Instructions on how to listen to the fetal heart accurately without an ultrasound simple

Hear fetal heart without ultrasound how? Hearing heart fetus at home is not correct? Please read this article together to make sure the fetus is always healthy!

Fetal heart rate from what week?

The fetal heart usually appears in 6-7 weeks of pregnancy. At this time, with modern ultrasound techniques can hear the fetal heartbeat. But in many cases it takes until 8-10 weeks of pregnancy before the fetal heart can be heard. This depends on the menstrual cycle, as well as the development of the embryo.

Instructions on how to listen to the fetal heart accurately without an ultrasound simple


At 6-7 weeks of pregnancy, the fetal heart appears

During this early stage of development, the fetal heart develops from a simple tube shape that then twists and divides. Eventually forms a heart with four chambers and heart valves (opening and closing blood to release blood from the heart to the baby's body).

From week 20 onwards, the fetal heartbeat becomes stronger. Now just using normal headphones can be heard.

The fetal heart is a sign that reflects the health of the fetus. The clearer the beat, the louder it will show that your baby is developing well and healthy. On the contrary, if there is a weak or abnormal fetal heartbeat, the woman should come to a medical facility for medical examination as soon as possible.

The way to hear the fetal heart without ultrasound

Here are some ways to listen to the fetal heart at home for more reference:

Use a doctor's stethoscope

You can buy it at drugstores or medical equipment stores. Then listen to the fetal heart at home following these steps:

Find a quiet place to better hear your baby's heartbeat

Lie on a flat soft surface like a sofa or lie on a bed

Feel around your belly and find your baby's position. The baby's back is the perfect place to hear the heartbeat

Place the stethoscope on the designated area and listen for the baby's heartbeat

Instructions on how to listen to the fetal heart accurately without an ultrasound simple


Use a doctor's stethoscope

Use of Pinard stethoscope

This is a fetal cardiac device without ultrasound that is quite common in health care settings. Its flat end is placed above the listener's ear. The horn is used to move around the pregnant woman's abdomen. The downside of this device is that only the father or other members can hear it, and the pregnant woman cannot.

Use fetoscope stethoscope

Using this device requires skills and medical experience to easily distinguish what is being heard. The fetal heart sounds like clocking under the pillow, while the placenta makes many sounds like a whistle.

Instructions on how to listen to the fetal heart accurately without an ultrasound simple


You can use a stethoscope

Using a hearing aid Doppler

This device construction includes a probe to listen to the fetal heart rate and a server to display fetal heart rate. It works like a mini ultrasound machine. Mother can feel the fetal heart by the following:

Apply a little gel for ultrasound on your abdomen. Apply the gel evenly over the belly where the mother has located the baby

Use the probe to scan your abdomen. If you do catch the baby's heartbeat, the server screen will display the number. At the same time, hear the sound of the baby's heart pounding

Use the application on a mobile phone

How to listen by phone is also very popular. You can download a mobile app to listen to your pregnancy. Although the app is free, moms need to buy a tracking device for about 3 million.

Problems encountered when hearing a fetal heartbeat do not need an ultrasound

It is very easy to get confused when using a pacemaker at home. Because most pregnant women only follow the instructions of the tool without professional experience. In addition, any movement inside the mother's body such as fetal movement, mother's bowel movement, or blood vessel circulation ... can also be converted into waves, easily misleading. is the fetal heart.

Or even if you can listen to the fetal heartbeat, it can be difficult to tell if the fetal heart is having problems.

Mother still needs to go to the medical facility for periodic pregnancy check-ups

Therefore, instead of staying at home to listen to the fetal heartbeat without having a sonogram, the mother should still go to the medical facility for periodic ultrasound. That helps mothers detect serious congenital heart defects early so that they can promptly intervene in treatment right from the early stages of pregnancy. In addition, ultrasound also contributes to limiting the termination of pregnancy due to errors in the diagnosis and counseling of congenital heart disease.

Currently, the technique of fetal echocardiography has made great progress in technology. Can accurately detect congenital heart defects during pregnancy with approximately 99% accuracy. Even during this stage the heart is a structure that still grows and changes.

This article has just advised women how to listen to the fetal heart without ultrasound. Also point out some limitations of this approach. To monitor your baby during a safe and healthy pregnancy and birth, mother should take the initiative in periodic pregnancy check-ups!

See more: 

SUPER SOUND - Watching the fetus clap her hands in the womb?

The reasons for not having a fetal heart during ultrasound in the first months

Is multiple ultrasound good for the fetus or not? Ultrasound milestones to remember


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