooked eggs

Eggs, especially eggs, are rich in protein, zinc, iron and folic. This is one of the top foods that pregnant mothers are encouraged to eat regularly during pregnancy. However, mothers need to pay special attention not to eat raw eggs or eggs that are processed in an undercooked form such as boiled eggs or dishes made from raw eggs that often contain salmonella. This is a factor that can cause poisoning, making pregnant women more susceptible to uterine contractions, premature birth, diarrhea and vomiting. 

6 foods pregnant mothers need to absolutely avoid eating during pregnancy

Therefore, if you eat eggs, you should note:

Eat eggs that are fully cooked.

Each week should only eat 3-4 fruits.

Avoid old eggs.

Eating eggs in the morning will help mothers absorb the most nutrients.

Rare meats 

All meats eaten during pregnancy should not be somewhat raw or remain light pink in color. Raw meat and raw meat are sources of countless types of worms as well as parasites that cause disease in pregnant mothers and fetuses. Therefore, during pregnancy, dishes such as beef steak or salad dishes are foods pregnant mothers should absolutely avoid eating.

6 foods pregnant mothers need to absolutely avoid eating during pregnancy


Photo: Food pregnant mothers should absolutely avoid eating

Raw or undercooked fish

The dishes with fish salad or raw salmon shushi are often the favorite dishes of many pregnant mothers. In fact, in countries like Japan still encourage pregnant mothers to eat salmon shushi because it contains many nutrients that are very beneficial for pregnant women.

However, in Vietnam, raw or processed fish can all contain pathogenic bacteria that the mother did not expect. Therefore, if you are not sure about the source of the fish of these dishes, it is best to temporarily fast until the baby is born. 

Unpasteurized dairy products

Fresh milk, cheese or yogurt, if processed by methods that have not been 100% unpasteurized, are food sources pregnant mothers need to absolutely avoid eating. This is because unpasteurized dairy products may contain bacteria such as Ecoli, campylobacteriosi and salmonella that can harm the unborn baby. Or some cases noted that pregnant mothers had poisoning, diarrhea, impaired kidney function due to drinking milk and using unpasteurized milk products. 

6 foods pregnant mothers need to absolutely avoid eating during pregnancy

For the above reasons, if you choose to drink fresh milk or eat milk-related foods, a poor mother should pay attention:

Use 100% pasteurized milk.

Buy milk and dairy products at reputable stores and brands.

Please look carefully on the packaging to understand the processing of the product.

Pate or liver

Pate dishes whether made from animal liver, meat or vegetarian pate are high in listeria. This is one of the bacteria that can cause miscarriages and premature births.

Meanwhile, most pate is made from animal liver, which is rich in iron and vitamin A. If pregnant mother eats too much pate or dishes cooked from liver, it will lead to an excess of vitamin A. This is very dangerous. There is a high risk of fetal deformity while pregnant women may wear diseases such as dermatitis, osteoporosis, hyperglycemia, fatigue, nausea, etc.

Therefore, to ensure that the baby is born healthy, without abnormal manifestations, pate and liver are the food groups pregnant mothers need to absolutely avoid overeating.

6 foods pregnant mothers need to absolutely avoid eating during pregnancy


Photo: Food pregnant mothers should absolutely avoid eating

Canned food

Fish, meat and all canned foods are not good dishes for pregnant women. During the processing at factories, food cannot be absolutely guaranteed that there is no bacteria invading. Some canned products also contain many additives to help increase the palatability of dishes. All these things make canned foods a danger to the health of pregnant women as well as the fetus.

Principles of eating and drinking for pregnant mothers

In addition to avoiding the above foods during pregnancy, pregnant mothers should also pay attention to some principles in eating and drinking later to ensure the body is healthy and the fetus is not affected by eating habits. drink by yourself.

Think carefully before deciding to try something. Pregnant mothers have 9 months to prepare for their children to grow up and be born. So don't forget to take a moment to think about how good or bad this food is for the fetus.

The same food provides the same amount of energy, but the nutritional content can vary. White rice and brown rice, for example, both provide 100 calories, but the nutritional value of brown rice is higher than white rice.

6 foods pregnant mothers need to absolutely avoid eating during pregnancy

Once the mother fasted, the baby in the womb had to follow. Although the work is busy, the mother should not overtime the fetus's meal, but should eat right away when feeling hungry.

Food quality is the most important thing. Pregnant mothers need to pay attention to choosing seasonal foods, avoiding salt, canned and fast foods.

You should limit your intake of sweets. Cakes or foods that contain too much sugar can lead to diabetes and depression during pregnancy.

Carefully read the ingredients, nutritional percentages and processing and manufacturing places of all foods pregnant mothers buy at stores and supermarkets to ensure the absolute safety of the food that mothers eat into their muscles. body.


See more:

MOTHER NOTE: Fruit should be avoided during pregnancy!

Dangerous foods for pregnant: absolute diet in the last 3 months!

What should I eat during the 3rd month of pregnancy ?: There are foods that should be eaten a lot and food should be avoided.


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