9 months 10 days pregnancy progress - do you know how your baby grows?

During 9 months and 10 days of pregnancy, the mother's body undergoes a lot of changes both physically and mentally. Pregnant mothers are often very tired during pregnancy. Body discomfort, nausea and back pain are common symptoms during pregnancy.

However, no matter how difficult it is, becoming a mother is still a very wonderful journey. Let's join Theasianparent to find out how the mother's body and fetus develop during this journey!

Pregnancy 9 months and 10 days - arduous but happy!

The first month

First month of pregnancy begins when the sperm meets the egg. The fertilized oocyte travels through the fallopian tube into the uterus. The yolk sac produces red blood cells and nutrients for the fetus.

The first constituents of the placenta and umbilical cord are also ready for the job. The first month you will not feel anything clear.

9 months 10 days pregnancy progress - do you know how your baby grows?

It is only in the last week of the month that some physical symptoms such as mood swings, nausea and vomiting appear.

Other symptoms of pregnancy may be fatigue, frequent urination, emotion, chest pain or a strange taste in the mouth. Many pregnant women at this stage will develop an appetite or loss of appetite for certain foods.   

Month 2

At 6 weeks of pregnancy, the baby has a fetal heart. One of the biggest changes at this point is that the embryo changes from straight to pear shaped and curled up in a single fetal position. The baby's brain begins to develop and is about 6mm long.

By the end of the second month, the fetus is growing rapidly. The appearance of the posterior brain part will make the fetus head bigger. The limbs on the body also began to develop. Especially during this week of pregnancy, the face will have small buds and will form ears. Genital organs also gradually appeared.

Symptoms in 2 months pregnant women are almost similar to the first month, including nausea, fatigue, dizziness, back pain, and frequent urination. The amount of blood in the mother's body will increase and the heart will have to pump twice as much blood as usual to supply the growing baby in the abdomen.

3rd month

At 3 months, the fetus' head gradually straightens, face is evident. By the 14th week, the fetus is about 8.7 cm long, weighs about 40-45g, the head and layers of fat develop. Fingers and toes are completely formed, making the fetus look more like a human figure.

9 months 10 days pregnancy progress - do you know how your baby grows?

At this time, the fetal shoulder and leg can be moved, but the mother often cannot feel the baby's movement. The fetal heart is beating strongly, the skin is relatively rosy and the baby is able to function in the amniotic fluid environment.

At this stage, the mother's womb begins to grow, expanding the space for the baby to develop. The feeling of morning sickness has decreased, helping the pregnant mother's mood become better.

4th month

In this month, the ultrasound imaging results can clearly see the fetal ear rim, the skin texture is also developing, the baby has started to grow nails. Your baby can begin to hear sounds.

Now if you go to the doctor, you will see that your baby's heartbeat is very clear already. At 4 months fetal weight has doubled and body length has increased by a few centimeters.

This month the mother's pregnant belly began to show clearly. The abdominal pain, back pain, and vomiting, are almost gone. You will see that your skin is rosy and will start to gain noticeable weight gain.

Some pregnant women have a mild feeling of miscarriage. This is probably the best time for a pregnant mother because now the feeling of a baby is clear.

5th month

During pregnancy 9 months 10 days, 5 month baby's senses begin to work. Skin is sensitive and can react to sounds and light. The baby's kidneys begin to excrete urine. This month, the immune system begins to help protect the baby from disease and infection.

The appearance of the pregnant mother will become larger, especially in the abdomen and chest, the body weight will increase rapidly. Pigmentation on the face, areola, and vulva continues to darken.

9 months 10 days pregnancy progress - do you know how your baby grows?

Small cracks appeared in the mother's abdomen, her breasts began to release colostrum. At this time, pregnant women may experience indigestion or heartburn. By the end of the 5th month, the mother can feel her baby's movement more clearly.

6th month

By month 6, the retina continues to grow, and the eyelids begin to open and close. The baby has recognized sounds. The parts of the fetus body have basically been completed.

By the 6th month, the baby begins to focus on developing length, weight and perfecting functions to prepare for life outside.

The fast growth of the fetus means that the mother's body faces more changes, not only the enlarged abdomen but also other symptoms such as back pain, cramps, contractions, stretch marks.

Mom will have more energy and may crave special foods. At this time, the mother can feel the kicks in her abdomen from the moving baby.

The last days are very important

7th month

At 7 months, babies can see, hear and recognize parents' voices. Your baby's lungs are continuing to develop, and the bones and muscles are becoming stronger.

The eyelashes begin to grow and the reproductive organs begin to perfect. During this month, your baby's movements will begin to change.

When the uterine space has become cramped, the fetus will tend to actively move the elbows and knees in order to find the most comfortable position for them. The weight of the fetus at this time is about 1.1kg, about 35cm long and the face has begun to complete.

9 months 10 days pregnancy progress - do you know how your baby grows?

You may also experience back pain, trouble sleeping, pain in your leg muscles, and frequent urination. From this month, the mother will have to see the doctor 2 times a month, ie every 2 weeks to have prenatal check-up.

Breasts can begin to ooze colostrum in preparation for nursing after 9 months 10 days of pregnancy. The greater body weight, especially the abdomen, makes the mother have to go "waddle" to maintain balance.

8th month

At 8 months, the baby's brain develops rapidly. The baby's body is almost complete. During this time, the baby's eyes are gradually stretching and seeing blurred images, so the fetus often has eye movements.

Only a few weeks until the baby is born. Your baby's weight will increase significantly in the following weeks.

Mothers can experience many discomforts including difficulty breathing when the baby pushes up, aching calf muscles, heartburn, insomnia and constant urination. Now you can take pregnancy classes to best prepare for the big day.

9th month

In the ninth month, the baby turns his head down to get ready for the day of birth. Your baby's lungs have developed completely. The baby continues to gain weight. This week, the fetus weighs more than 3kg and occupies all the space in the mother's uterus, so the umbilical cord is often bent into a lump or wrapped around the baby's body.

9 months 10 days pregnancy progress - do you know how your baby grows?

The mother's body also changes in preparation for the day of labor. You may find it difficult to sleep due to your stomach being pushed down and the thrill of being a mother.

In the last weeks, the regular face of labor will make pregnant mothers tired and worried. If a ruptured or unusual manifestation of the membranes appears, it may be a sign of the impending delivery. Pregnant mothers should prepare themselves mentally in the weekends because baby can be born at any time.

9 months and 10 days pregnancy is a tough one with a lot of special experiences! Now, you are about to meet your baby after so many days of anticipation. Just a little more determination and effort, I will fully enjoy the boundless happiness when my baby cry is born.

Having a healthy pregnancy is the desire of all women. For more useful information on mother and baby health, visit Theasianparent today!

Hangfah synthesized

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