Handbook for taking care of mothers in the last 3 months to reach the destination safely

The last 3 months of pregnancy should be very careful with nutrition, unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy as well as note that signs of fertility can "hit" at any time.

Last 3 months pregnant mother should note what about the best diet for fetus?

The last stage of the pregnant mother is gradually reaching the finish line. This is also the most important milestone in the whole pregnancy, from week 24 to week 42.

A scientific and appropriate diet will greatly affect the baby's brain development in this last 3 months of pregnancy. If the pregnant mother is too picky, afraid to gain weight, eat less, ... can make the nervous system of the fetus not complete.

Therefore, if you want your baby to be smart from the womb, you will pay attention to substances that contribute to the development of nerve cells such as protein, iron, zinc, iodine and folic.

Handbook for taking care of mothers in the last 3 months to reach the destination safely


Handbook for taking care of pregnant mothers in the last 3 months

Pregnant mothers also do not forget to add foods to prepare the mechanism of milk production of the mammary glands

From 27 weeks onwards, most pregnant women will see colostrum appear. At this time, not only mothers must pay attention to foods that help their babies gain weight well, but also provide enough nutrients for the body to accumulate and foster milk production right after the baby is born.

It should be noted that:

Add foods high in iron, help form red blood cells. The high amount of red blood cells will help carry oxygen to parts of the body, nourish cells, including the cells responsible for breast milk production.

Handbook for taking care of mothers in the last 3 months to reach the destination safely


Suggestions for iron-rich foods for pregnant mothers:

red meats (beef)





green vegetables

Ripe fruits rich in vitamin C support iron absorption (oranges, tangerines, mangoes, guava ...).

Continue to enrich with foods rich in calcium , essential for the development of the fetal musculoskeletal system. This is also one of the substances that help make breast milk better.

Suggestions of calcium-rich foods for pregnant mothers in the last 3 months:


Small fish and shrimp

Dairy products like yogurt

Grains such as beans, tofu, oats, ...

Calcium-rich fruits such as oranges, kiwis, dried plums, bananas, strawberries, ...

Calcium-rich green vegetables like cauliflower, broccoli, spinach, carrots, cabbage, beans, asparagus and celery.



Types of seafood

Do not forget to add to the meal foods rich in vitamin C and vitamin D, two vitamins that help strengthen the resistance for both mother and fetus. Another special note is that vitamins the mother absorbs through food will increase the cells around the mother's nipples, so that the mother will easily have milk after giving birth to breastfeed.

Suggestions for vitamin C and vitamin D supplements for pregnant mothers in the last 3 months from foods such as:

Citrus fruits


Green vegetables






Handbook for taking care of mothers in the last 3 months to reach the destination safely


Handbook for taking care of pregnant mothers in the last 3 months

At last 3 months pregnant you should be aware of changes and possible physical discomfort

The closer it is to the day of meeting the baby, the changes in the body as well as the weight of the mother and baby will have a lot of changes.

Not only did the people get worse, but the pain also increased. Therefore, the last 3 months can also be considered a time to test the patience, courage and love of the mother for the baby in the womb.

Normally, a pregnant woman in the last 3 months will have to deal with things "difficult to say" such as:

- Weight usually increases rapidly, at least about 5kg in all 3 months. So many mothers are now gentle, now lumbering and waddling to the point of frustration.

- The belly is bigger and bigger because the uterus gets bigger and bigger for the baby to develop the best.

- Many mothers will see false signs of labor such as abdominal cramps, abdominal pain, but not too severe.

Constipation can become more serious , even extremely miserable. After that, most likely, pregnant mothers will have hemorrhoids or feel extremely painful when they go out in the last months after giving birth.

- Difficulty breathing because the uterus is dilated, causing pressure on upper body parts, especially the diaphragm. The active area of ​​the lungs is narrowed. Therefore, many mothers find it always out of breath. However, when the abdomen is depressed, the mother will feel better.

- Edema signs may appear due to increased body water storage. Please note that, if the edema is too much, the pregnant mother needs absolute rest and relaxation, not too much walking.

Urination, cramps are also easy symptoms in the last 3 months. In addition, back pain, aches and pains will increase, causing many pregnant mothers to lose sleep .

- When the pelvic region begins to expand to prepare for the birth process, many mothers often suffer from frequent pain in the pubic bone and even the private area when walking, up and down stairs.

The last 3 months of pregnancy should remember about abnormal symptoms that are dangerous to the fetus

This is the time that can lead to the risk of premature birth, early birth. Therefore, the last 3 months of pregnancy should pay close attention to monitoring the body to promptly detect the body's abnormalities such as

High fever for unknown reasons.

Urinating that feels sharp, painful, and bleeding.

Severe lower abdominal pain.

Vaginal bleeding.

There are unusually heavy, itchy, and foul smelling gases.

Do you know about the signs of labor in the last 3 months of pregnancy?

Signs of labor can be false if the pregnant woman does not have much experience in childbirth. Pregnant mothers need to observe and pay careful attention to promptly go to the hospital as well as prevent preterm birth or be ready for a safe birth process.

The real signs of labor pregnant mothers need to master include:

Reported blood. Usually during pregnancy there will be no blood in the genital area. Therefore, if there is bleeding in the last 3 months, you should think about the case that it may be near the time of delivery. Pregnant mothers should go to the clinic for a checkup as soon as possible.

The phenomenon of amniotic fluid. To recognize whether amniotic fluid or urine, pregnant mothers need:

Observe the water color. If it is clear, colorless, odorless, it is amniotic fluid.

- Use litmus paper to check. If litmus paper turns green-black, it is amniotic fluid, if it does not change color, it is urine.

The fetus kicks a little

Pregnant mothers need to check the number of pregnancies in a day. How to check the machine's pregnancy as follows:

Count baby machine after every meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner), within 1 hour. If the baby machine 4 times or more in 30 minutes, it means the fetus is normal.

When you see your baby pedal less than 4 times in the above time, please continue counting until the 4 hours are full. Mom can work to help the baby machine by such as:

- Change positions (eg lie on your left side for a while)

- Eat sweets and wait 2-3 minutes

Listening to music (fetuses love the device when they hear music)

- Try pressing on one side of the abdominal wall to see if the baby reacts

Drink cold water or a glass of cold milk.

- Using a flashlight shining on the abdominal wall to stimulate the baby like a light conception method

If your baby kicks more than 10 times in 4 hours, it's normal and keep checking the number of times your baby's machine is on next meals.

In case, within 4 hours, the child pedals less than 10 times or has weak movements, it means something is wrong, the mother should urgently go to the doctor immediately.

Handbook for taking care of mothers in the last 3 months to reach the destination safely


Handbook for taking care of pregnant mothers in the last 3 months

The mounds appeared more and more

When the contraction appears longer than 2 minutes and with increasing frequency, it is the most accurate sign of fertility. At this time the mother should urgently go to the hospital for timely examination.

The mother's body during the last 3 months of pregnancy usually has many significant changes. Just careful monitoring of pregnant mothers will ensure the safest prevention of the risks of preterm birth and over-birth as possible.

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