Take fish oil during pregnancy, good but not arbitrary

Many studies show that mothers who regularly drink fish oil during pregnancy, the baby will be born with better resistance. Fish oil has long been known as a dietary supplement that provides many health benefits due to the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). It is derived from the tissues of oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, anchovies, sardines, and tuna.

What is the effect of taking fish oil during pregnancy?

Take fish oil during pregnancy, good but not arbitrary


What is the effect of taking fish oil during pregnancy?

1. Increase the resistance and reduce the risk of disease for the baby

Many scientific studies have shown that pregnant women using fish oil regularly during pregnancy until they are about 6 months old will give birth to babies with healthy immune systems and better resistance. compared with other kids. Your baby is at a lower risk of getting minor illnesses like a cough, runny nose or sore throat.

According to experts, the amount of fatty acids in fish oil will significantly reduce the risk of respiratory infections, the main cause of asthma in children. Moreover, fish oil also has positive effects on the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disease as well as a number of other problems related to mental health.

2. Maximum support for the brain development of the fetus

Omega 3 and DHA in fish oil are the duo of nutrients to help babies be born healthier, alert and smarter. If omega 3 is especially good for children's brain development, DHA helps speed up transmission between nerve cells, while providing fluid to the cell membrane. Children who are supplemented with fish oil from the womb to about 6 months of life will have a higher IQ and better eyesight than other children.

3. Reduce the risk of preterm birth

Research by nutritionist Maria Makrides of the University of Adelaide, Australia has demonstrated another advantage of fish oil is to help reduce the risk of preterm birth in pregnant mothers. Therefore, doctors often recommend pregnant women with nutrients contained in fish oil, or fish oil during pregnancy.

What should be noted when taking fish oil during pregnancy?

Although fish oil is good, but it is not possible to use as much as you like or as much as possible as many pregnant women think. Taking fish oil during pregnancy should adhere to the following principles:

Take fish oil during pregnancy, good but not arbitrary


What to look for if taking fish oil during pregnancy?

1. Take the correct dose

The ratio of EPA / DHA to each fish oil capsule is what pregnant mothers should care about instead of the amount of fish oil pills they take. Different fish oils will have different proportions. Each 1,000mg fish oil capsule usually contains 180mg EPA and 120mg DHA.

Although each fish oil product circulated on the market has instructions for use in full doses, pregnant mothers still need to consult their doctor before use. Avoid overuse of fish oil leading to side effects such as heartburn, loose stools, abdominal cramps, and even internal bleeding. Especially mothers who are prone to allergies, cardiovascular diseases ... if abused, it will lead to poisoning.

2. Drink at the right time

Fish oil is an oil-soluble vitamin that is only absorbed in the right solvent environment. Therefore, to maximize the great benefits of fish oil, pregnant mothers should drink fish oil after eating, the amount of fat in the body after eating will be a suitable environment for fish oil to promote its use.

3. Choose the right fish oil before drinking

Take fish oil during pregnancy, good but not arbitrary

There are 2 basic types of fish oils: fish oil contains vitamins A, D and fish oil contains omega 3 and omega 6. In which, fish oils containing omega 3 and omega 6 are suitable for pregnant mothers most. For fish oils containing a lot of vitamin A, if not fully absorbed, it can lead to poisoning, and increase the risk of birth defects.

Pregnant mothers also note absolutely not to use crude fish oils, because these fish oils are often at risk of heavy metals and pollutant chemicals, thereby negatively affecting the mother's health. as well as fetal development.

4. Consult your doctor carefully before taking fish oil

Pregnant mothers with the following symptoms or conditions need to consult a doctor before taking:

- Pregnant mothers are allergic to fish

- Blood clotting disorder

- Pregnant mother has diabetes

- Low blood pressure

- Heart rhythm disturbances

Hormone imbalance

However, if the pregnant mother has one of the above diseases or simply does not like fish, then there is no need to worry too much that there is no other way to supplement nutrients for you and your baby. Omega 3 also exists in some other foods such as chia seeds, flax seeds, walnuts, almonds ...

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