Every pregnant mother wants to avoid eating more than 10 kinds of these fruits, so its dangerous

What pregnant women should not eat is a question that is concerned by many people. Because of pregnancy, the mother's body has many changes from within and becomes more sensitive. There are many types of fruits that seem very good for pregnancy but can actually be very harmful. Refer to the list below for the pregnant mother and fetus in the womb to receive a reasonable enough nutrition.

1. Green papaya

Every pregnant mother wants to avoid eating more than 10 kinds of these fruits, so it's dangerous


Unripe papaya sap is very harmful

People often say that eating papaya is cool, rich in vitamins C, B1, B2, iron, and zinc, is nutritious food. But that may be true for a soft ripe papaya only. Green or nearly ripe papaya is great for pregnant women. This is because the sap in unripe papaya can cause necrotic contractions, bleeding and possibly miscarriage if not careful. The substance in papaya resin also slows down the development of the fetus.

2. Digging

Every pregnant mother wants to avoid eating more than 10 kinds of these fruits, so it's dangerous


Peaches have hair that causes allergies, itchy neck

Traditional beliefs, peaches are on the top list of answers to questions that pregnant women should not eat. Although then there are many studies "vindicated" for peaches, and said that this fruit is very nutritious and good for health. But in fact, doctors still advise not to eat freely, but to limit. Outwardly, peaches have many small hairs, causing allergies , itchy throat. The high sugar content of peaches also causes heat, it is best to eat less and only eat the ripe, peeled fruit.

3. Pineapple (pineapple)

Every pregnant mother wants to avoid eating more than 10 kinds of these fruits, so it's dangerous


Too taboo for pregnant mothers

This popular sweet and fragrant fruit is a great taboo for pregnant women. Pineapple (pineapple) is filled with bromelain, an enzyme that can destroy proteins. For example, you can feel the burning sensation of the tongue when eating it (pineapple). This is the easy cause of cervical softening, early labor. Pregnant mothers in the first 3 months absolutely should not eat this fruit.

4. Me

Every pregnant mother wants to avoid eating more than 10 kinds of these fruits, so it's dangerous


Tamarind is also not good for pregnancy

Amazing sour tamarind fruit can evoke cravings of any pregnant woman. But the more infatuated, the more dangerous. Tamarind contains large amounts of vitamin C, which, if eaten, will reduce the production of progesterone, the female sex hormone, and support the pregnancy process. Low progesterone levels can lead to miscarriage, premature birth, and even cell damage in the fetus. Pregnant mothers who crave too sour should also limit them.

5. Fabric

Every pregnant mother wants to avoid eating more than 10 kinds of these fruits, so it's dangerous


Fabric has heat properties

Succulent litchi is sweet but has long been warned to be high in sugar and increase body heat. If you eat a lot of litchi, high sugar can lead to gestational diabetes. The heat of the fabric is also easy to cause bleeding and infection.

6. Labels

Every pregnant mother wants to avoid eating more than 10 kinds of these fruits, so it's dangerous


Famous brand of many sugar

Similar to fabric, longan is also incredibly high in sugar. During the first 3 months of pregnancy, the mother's body is prone to heat and constipation. If you eat a lot of litchi, it can increase internal body temperature, stomach pain, and damage to the fetus.

7. Soursop (custard apple)

Every pregnant mother wants to avoid eating more than 10 kinds of these fruits, so it's dangerous


Soursop contains many substances that are not good for pregnant women

Although prickly custard-apple has many health benefits, pregnant women who eat a lot will easily cause immeasurable harm. Soursop in large amounts can dilate the crowns, lower blood pressure, and cause nausea. Eating for a long time also promotes the growth of many types of fungus in the body and is not good for the heart of pregnant women.

8. Grapes

Every pregnant mother wants to avoid eating more than 10 kinds of these fruits, so it's dangerous


Grape bark causes indigestion constipation

Grapes are a recommended fruit because of their many nutrients. However, for pregnant mothers, eating grapes should also be careful. Grape skins, especially black grapes, are difficult to digest. For pregnant women, it is even more difficult to cause abdominal pain, bloating, and constipation. Eating grapes continuously also has the risk of producing a toxic compound that leads to the poisoning of Resveratrol which is very dangerous.

9. Lemon

Every pregnant mother wants to avoid eating more than 10 kinds of these fruits, so it's dangerous


Lemon is not good for late pregnancy

Lemons have many positive effects such as preventing fever and infection in pregnant women. Lemons are also a good source of vitamins and minerals that prevent internal bleeding, and maintain a stable blood pressure during pregnancy. However, in the late stages of pregnancy, pregnant women should limit their consumption of lemons. Eating a lot of lemons can cause severe heartburn and damage to maternal enamel.

10. Cold watermelon

Every pregnant mother wants to avoid eating more than 10 kinds of these fruits, so it's dangerous


Only eat 1-2 pieces of watermelon a day

Watermelon is not on the dangerous list, but doctors also recommend eating only 1-2 pieces per day and limit cold foods. Watermelon itself contains a large amount of sugar. If you regularly eat watermelon, it will cause pregnant mothers to have increased blood sugar. Cold watermelon also increases the risk of stomach pain, diarrhea, nausea.

In general, there are no rules that specify which fruits pregnant women should not eat. But the body during pregnancy is very sensitive. Although it is necessary to supplement nutrients from fruit, it must be limited. Pregnant mothers should consult the dosage and effects of different foods to ensure the health of the fetus and pregnant woman.

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