5 signs of stillbirth, pregnant mothers need to pay attention and limit measures

Knowing the signs of stillbirth is the mother's way to protect herself and the fetus before it is too late. Although stillbirth rarely happens due to maternal fault, pregnant women often fail and blame themselves for losing their baby too late in the pregnancy.

What is stillbirth?

Both the terms "stillbirth" and "miscarriage" refer to a dead fetus. If the baby dies after 20 weeks, it is called stillbirth. This is a fetal death before or during childbirth. This condition is not only dangerous to the health and life of the mother but also seriously affects the psychology of the pregnant woman.

The most common causes of stillbirth are:

The fetus has a birth defect due to a genetic structure

The placenta does not provide enough blood for the baby

Placenta removal, umbilical cord problems, ...

When stillbirth occurs, it is important to promptly bring the pregnant woman to a medical facility. Doctors will intervene and take the stillborn baby out of the mother's body. Sometimes a dead fetus does not abort immediately, but stays in the uterus for a while. Therefore, it is necessary to recognize early fetal symptoms in order to have timely measures. This will avoid serious infections of the mother's body, blood clotting disorders, ... which can cause unfortunate consequences in the future, even endanger the mother's life.

Signs identifying early stillbirth

The uterus stops growing

During pregnancy, the size of the uterus will gradually develop with the size of the fetus. The size of the mother's abdomen also changes. The mother's abdominal circumference index will help calculate the gestational age, date of birth as well as the health of the fetus.

5 signs of stillbirth, pregnant mothers need to pay attention and limit measures

But if the pregnancy does not, the uterus will also stop growing. During a routine pregnancy check-up, your doctor will measure the growth of the uterus to check the rate of fetal growth or signs of stillbirth. Also, if you find that your belly is not continuing to get bigger, go to the medical facility for a specific check.

Loss of morning sickness

What is the manifestation of stillborn pregnancy? You can feel the stillbirth when you suddenly lose the feeling of morning sickness. Detail:

The chest no longer tightens, but becomes softer and produces colostrum suddenly

The abdomen tightens and becomes heavy

Constant cramps and severe back pain, ...

Sudden loss of feeling of morning sickness can be a warning sign of the risk of stillbirth.

Signs of stillbirth - Can not feel the fetal movement

If the mother suddenly no longer feels the fetal movement, the fetus is having some abnormalities. Usually weak fetus or stillbirth. Therefore, obstetricians advise mothers to regularly count the number of pregnancies to detect abnormalities early.

Mothers begin to feel fetal movements by 18–20 weeks of pregnancy. More and more time the fetal movement becomes clearer. One day, mothers should have a habit of counting fetal movements 2 to 3 times, each about 60 minutes.

Usually, babies will have at least 4 movements an hour. If less, the mother should rest and continue to watch for another 60 minutes. This is because babies can sleep for 20-40 minutes or longer.

If within 2 hours, the fetus is less than 10 times, the mother should immediately go to the health facility for further follow-up by other methods.

Can't hear the fetal heart

During a routine pregnancy check-up, the mother will be checked by specialists in the heart rate of the fetus . In case it is difficult to check your heart rate, the doctor will keep measuring it until you hear the fetal heartbeat.

5 signs of stillbirth, pregnant mothers need to pay attention and limit measures

However, if the fetal heart is still not visible, the mother will be tested to find the cause. Inability to hear the fetal heartbeat is a warning sign that the fetus is still dead.

Broken amniotic fluid

What is the manifestation of stillbirth when the fetus is stillborn but is not detected and handled in time? As a result, it will lead to sudden rupture of membranes even though there is no sign of miscarriage or labor.

This is especially dangerous for the health and life of the mother. Because when the amniotic membrane is torn, bacteria easily enter the mother's body, causing acute infection which is very dangerous. Therefore, when amniotic fluid rupture occurs, especially the bad, dark-smelling amniotic fluid, the mother should be taken to the hospital immediately.

What to do to limit the risk of stillbirth?

Once the fetus is still dead, there is nothing we can do but try to protect the health of the mother. Stillbirth is a dangerous obstetric complication, killing a baby. This complication will greatly affect the mother's life and psychology in the future. Therefore, mothers should learn about measures to reduce the risk of stillbirth.

Signs identifying stillbirth - before pregnancy

Mothers should have a reproductive health check before attempting to become pregnant for early detection. Mother will have conditions to treat abnormal problems that have the risk of adversely affecting the fetus and mother's health during pregnancy.

Pregnant mothers should follow the instructions of your doctor if you have pre-existing diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, ... The best control will not let the disease harm your pregnancy.

5 signs of stillbirth, pregnant mothers need to pay attention and limit measures

In the menu every day, mothers should fully supplement vitamins. In particular, mothers need to supplement folic acid to minimize the risk of neural tube defects in the fetus. Dark green nuts and vegetables, citrus fruits, ... are rich in folic acid.

During pregnancy

Pregnant mothers need to eat and drink enough nutrients and provide adequate nutrition for the fetus to develop comprehensively. Besides, mothers need to stop smoking and drinking alcohol. They are dangerous agents that threaten the health of both mothers and children.

During pregnancy, mothers need regular prenatal check-ups to detect abnormalities early. You can ask your doctor to advise on appropriate diets and meals for mothers and babies.

Minimize going to crowded places and always wear a mask when going out. Mom needs to protect herself from the risk of infections.

During pregnancy, if there are any unusual manifestations, mothers do not hesitate to go to the medical facility to be examined immediately. Moreover, mothers need to keep a comfortable spirit, have a scientific diet and reasonable rest to keep their body energized, which is a strong foundation for the baby to develop healthy throughout pregnancy.

Knowing the signs of stillbirth will help mothers limit the risk of stillbirth. Wish mom and baby have a healthy pregnancy!

See more:

Common causes of miscarriage

Amniotic fluid index for gestational age like? Remedies for when mothers lack or excess amniotic fluid

Pregnant mother's belly circumference affects the health of the fetus?


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