17 weeks pregnancy: How to count fetal heart rate and the substances the mother needs to supplement

The 17-week-old pregnancy is when your baby grows significantly in the womb. At this time, mothers need to know how to count fetal heart rate and supplement all necessary nutrients. Mother elected, please follow me!

Your baby's development at 17 weeks of pregnancy

17 weeks pregnancy: How to count fetal heart rate and the substances the mother needs to supplement


Fetal size 17 weeks

In this week's pregnancy manual you'll learn that:

Your baby's breathing tube is now ready to inhale oxygen instead of amniotic fluid.
- Your baby's bones have begun to harden - this is the process of "bone chemistry". Your baby's inner legs and ears will be the first parts of the bone.
Your baby's nerves will now begin to form a layer of myelin - a protective layer of proteins and fats around the nerves to promote the rapid and efficient signaling of brain electrical impulses - This is a very important factor to help the nervous system of the baby work stably and normally after being born.
- The ultrasound tests will become more interesting because the doctor will listen to your baby's clear heartbeat.

Heart rate at 17 weeks gestation

The fetal heart rate at 17 weeks is about 140-150 beats / minute, almost double that of the mother's heart rate. In addition, the respiratory organs also allow the fetus to inhale and exhale, even though amniotic fluid is surrounded by amniotic fluid around this time.

Some mothers have low or higher 17-week fetal echocardiogram results from 140 to 150 beats / minute, don't worry too much because at this gestational age, fetal heart rate below 180 times is still normal. Pregnant women should wait until about 24 - 26 weeks and ask your doctor for an echocardiogram (specialized) for further investigation.

17 weeks old fetus knows to move yet?

17 weeks pregnancy: How to count fetal heart rate and the substances the mother needs to supplement


Photo of 17 weeks fetus

At this stage, the baby will sleep a lot and accumulate energy for the formation and development of the body. At the same time, the mother will also recognize the baby's activities when the baby moves around and the machine kicks the womb, especially when the mother is sleeping. Normally, pregnant mothers will feel the pregnancy when it turns 17 of pregnancy. Babies can play, kick, bend and hiccup, suck hands, blink, and play with the umbilical cord.

However, there are many mothers who are pregnant until 17 weeks have not noticed any movement of the fetus. The reason for this is because each fetus has a different developmental process, so the time when the mother is pregnant is also different, so don't worry too much. Only after the fifth month of pregnancy, if the woman still cannot feel the fetal movement, it is necessary to see a doctor.

Symptoms of pregnancy

- As your baby grows, you are also more "fertile"! Get ready for weight gain.
- This is also the time when more stretch marks appear.
Your blood flow in your body increases, along with an increase in the secretion of body fluids such as vaginal fluids, sweat and mucus.

Pregnancy care

17 weeks pregnancy: How to count fetal heart rate and the substances the mother needs to supplement


Ultrasound image of 17 weeks of pregnancy

This is the time to check with your doctor if you need a prenatal vitamin supplement to fully meet the nutritional needs of you and your baby.
If you're still wearing heels, it's probably a good time to switch to low or flat heels. This is the time during which your center of gravity has shifted due to your baby's development and your weight gain.

Nutrition for 17 weeks pregnant

At 17 weeks of age, mothers need to consume 340 more calories per day, more than normal. To get enough of these calories, mothers need to get nutrients from foods high in nutrients such as:

Protein supplement (protein) in lean meat, fish, eggs, milk ...

Vitamins and minerals: folate, iron, vitamin A and calcium. According to research by the Institute of Medicine, pregnant mothers need 600mcg folate, 27mg iron, 770mcg vitamin A and 1000mg calcium per day. Foods such as: spinach, broccoli, orange juice, poultry, red meat, fortified cereals, soybeans ...

DHA supplement is essential for the development of eyes and nerves of the baby: pregnant women at 17 weeks need 200-300 mg of DHA per day from seafood such as salmon, tuna, and catfish.

Mothers need to eliminate foods that easily cause heartburn symptoms such as spicy foods, baked goods, chocolate, coffee, alcohol, beer and carbonated beverages. Pregnant women should say no to mackerel, swordfish, tilefish ... because it has high mercury content, affecting the baby's nervous system.

Your checklist at 17th week of pregnancy

- You and your husband should decide if you both want to know the baby's gender.

Read more

16th week of pregnancy

18th week of pregnancy

What do pregnant women eat in the last 3 months to make their babies gain weight, stay healthy and mothers easily give birth?


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