Chromosomal abnormality or defect in the fetus - the pain of pregnant women

If the doctor diagnoses the fetus with an abnormality, an abnormality, or a chromosomal defect, you may face some very difficult and painful decisions. Talking with health professionals will help you and your spouse make the best decision.

Parents' feelings when the fetus is deformed or abnormal

Chromosomal abnormality or defect in the fetus - the pain of pregnant women

If your baby has a chromosomal abnormality or another risk of malformations, it will be a very difficult time, especially if you're not prepared for this bad news.

The presence of so many emotional states is understandable. Pregnant mothers may feel shocked, angry, sad, guilty, anxious, stressed or embarrassed. You may also feel isolated or disconnected from family and friends.

Pregnant mothers often assume that they have done something badly to their fetus or feel jealous of other healthy pregnant mothers. The mother's feelings depend on the degree of abnormality and the state of the fetus's disability.

There is no right or wrong here. Everyone will have a different reaction to this bad news.

Meet with genetic counselors or an obstetrician who will help you deal with your negative emotions. They can also help you decide what to do next.

“When they told me my baby had a disability, I was shocked. I cried a lot, I felt very sad. The only thing that helps us right now is the doctor's information, which will help us get the right solution. My husband and I have made a decision together, with the companionship of the whole family. "

- Ellen, a mother of two shares

Find out more abnormalities or defects in the fetus

Learning more about your unborn baby's condition will help you plan and make decisions for the rest of your pregnancy.

Chromosomal abnormality or defect in the fetus - the pain of pregnant women

Pregnant mothers should talk to an obstetrician, midwife or genetic counselor. You can also consult the pediatrician as they can learn about the baby's defects and conditions.

Answers to the questions below can help your baby make an informed decision about what you want to do for the rest of your pregnancy.

Ask about abnormal condition of the fetus

What abnormalities does my child have?

Why does my child have this condition?

Do we know more information if we wait a few more weeks or do more tests?

Is it true that the baby is suffering?

Is the condition life-threatening to the fetus in the womb or after birth? If yes, how long will the child with the deformity or abnormality survive?

How can abnormalities or defects affect the fetus?

What are the physical problems my child may have?

Can my child walk and / or talk?

What are my child's main health problems?

Does my child have a learning problem or an intellectual disability?

Can the baby go home with the mother after birth?

Are you really sure what problems my child will face?

Questions about services and supports for children with disabilities

What do parents need to raise a child with a disability?

Can my child attend regular classes?

When my baby grows up, can he live independently?

Medical professionals may not be able to answer all of the detailed parental questions. It is often impossible to know exactly how a baby will grow and develop after birth. You can contact support groups or talk to families of similar status for advice.

The following options for diagnosing an abnormal or abnormal fetus

You have two options after the diagnosis:

continue to get pregnant

Terminate pregnancy if the fetus is less than 24-28 weeks.

Chromosomal abnormality or defect in the fetus - the pain of pregnant women

Continued pregnancy

If you decide to continue the pregnancy, the pregnant mother will be periodically monitored by your GP or midwife, or the pregnant woman will need to go to a special care room.

Major obstetric hospitals often have special clinics with experienced medical professionals to:

Care planning for the rest of pregnancy, including taking care of the mother's mental health

Help mom decide where to give birth. Instead of the local maternity hospital, the baby's mother may need a large maternity hospital with special facilities.

Be prepared for what might happen during labor or after birth - for example, whether the baby survives or the mother goes home with a child with a disability.

The medical staff will assist you during this phase, until you get support services in the wider community, if that's what you want.

Termination of pregnancy

If the mother chooses to end the pregnancy, medical experts will make sure this happens safely.

The method of suspension of pregnancy will depend on the gestational age:

Early stage of pregnancy, a suspension of pregnancy is carried out in the form of general anesthesia, and you usually go home during the day. This method is usually done when the fetus is less than 14 weeks old.

Late stage of pregnancy , suspension of pregnancy may require the method of cesarean section or preterm delivery in hospital. This stage takes up to 1-3 days, and the baby may be dead at birth or only live a short time after birth. If your baby is already born, you can spend that little time with you. Save memories with pictures or baby's footprint.

After terminating the pregnancy, you should see an obstetrician for follow-up and care. It will take time for the mother to recover both physically and mentally.

Continuation or termination of pregnancy: considerations

After a diagnosis of chromosomal abnormalities or other defects in the fetus, some mothers choose to terminate their pregnancy. And the others chose to continue it. There is no right or wrong - it's your choice.

But it's a tough choice, which you have to make quickly. Talking with health professionals and your husband will help moms know what to do.

Here are some questions for health professionals, especially genetic counselors:

How much time do I have to make a decision?

Will the other tests give me more information?

Deciding to continue the pregnancy, how should I receive care for the baby for the rest of the pregnancy?

If we decide to end the pregnancy, how, where and when?

Some questions a mother can ask herself or ask her husband:

How will I / we feel about terminating the pregnancy?

How will I / we feel if the pregnancy continues?

How would I / we feel giving birth to a child with a disability?

Do I and my partner have the same thoughts and feelings about the situation? If not, what should we do?

What support do we / do we expect from family and friends with my decision?

You and your husband need to have a clear understanding of your thoughts, feelings, and long-term consequences when making a decision to continue or end your pregnancy.

The pain of the mother when the fetus is disabled

No matter what you decide, the pregnant mother will still have a lot of mixed feelings: confusion, isolation, self-blame and infinite grief.

If she chooses to continue with the pregnancy, she will be saddened by losing hope for a healthy, normal baby. If the pregnancy is suspended, the mother will be disappointed because of the loss of the baby. In both situations, the mother was extremely distressed.

Everyone grieves in different ways, and the pain can affect the mother's physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual effects. You might wonder how long this will last and if it's okay to stay upset like that. But you have the right to be, and no one can judge it right or wrong.

Pregnant mothers should seek help to relieve their psychology. Genetic counselors, social workers, nurses, family doctors and sometimes relatives and friends will be of great help when it comes to detecting that the fetus is defective.

See more:

KNOWLEDGE DISABILITIES IN PREGNANCY - 4 leading causes pregnant mothers must know!

Pregnant mothers need to be careful with these 10 things to minimize the risk of preterm birth

If you want your baby to be born without defects, pregnant mothers remember to add 8 important vitamins during pregnancy


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