22-week fetal ultrasound - important milestone for checking fetal condition

22-week fetal ultrasound to diagnose defects in the fetus

Pregnancy to 22 weeks means pregnant mothers are about to enter the sixth month of pregnancy. Your baby at this moment always reminds you of her existence by moving around in the womb. Pregnant mothers please enjoy this time because the second trimester is always considered the best trimester during pregnancy.

Pregnant mothers are recommended to have at least 3-4 times ultrasound in pregnancy to know about the development and health status of your baby. Ultrasound of the 22-week pregnancy will help doctors better understand the morphological development of the fetus, diagnose the fetal condition and detect defects (if any). The reason for the ultrasound mark at 22 weeks of pregnancy is especially important because if the fetus has dangerous abnormalities, the doctor will notify the mother to make a decision promptly. At this ultrasound, pregnant mothers are recommended to have color ultrasound (3D-4D).


22-week fetal ultrasound - important milestone for checking fetal condition


22-week pregnancy ultrasound

How does 22 weeks fetus develop?

How many months to vote 22 weeks? Mom will be surprised at this ultrasound because the baby's shape will be very clear. Because at this time the amniotic fluid in the uterus is abundant while the fetus is almost complete and the size is not so large that some organs cannot be fully observed as in later weeks. At the 22nd week of pregnancy, the baby is about 400g and about 27-28cm tall. The ultrasound pictures of the baby's face will be a beautiful image for mothers to keep.

- Face: During this week of pregnancy, the fetal face has been shown very clearly on the ultrasound screen. Depending on where the baby is lying in the mother's womb, the doctor can detect whether the baby has a cleft lip or a cleft palate. Thanks to early diagnosis, the doctor will suggest better treatment or care for the baby at birth.

- Hands, feet: In this week, the hands are long enough to touch each other. Through careful examination, the doctor and ultrasound technicians will carefully count the number of fingers and toes to see if there are excess fingers, whether there are curvatures or not. In addition, if detecting that the baby's arms and legs are shorter than normal, the doctor will appoint the pregnant mother to carry out other diagnostic tests, because this is one of the signs of Down syndrome.

- Spine: The condition of your baby's spine will also be carefully assessed, and at the same time be sure that the vertebrae are well-linked and whether the skin covers the end vertebra, because if there are no things This baby will probably have spina bifida or other spinal defects.

Internal organs of the fetus during a 22-week pregnancy ultrasound

22-week fetal ultrasound - important milestone for checking fetal condition

4D ultrasound results of a 22-week pregnancy at this time not only show mothers the external features of the baby's face, hands and feet, but doctors also check the development of organs and organs. the other inside the baby's body. Above is a picture of a 22 week old fetus.

- Brain: The results of brain ultrasound in this stage will help the doctor evaluate the development of the baby's brain. Head and brain abnormalities can indicate chromosomal defects in the fetus.

- Heart: Because heart defects are one of the leading causes of other birth defects, seriously affecting the health of the fetus. 22-week pregnancy ultrasound, doctors will check the heart to detect defects if any.

Kidney, bladder: The doctor will check these two organs to make sure there is no blockage or defects occur.

- Cord. In addition to checking to make sure your baby does not have an abnormal condition such as a "neck curl", the umbilical cord is also examined to ensure it contains medium blood vessels and normal development.

Also, a pregnancy test will be performed. Minimum of 3 times a day. Pregnant mothers need to pay close attention to this issue, regularly observe the baby's movements, if you see the baby moves too little or too much, please promptly consult the doctor for advice.

Table of indicators of fetal ultrasound for 22 weeks

22 weeks fetus is a huge turning point to show how your baby is developing. Here is a standard 22-week pregnancy ultrasound index chart to help the doctor and mother keep track of the child's index:

22-week fetal ultrasound - important milestone for checking fetal condition


22-week pregnancy ultrasound - photo chuyui.com

The parameters:

BPD (mm): Biparietal diameter

FL (mm): femur length

AC (mm): abdominal circumference (Abdominal circumference)

HC (mm): Head circumference

EFW (g): Estimated Fetal Weight

If the 22-week fetal ultrasound index exceeds the threshold in this table, the pregnant mother will be reminded and advised by the doctor if the fetus is unstable. The doctor will make a specific appointment for the mother to check again by conducting an ultrasound or performing more specialized tests. If the condition develops normally, pregnant women can rest assured to take care of their pregnancy and wait until the next ultrasound schedule.

Wish moms have a healthy pregnancy!

See other articles:

14 times of pregnancy check-up, ultrasound, taking medicine according to doctor's guidance throughout pregnancy

SUPER THOUGHT; Let's see the fetus clapping in the womb?


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