7 factors of surprise increase your chances of having twins or triplets

When it comes to sex and genetics, this is usually arranged by God. However, if you are yearning for twins to increase the demographics there is a way.

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Think about your family tradition and diet - these factors increase the likelihood of twins or more ...

7 factors of surprise increase your chances of having twins or triplets

1) Family history

Yes, that's your history, not your husband's. In fact, even if a husband's family has twins, it makes no difference.

"It only concerns the woman because you are the egg producer. So if you or your mother has a twin woman, or your sister gives birth to twins, then you're more likely to be too. so, "said David.

2) Your lifestyle

Women on low-fat diets, especially vegetarians, are less likely to have twins than those who prefer to drink milk and steak every Friday.

'The cause may be the hormonal changes in people with different diets, similar to someone who eats more fat with a higher body mass index (BMI) - which is a measure of how well your weight for your height, 'said David.

That said, even if you're a vegetarian, there are plenty of fertility superfoods out there if you're trying to conceive - including a baby or two!

3) Take medication

There is also the idea that if you become pregnant while you are on the medication, or right after stopping it, you are more likely to have twins. The probability is small, but the idea behind this theory is that after the first few cycles of stopping the drug, your body goes through a period of hormonal adjustment and more eggs may be released.

7 factors of surprise increase your chances of having twins or triplets

4) Number of births

Chances are these are just a few rare cases - but research shows the more children you have, the more likely you are to have twins. Your chances of conceiving are also believed to be higher if you've ever had twins.

You will simply have a better chance of getting lucky. "It's also possible that previous pregnancies were easy, you basically got off to a good start," says David.

5) Your hometown

In Western Europe, there will be 1 pair of twins for every 60 pregnancies, less than in Southeast Asia. Whereas in Nigeria, twins account for one in every 20 or 30 pregnancies!

“Currently there is no hypothesis that explains this. Interestingly, if you're Nigerian and live in another country, your chances of having twins or more will be less - perhaps to adapt to the diet or the climate, '' David said.

6) Mother's age

Natural twins or triplets are more common in women in their 30s and 40s.

"Ovarian activity and function changes with age, so you can release more than one egg a month," says David.

Reproductive expert Emma Cannon added: 'There are a few suggestions that the closer to the end of the reproductive period the body will be a bit frightened and release more eggs.'

7) You are in the process of having a baby

One of the problems that can increase your chances of having twins is that you are having a treatment, such as IVF .

"When IVF started to work really well in America in the 1970s and 1980s, the twins rate doubled," David said. "Your body is given medicine to stimulate ovulation."

7 factors of surprise increase your chances of having twins or triplets

Are twins common?

Many fertility experts believe that twins are more common than we think. Many embryos were transplanted, but in many cases, only twins survived.

Parents should understand twins. As you probably know, there are two types of twins: identical twins and identical twins.

Same Egg: Identical, performed when an egg is fertilized by a sperm, dividing into two separate embryos. They will not only be identical, but also share the same genetic makeup and placenta.

Fraternal twins: Do not identical, are created when two eggs are fertilized by two separate sperm. These twins will have their own genetic makeup and will have their own characteristics. This type of twins is more common.

David Davies, an obstetrician at Portsmouth's Queen Alexandra Hospital, said: “Twins with the same egg make up about a third of twins, come from an egg and are essentially natural. "But with twins or triplets other than eggs it is often affected by a number of effects."

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