10 signs of labor week 39 pregnant mothers need to memorize

Babies born at 39 and 40 weeks are considered full term. By entering the last week of pregnancy, you must always be mentally prepared. Anytime there are signs of labor in the 39th week, your baby can be born.

Tell mom 10 signs of labor at 39 weeks

If this is your first time pregnant, you may be wondering what are the signs of labor, how to distinguish Braxton Hicks contractions from real labor, when should you go to the hospital and when you need to rest calmly and keep waiting, ...

It is difficult to get the correct answer, as each mother will experience different feelings. Even for mothers who have had many babies, the signs of labor vary with each birth. Here are 10 most common signs of labor at 39 weeks that every pregnant mother needs to know.

You are "falling" gradually down

If you have a comparator, your baby will usually start to drop. Or the baby will fall into the pelvis a few weeks before labor starts.

10 signs of labor week 39 pregnant mothers need to memorize

If it is a chicken , it usually only happens when you are in labor. You may find yourself moving more heavily and need to go to the bathroom frequently. However, it is easier for you to breathe because the baby is no longer heavy on your lungs.

Your cervix is ​​dilated - sign of labor 39 weeks

Preparing for birth, the cervix begins to dilate and thin. When you do a pregnancy check during this time, your doctor can easily measure the dilation of the cervix. From there, you can predict your labor date.

Cramps and frequent back pain

Mother will cramp and backache more during labor, especially when giving birth. Your muscles and joints are tensing and repositioning in preparation for delivery.

The sign of 39 weeks of labor is that the joints are becoming looser

During pregnancy, the hormone relaxin makes your ligaments a little looser. This is also the reason why pregnant mothers are often so clumsy in their last trimester. Before you go into labor, you may find joints all over your body a little looser. The reason is to make the pelvis easier to open, creating favorable conditions for the baby to come out.


Not only the muscles in your uterus, but the other muscles in your body relax as well. Including muscles in the rectum. This sign is quite annoying, but completely normal. Just make sure to drink enough water.

The mucus in your cervix comes off and changes vaginal discharge color

If the mucus is opening and the vaginal discharge changes, you will give birth in just a few hours or days. The mucus plug can escape into a large patch or lumps. So, sometimes you don't notice this sign.

The last days before labor, you will likely see a noticeable increase in vaginal discharge and possibly denser. This pale pink thick liquid is called the vital blood. This is a good sign that you are about to go into labor.

Signs of labor week 39- Contractions are stronger, more frequent

You may have experienced Braxton Hicks contractions (or fake contractions) for weeks and even months before giving birth. But real contractions get stronger and don't subside when you change positions.

10 signs of labor week 39 pregnant mothers need to memorize

The contractions are actually stronger, more frequent, and gradually intensify the pain. The pain doesn't need to be any longer or longer than the last, but the intensity tends to increase as labor progresses. The frequency does not always increase steadily, but it does increase.

Stop gaining weight (or even losing weight)

The closer you are to your date of birth, your weight will slow down. Some pregnant mothers even lose weight. This does not affect the baby's birthweight. Your baby is still growing, but your weight is decreasing. This is because the amount of amniotic fluid is less.

Feeling more tired or suddenly becoming more active

It's a bit of a mess at this 39th week. Sometimes you feel as tired as in your first trimester. You just want to have plenty of soft pillows and sleep all day. But when the sleep is over, you become full of energy again. As the day of labor approached, some mothers could not resist the urge to clean and organize everything in sight. This is the most obvious manifestation of the nesting instinct. Do whatever you want, just don't let yourself get too tired.

Broken amniotic fluid is a sign of labor by week 39

This is actually one of the last signs of labor for most women. About 15% of women actually go into labor as soon as their membranes rupture . So if you see these signs, get to the hospital right away.

When to go to the hospital?

At 39 weeks, your doctor may have advised you what to do when your labor starts. For example, if you notice pain that occurs as often as every 5 minutes, for 1 hour, go to the hospital.

However, labor contractions are not exactly separated. If they become fairly consistent, painful, and take longer (30-70 seconds per attack), it's time to see your doctor for a checkup. It doesn't matter when your cramp is just a "false sign", you will still be checked and be able to go home to rest. But if you don't go to the hospital right away for the signs of labor, things can get complicated.

10 signs of labor week 39 pregnant mothers need to memorize

In particular, you should immediately go to the hospital when you notice the following signs:

Your water is broken - especially if the amniotic fluid is green or brown in color. This can be a sign of meconium present in your amniotic fluid, which can be dangerous if swallowed during birth.

Blurred or lightheadedness, severe headache, or sudden swelling. These can all be symptoms of pre-eclampsia. Characterized by high blood pressure resulting from pregnancy and requiring medical attention.

Hopefully through this article, you already know 10 signs of labor week 39. By this point, your baby is ready. Do not forget to check the list of necessary birth control items to welcome your baby!

See more:

It is true that drinking ice water during labor helps to ease my pain

Signs of real and fake labor! How long does fake labor take?

How to quickly labor, shorten painful time for pregnant women to give birth often


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