What is pre-eclampsia - With this disease, can pregnant women give birth often?

What is preeclampsia - this question is also a question and concern for many pregnant women. Does pre-eclampsia affect the normal fertility of pregnant women?

First, pregnant mothers need to know what is preeclampsia?

What is pre-eclampsia - With this disease, can pregnant women give birth often?


What is preeclampsia

According to obstetricians , pre-eclampsia is a syndrome occurring due to reduced perfusion of organs due to constriction of the blood vessels and thick edema of the internal vessels.

This is a complication of fetal toxicity that usually develops after 20 weeks of pregnancy and accounts for 5-8% of pregnant women, with high blood pressure or high protein in the urine more prone to pre-eclampsia. . This disease can cause seizures and can cause stroke and death for pregnant mothers.

So dangerous, can pregnant women with pre-eclampsia give birth often?

The consequences of pre-eclampsia on pregnant mothers and their unborn babies are huge. In a bad case, the fetus can be born prematurely or suffer from malnutrition leading to fetal failure. As for pregnant women, if not treated promptly, it can lead to convulsions, coma, acute edema, acute heart failure, or brain hemorrhage leading to death.

Pre-eclampsia usually appears with 3 symptoms: High blood pressure (after 20 weeks of pregnancy), albumin urine, body edema.

Pre-eclampsia is very dangerous, but the findings of this disease can only be found in a hospital or specialist clinic. Then the doctor will conduct blood pressure measurement or protein concentration test in the urine ... to discover the disease.

In severe cases, in addition to the above 3 symptoms, one more symptom appears, such as: High blood pressure exceeding 160 / 110mmHg, 24-hour urine output less than 400ml, more than 5 grams of albumin in urine in 24 hours, pregnant women have headache, dizziness, dizziness, epigastric pain, feeling of suffocation, chest heaviness

Most of the cases of mothers pregnant during pregnancy are diagnosed by doctors with symptoms of pre-eclampsia, often unable to deliver normally, but having to cesarean delivery.

It often causes a mother's blood pressure to rise and, if not controlled, interferes with the supply of blood and oxygen from the placenta to the baby. The cases of mothers with pre-eclampsia should have a caesarean section to ensure safety.

Therefore, please note the following if pregnant women suffer from pre-eclampsia

What is pre-eclampsia - With this disease, can pregnant women give birth often?


What is preeclampsia

If pregnant women have pre-eclampsia, it is best to be hospitalized for monitoring by doctors, in case of bad cases, they can be treated promptly.

As for the case of mild pre-eclampsia, pregnant mothers can be treated at home, and must apply a reasonable diet (bland food). At the same time, it is necessary to combine rest with the recumbent position, to help blood pass through the fetus more easily.

If the pre-eclampsia is severe, the pregnant mother must accept the immediate termination of the disease by giving birth to the fetus, even if the fetus is still preterm to avoid the risk of serious complications and death for the mother.

What is pre-eclampsia - With this disease, can pregnant women give birth often?


What is preeclampsia

To ensure the health of mothers and babies, before pregnancy, mothers should change their diet and exercise regularly to help lose weight and avoid obesity. During pregnancy, to follow up periodic prenatal check-up and should go to prenatal visit as scheduled with doctor.

During pregnancy, pregnant mothers reduce workload, take time to rest, relax, eat nutritious food, especially should not eat too salty. In case pregnant mothers have high blood pressure, they should follow the guidance of doctors and nurses, to be able to ensure their disease is recovered quickly.

After birth, mothers often focus on their baby so they ignore headaches and other signs of fatigue without knowing that severe headaches can be a sign of post-eclampsia. born. Pay more attention to taking care of yourself for good health and prevent pre-eclampsia or eclampsia. Please talk to your doctor if you have any questions or concerns.

Wish moms have a healthy pregnancy!


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