Immediately learn the Eat Clean diet to burn belly fat after 30 days

The Eat Clean diet is currently being adopted by many and successful people. This is a light diet without the need for an arduous diet. With this diet, you can eliminate fat and keep in shape safely. Let's understand and immediately apply this diet. 

Understand correctly about the eat clean diet

The phrase "clean eating" has appeared since the 1960s with the meaning of "Eat food in its most primitive form". For this reason, the Eat Clean diet depends quite a lot on the quality of the foods you choose. Most of your diet will be unprocessed. Food is kept as it is so natural ingredients are preserved. 

Immediately learn the Eat Clean diet to burn belly fat after 30 days


You absolutely use clean food with your meals

The Eat Clean diet encourages you to eat whole foods (foods that are either unprocessed or very small) such as whole grains, fruits, lean meats, colostrum, and nuts and healthy fats. strong.

These types of saturated fats will not be used in the eat clean diet. In addition, you should not eat industrial fats and processed foods. Sugar, soft drinks, alcohol are minimized.

The principle when choosing food in the eat clean diet

The Eat Clean diet is strictly regulated by foods and ingredients. Make sure your meals meet the following rules: 

- Food processing according to the simplest methods. Food holds maximum nutrients. You should not fry too long with grease.  

Choose the right fresh foods and stay away from processed foods. Do not eat canned food and fast food. 

- Prioritize vegetables: vegetables contain many vitamins and healthy fiber.

- No food seasoning, all meals are very bland or not seasoned. Instead of sugar, you can substitute with honey, syrup or palm sugar.

- Should cook at home and eat the right meal. Only cooking at home can blend a wide variety of foods. You should have a menu to eat every day to ensure a change in taste. 

Immediately learn the Eat Clean diet to burn belly fat after 30 days


Eat a eat clean diet that focuses on fruits and vegetables

Weight loss benefits if you eat the eat clean diet properly

In terms of convenience, eat clean saves you the cost of cooking every day. You will use seasonal foods. In addition, you also save elaborate processing time. Eating clean diet helps to lose weight naturally while ensuring enough nutrients.

Eating a clean eat-clean diet helps improve the digestive system. Your meals are rich in green vegetables and fiber to help improve your gut health. In addition, the body also finds it light not to fill the stomach. 

You still eat enough fat, vitamins, protein, flour ..., only remove sugar, grease, additives (seasoning powder, monosodium glutamate). Use lean meats, white meat, and seafood. These are substances that provide energy but do not contain fat. Fat from olive oil, sesame oil will help you improve your skin more fresh. 

The eat clean menu for beginners

Here is a 7-day menu for your reference. Each meal provides enough nutrients and energy for activities. 

Day 1: 1,225 calories

Breakfast: 2 slices of vegetarian pancakes and 1/4 cup blueberries (or whatever berries you love) - 295 calories. Breakfast snack: 1/3 cup boiled soybeans - 96 calories.

Lunch: Toast with mashed beans - 303 calories. Dinner: 1 small plum - 30 calories.

Dinner: Deep fried fish salad and sesame oil - 499 calories.

Day 2 - Total nutrition: 1,208 calories

Breakfast: 1 whole grain muffin, 1/2 cup apple, 2 teaspoons chia seeds, 2 teaspoons peanut butter - 262 calories.

Breakfast: 2 celery stalks - 70 calories.

Lunch: Soy salad - 333 calories. Dinner: 6 small apples - 51 calories.

Dinner: 1 cup of avocado and beets, 110 grams of chicken breast, 1 slice of whole-grain bread - 492 calories.

Day 3 - Total nutrition: 1,205 calories

Breakfast: Toast with avocado and eggs - 250 calories.

Breakfast snack: 1/2 almond or walnut - 161 calories.

Lunch: Chicken salad - 338 calories. Dinner: 1 plum - 30 calories.

Dinner: 1 serving of fish and green beans, 3/4 cup of brown rice - 426 calories.

Immediately learn the Eat Clean diet to burn belly fat after 30 days


You should change the menu of each meal

Day 4: Total nutrition: 1,247 calories

Breakfast: 1/3 cup mixed oats. 1/4 cup soy milk - 296 calories. Breakfast: 1 plum - 30 calories.

Lunch: Sandwich, 1 tangerine - 323 calories. Dinner: 2 tablespoons of almonds - 103 calories.

Dinner: 300 - 350gr grilled chicken, 1/2 cup of brown rice - 495 calories.

Day 5 - Total nutrition: 1,205 calories

Breakfast: 1 slice of whole-grain bread, 1 tablespoon of peanut butter, 1 banana - 290 calories. Breakfast snack: 1/2 cup sliced ​​cucumber, 2 tablespoons stewed pumpkin sauce - 60 calories.

Lunch: 1 salmon salad - 325 calories. Afternoon snack: 1/2 cup of boiled soybeans - 130 calories.

Dinner: 1 grilled pork celery and cherry tomatoes - 400 calories.

Day 6 - Total nutrition: 1,224 calories

Breakfast: 1 ¾ cup of smoothie, 1 tablespoon almonds - 265 calories. Breakfast snack: 8 dried apricots - 67 calories.

Lunch: Chicken salad - 338 calories. Dinner: 1 plum, 5 walnuts - 96 calories.

Dinner: 140gr fried chicken breast, 3/4 cup Salad, 10 steamed asparagus sticks - 458 calories.

Day 7 - Total nutrition: 1,210 calories

Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs with optional veggies, 30gr cheese - 254 calories.

Breakfast: 2 tangerines - 70 calories.

Lunch: 1 serving of squash pasta with meatballs - 408 calories. Dinner: 3 medium carrots - 75 calories.

Dinner: 140g shrimp, 1 cup veggies, 1/2 cup black beans served with shrimp and vegetables - 403 calories.

The eat clean diet is not difficult, but requires you to do it properly. Many people use the wrong diet, leading to a lack of quality. When eating clean, you should still combine it with lean meat to have enough energy. You should eat enough meals to avoid stomach pain, when hungry should eat more fruit. You should also drink enough water for easy absorption. Combining many different menus will make you more delicious. Apply now to improve your physique and health. 

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