Reproductive health exam before pregnancy - Things to remember

Reproductive health examination before pregnancy will help couples increase fertility and ensure good health for mother and baby throughout the pregnancy.

Here are things that couples should be aware of during antenatal care.

What should you do first when you have a reproductive health check before getting pregnant? Check the reproductive system and examine the gynecology

It is not only those with child fertility that need a health check. People who are preparing to become mothers, even considering this issue, also need reproductive health checks . Mother can also detect dangerous sexually transmitted diseases early. For example: fungal infections, bacterial infections, vaginitis, gonorrhea, syphilis, etc. They can affect the safety of the fetus, leading to miscarriage or premature birth.

Reproductive health exam before pregnancy - Things to remember


Reproductive health examination before pregnancy is extremely necessary

Women also need to have a cervical exam and an HPV test. If the mother has ovarian cancer, the likelihood of an ectopic pregnancy is very high. Couples need to weigh the dangerous risks of this pregnancy.

Blood tests

Blood test is an integral part of prenatal reproductive health checkup. You will know your blood type, whether your blood condition is good, whether you are anemic or not. If lacking, it is necessary to supplement with how much nutrition to be good for pregnancy. In addition, a blood test is essential to prevent anemia and blood transfusion from the mother.

Blood tests include biochemical blood tests, blood glucose tests. This helps determine if the mother has diabetes, kidney function. You can also identify the Rh factor to prevent maternal and child blood type differences. If the mother is Rh negative (Rh-), her husband is Rh positive (Rh +), the baby can carry Rh (+). The mother's body will produce antibodies that cause the elimination of the fetus. This process makes babies more likely to die at birth.

Urine test

This test helps detect urinary tract infections or sex problems. Thanks to that, the mother will know the disease and be completely treated before pregnancy. Urine tests also help in early diagnosis of kidney disease. This test is necessary and should be done 3 months before pregnancy. This necessary screening helps mothers avoid the burdens of entering pregnancy. As a result, the mother will limit the adverse effects on the fetus.

Reproductive health exam before pregnancy - Things to remember


You also need to take blood and urine tests to diagnose related diseases.

General health check

You will be checked for organs such as liver, heart, lungs, and blood pressure. Thereby, the doctor can check, detect and treat the disease early if any. An abdominal ultrasound is also a recommended test. Ultrasound process detects abnormalities in the abdomen such as liver, spleen, pancreas, kidney, uterus, ovaries ...

The total screening can also detect the disease transmitted to the baby. Typically hepatitis B, C, HIV, syphilis ... If so, doctors will have a safe treatment regimen or solution for pregnant women. This helps parents avoid unwanted risks when picking up the baby.

Besides, mothers need to be  vaccinated before getting pregnant . Flu, rubella, chickenpox, hepatitis B vaccinations… at least 3 months are essential. Only then can your pregnancy take place safely. And so, the baby is also healthy when born.

Check out your diet

Being overweight or underweight both negatively affects pregnancy. Being overweight can cause problems during pregnancy. In addition, it also leaves many complications during pregnancy for women. For example, high cholesterol or high blood pressure lead to pre-eclampsia. If you are underweight, the risk of miscarriage and low birth weight will be higher than other mothers. Therefore, couples need to have a nutritional check before deciding to become pregnant.

Reproductive health exam before pregnancy - Things to remember


Checking your weight and diet is also an essential part of prenatal screening

Check for chromosomal abnormalities

Miscarriages can result from chromosomal abnormalities. To screen for this, before getting pregnant the mother can check the venous blood. You may know the genetic diseases that can be passed on to your baby. This test is also done 3 months before pregnancy.

The father also needs to have his health checked. Thereby, we can detect and promptly treat chronic diseases, genetic diseases ... In addition, we also learn about family medical history. Examples include blood disorders, genetics, chromosomal disorders, or birth defects. Common genetic diseases include blood clotting disease, anemia, anemia, or cystic fibrosis ...

Oral examination

Many mothers today still despise the problem of oral hygiene. Consequently, when pregnant women pregnant with oral pain, it will seriously affect pregnancy. All medicines used for dental treatment are recommended with caution in pregnant women. So, if any mother has dental problems during pregnancy, remember to consult a doctor.

Reproductive health exam before pregnancy - Things to remember


You should have a dental check-up before getting pregnant

Oral diseases also have certain effects on the mother's pregnancy. Periodontal disease increases the  risk of preeclampsia , premature birth and miscarriage. Gingivitis, a gum infection will produce bacteria that can enter the bloodstream into the placenta. They will affect the normal development of the fetus. Therefore, oral examination before pregnancy is very necessary.


Above are the content of reproductive health check before pregnancy for couples. Thanks to that, you will have the safest, healthiest and most favorable pregnancy possible. Wish you all have good health and are ready to welcome your baby in the future.

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