Women with high blood pressure should note when trying to become pregnant?

Pregnant high blood pressure is not the concern and concern of many women planning to become pregnant, especially for those who already have high blood pressure.

The following article will provide some knowledge about the problem of hypertension during pregnancy and the note to the mother elected .

Definition of blood pressure?

Blood pressure is created by the contractile force of the heart muscle and the resistance of the artery wall, the pressure needed to exert on the walls of the arteries to carry blood from the heart to nourish the body's tissues. 2 indicators of blood pressure include:

Systolic blood pressure (corresponding to the stage when the heart contracts the blood to move away): has a higher value because the blood flow in the arteries is being pushed by the heart.

Diastolic blood pressure (corresponding to the resting period between two consecutive heart beats): has a lower value because the blood vessels are now not under pressure to push blood from the heart.

Learn about high blood pressure

High blood pressure is a chronic condition when the blood pressure on the artery wall increases, causing more pressure on the heart and is the cause of many serious cardiovascular complications such as stroke, heart failure. , coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction ...

According to the Vietnam Heart Association, blood pressure below 120 / mmHg is considered normal. If the blood pressure is always at 140/90 mmHg or more, it is considered a high blood pressure.

In addition, pre-hypertensive levels are determined when systolic blood pressure> 120-139 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure> 80-89 mmHg.

Women with high blood pressure should note when trying to become pregnant?

Signs of high blood pressure include headache, dizziness, dizziness, tinnitus, mild insomnia, ... Some people have more severe symptoms such as throbbing pain in the heart area, impaired vision, shortness of breath, flushed face, pale skin, vomiting, nervousness, panic and palpitations occur.

Can high blood pressure be pregnant?

Women with high blood pressure should consider before getting pregnant

High blood pressure is the cause of diabetes , kidney disease, cardiovascular diseases ... Those who intend to become pregnant need to know their blood pressure to have the best preparation for pregnancy. pregnancy.

Women with high blood pressure during pregnancy are even more dangerous because hypertension is also the main cause of complications such as edema, premature birth ...

In pregnant women, high blood pressure can lead to pre-eclampsia and increase the risk of death. Due to the effects of high blood pressure on the mother, the fetus can remain in utero, suffocate, die prematurely or prematurely.

Women with high blood pressure should note when trying to become pregnant?

Pregnant mothers need to have periodic antenatal care and blood pressure measurement in each prenatal visit . If you find that you have high blood pressure before pregnancy, you must have stable treatment depending on the cause of high blood pressure as well as adhere to an active diet, exercise regularly every day.

Types of hypertension in pregnant women

Pregnancy hypertension:

Hypertension occurs in pregnancy but there are no other signs of pre-eclampsia. Blood pressure may return to normal 12 weeks after birth or become chronic if it continues to rise thereafter.


Usually occurs after 20 weeks in pregnant women with previously normal blood pressure, diagnosed by proteinuria and HATT> 140mmHg or HATTr> 90mmHg.

This phenomenon occurs more often during the first pregnancy, women with multiple pregnancies, fetuses, women diagnosed with antiphospholipid syndrome or chronic hypertension, kidney disease or diabetes.

Pre-eclampsia is often associated with delayed fetal development due to placenta failure and is a common cause of preterm birth.

Chronic hypertension: l

The blood pressure is> 140/90 mmHg before the 20th week of pregnancy or only after the 20th week but lasts up to 6 weeks after birth.

Preeclampsia on the background of chronic hypertension:

The likelihood is high when a woman with high blood pressure first adds proteinuria or a woman who already has high blood pressure has a sudden increase in blood pressure or proteinuria, thrombocytopenia or elevated liver enzymes.

Is there any way to help lower blood pressure during pregnancy? 

In addition to regular check-ups, pregnant mothers can apply some natural ways to reduce blood pressure below.

Women with high blood pressure should note when trying to become pregnant?

Lifestyle and lifestyle changes:

Stay moving:

Try to exercise regularly for at least 30 minutes a day, you can try low intensity walking or swimming exercises. Pregnant mothers need to consult a doctor before starting the exercise program.

Weight control:

Adopt proper diet and exercise regularly to control weight gain during pregnancy.

Reduce stress:

Stress can be the cause of high blood pressure, so pregnant women need to avoid overwork, stress, depression during pregnancy and apply relaxation methods such as meditation or yoga. During pregnancy, mothers should keep a happy, stable mood that is beneficial to the health of both mother and baby.

Controlled breathing exercises:

Use diaphragmatic breathing to calm your body and relieve stress.

Listening to music.

No smoking.

Maintain a healthy diet:

Avoid salt and high sodium foods.

Eat plenty of whole grains.

Add potassium-rich foods to your diet every day.

Eat lots of dark chocolate. Besides health effects, dark chocolate also has great stress relief and depression relief for mothers.

Avoid alcohol and caffeinated beverages.

Add soy and low-fat dairy products to your diet.


Can high blood pressure be pregnant? Although having high blood pressure can bring some risks to mothers during pregnancy, if you have a healthy lifestyle and diet, you can also partly prevent the harmful effects of high blood pressure for mothers. little.

Mom notes to maintain a stable psychological state, do not worry too much when you have high blood pressure but you are pregnant. Wish pregnant mothers always keep healthy and positive spirit during pregnancy.

See more:

Preparing for pregnancy - 10 useful experiences future mothers and fathers must not miss!

What supplements should women take before pregnancy to conceive as desired?

Should pregnant women take vitamin D?



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