How to get pregnant quickly for couples

Refer to the following effective ways to have children if you are planning to have a baby in the future. Especially for couples who have failed in their previous attempts to conceive, this article will help you troubleshoot problems.

Get a reproductive health check before trying to have a baby

How to get pregnant quickly for couples


Tell you how to have children

For the best, most careful preparation for the birth of a baby. You should have a reproductive health check. This is an important preparation step that contributes significantly to the success of couples.

Testing not only helps you determine your health condition, but also helps you avoid common mistakes when trying to have children. Plus, you can also early detect and control problems that could have negative effects. Ovarian cysts, ovulation failure, weak sperm, diabetes, high blood pressure, thyroid disease ...

In order to easily have a baby, the timing of sex is an important factor

Every woman has a different menstrual cycle. If you really want to conceive early, it's important that you keep track of your cycle. That way, you will be able to calculate the date of ovulation.

How to get pregnant quickly for couples

Scientifically speaking, ovulation is when one egg is released from your ovary each month. The best quality eggs are for 12 - 24 hours after falling from the ovary. Therefore, the golden time for couples to fulfill their wishes is only during ovulation or before, after 2 days. Both should only have sex 1-2 times / day or 2 days / time. Because men need 2-5 days to restore sperm quality and quantity.

Relationship posture to get pregnant?

There is currently no evidence as well as any studies to show that any special sex posture will help conceive more effectively. You may have heard that the traditional close-knit posture, the guy above, helps the sperm get closer to the uterus and inadvertently pass the ear is easier to conceive. In fact, there is no scientific research to confirm that this is the sexual position that is easier to conceive than other positions.

Keep the most comfortable mentality

Overly imposing the desire to have children in sex to have children makes many people not as expected. . So let the relationship happen naturally according to the emotion. Don't just think about your goals during sex, but use your physical closeness, love words to awaken emotions and bring sublimation to both. When you want to have children, you should be comfortable thinking, the ability to conceive is very high.


How to get pregnant quickly for couples

A study at Oxford University found that women under stress reduce their chances of getting pregnant by 12% during the most fertile period of their monthly cycle. Relaxation techniques, yoga and meditation can help reduce stress. Research shows that having an orgasm causes the uterine cavity to contract. Pressure forces the sperm to move faster. So, if you relax, your chances of getting pregnant will increase.

Increasing the health of the "partner" is an effective way to have children

Stress can damage sperm production. So if your "partner" is nervous or stressed, find a way to help him get rid of them. Or at least minimize the stress caused by other factors in your life.

Just like you, your man should strive to have a healthy diet and achieve a reasonable body weight. At the same time, he should think about exercise. He can also make sperm stronger by increasing his daily intake of vitamin C.

Stress can damage sperm production. So if your "partner" is nervous or stressed, find ways to help him get rid of them. Or at least minimize the stress caused by other factors in your life. See more The gentleman's mistake makes sperm "wobble" .

Develop a healthy diet that makes it easier to have children

How to get pregnant quickly for couples


How to have a baby - get in food that's good for you

You need to make sure you're eating fresh fruits and vegetables from a variety of color groups - this is the easiest way to make sure you're getting the full vitamins and minerals from your diet.
Therefore, eat fruits such as blueberries, raspberries, red peppers, and tomatoes. Green leafy vegetables like kale. And other zinc-rich foods are said to be good for fertility. As well as nutritious foods like oysters.

Folic acid is a vitamin that is not needed only during pregnancy. It is also very important for women who are trying to conceive. Foods rich in folic acid are usually green in color - so try eating more broccoli and lettuce.

Drinking milk, eating fruits, meat and protein in reasonable amounts will also help improve your health and increase your chances of being a mother. Try adding two or three servings of milk to your daily diet. But you need to balance them with a variety of other fruits, vegetables, lean meats or fish. The goal is to get benefits from all the different food groups!

Give up smoking and alcohol

Smoking and drinking are two bad habits that will definitely reduce your chances of conceiving. So try to give them up or cut them.

The same goes for your "partner", alcohol can affect sperm quality. So drink as little as possible. As for smoking, it reduces the chances of getting pregnant in both men and women! In addition, you should also limit your caffeine intake.

Having a good weight is an effective way to have children

Being overweight or underweight can significantly decrease your fertility. So when you're trying to have a baby, you really need to think seriously about weight. Ideally, your BMI (muscle mass index) should fluctuate between 20-25. If it is above or below this number, your chances of getting pregnant will decrease.

How to get pregnant quickly for couples

Being overweight also increases the risk of high blood pressure and diabetes during pregnancy. And may cause other complications during pregnancy. See your doctor or a registered dietitian and check whether your weight is a barrier to pregnancy. Also determine whether you need to gain or lose weight to maximize your chances of conceiving.

Get enough sleep to help you conceive

Poor sleep or frequent insomnia will affect the nervous system, leading to stress and fatigue. For women, stress in the long term will disturb the menstrual cycle.

For men, this can have a major effect on sperm quality. In addition, a good night's sleep also helps you strengthen the body's immune system. Improve resistance to disease-causing bacteria.

Above are ways to have children you can apply easily. The most important thing is to take good care of yourself and your partner, always happy and comfortable. Baby will come to you soon!

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Egg soup to give birth to a boy is correct


What men need to do before conception

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