What color and smell healthy sperm?

What color a healthy sperm color is not exactly what every woman or every woman knows. Knowing what are normal conditions can help you know when there are signs of health abnormalities. 

How is sperm healthy?

First, let's define what a healthy sperm means:

Quantity (mass): Excreted semen contains at least 15 million sperm per ml. The more sperm cells each ejaculate, the more likely they are to swim to the egg.

Movement helps to recognize healthy sperm or not. Only about 40% of the total number of good-moving sperm.

The healthy sperm shape has an oval head and a long tail behind. The sperm's head and tail prompt the sperm to quickly swim to reach the egg.

What color and smell healthy sperm?

What color are healthy sperm?

The way to tell a healthy sperm is through its color and smell. Healthy sperm will be clear, white, or gray-white with a jelly-like texture . This is considered normal color. However, this color may vary slightly because it depends on your genetics, diet, and overall health.

Do you know what substances influence sperm color? That is:

Citric acid


Acid phosphatase




Proteolytic enzymes

Fibrin factor

Sperm color will indicate reproductive health problems in yellow, green, brown and other colors . At this time, the man should be diligent to visit the doctor for advice.

What color and smell healthy sperm?

What does healthy sperm smell?

The pH in the spermatozoa ranges from 7.2 to 7.8, slightly alkaline. This pH is like blood and a bit lower than seawater and baking soda. As noted, some people find this smell as heavy as bleach or ammonia, which is completely normal.

Semen, each person will have a different smell depending on the time and diet activities. In fact, the smell of the semen can affect the quality of "love". Therefore, if you want to improve the smell, men should avoid foods with strong odors.

Factors that affect sperm health through living regimen 

Smoking and drinking alcohol: in addition to affecting general health, these two factors also damage DNA, increase the likelihood of sperm mutations, decrease testosterone levels of the hormone , leading to a reduced chance of conception.

Wearing tight pants increases the temperature in the genital area, increases the temperature in the testicles, and directly affects the sperm quality and quantity in men.

Cell phone waves reduced sperm motility by 8.1%. Therefore, men should limit the phone to the pocket of the pants.

Being too thin or overweight also affects the health of the sperm.

Frequent exposure to toxic chemicals

Unhealthy diet

What color and smell healthy sperm?

When should I see a doctor?

Pain when manufacturing crystal

Urinating more often, urinating or urinating more than once at night

Genital itching

Vaginal rash

What color and smell healthy sperm?

Which vitamin supplements are good and help keep sperm healthy?

Helps increase sperm count and motility: Vitamin C, root extract of Ashwagandha

Increased testosterone: vitamin D

Low count sperms should be supplemented with zinc p

Sperm count: coenzyme Q10

Foods that help keep sperm healthy

To ensure healthy sperm has a normal color and odor, men should ensure their diet contains enough zinc, folic acid, vitamins B12, D, E, aspartic acid, omega-3, ...

Recommended foods are as follows:

Eggs and dairy products, including low-fat milk, cheese, and yogurt

Fish oils, such as salmon, mackerel and tuna

Seafood like oysters, crabs and lobsters

Green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, romaine lettuce, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, ...

Nuts and seeds, including chia seeds, flax seeds and walnuts

What color and smell healthy sperm?

Sperm quality also demonstrates the strength of men and their pride. Moreover, strong reproductive health is also very beneficial in sex life and family happiness. 

See more:

Flu can affect sperm or not?

What is sperm allergy and what is the treatment if you want to have a baby

9 simple but effective ways to cure weak sperm at home


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