50 good name suggestions with middle letters Khanh for girls to have a happy life and a full future

How to name a daughter with the middle letter Khanh so that the name is both beautiful and brings luck to the baby? Listen to the explanation why people often name their middle name Khanh. Some name suggestions with Khanh to choose the right name for your baby.

Meaning of the word "Khánh" - Why do parents often name their daughters with middle letters Khanh?

Khanh means "celebration", marks important memories, celebrates the good happening and wished for peace that will continue in the future.

In addition, Khanh also has the meaning of "virtue", indicating an honest, virtuous and polite soul. These are all good qualities that everyone wants to aim for in life.

Another meaning of Khanh is "good things", which are good luck and good things that bring peace to everyone and show the gentleness, less interference, disputes and quarrels.

50 good name suggestions with middle letters Khanh for girls to have a happy life and a full future

It is because Khanh has many good meanings that many parents choose to name their daughter with the middle letter Khanh. This is also the mindset and wishes of parents and wishes for their children to have good qualities in addition to a favorable and happy life.

50 good name suggestions with middle letters Khanh for girls to have a happy life and a full future

Suggest 50 ways to name a daughter with a middle name Khanh

Name for the baby rhyme A - H

Khanh An : girls are always happy, graceful and have a peaceful life

Khánh Âu : Parents give this name with the hope that their children will always have a happy, peaceful life

Khanh Bang : expresses the wishes of parents that their daughter will be talented, charming, and naïve

Khanh Chau : priceless treasure

Khánh Chi : Parents want their children to be a lush, healthy and happy branch

Khanh Diem : the name signals good luck to the family

Khanh Dieu : a gentle girl

Khanh Duong : The girl is always full of energy, confidence and shines strongly

Khanh Duyen : Parents want their daughter to be charming and gentle

Khanh Dung : beautiful, charming, talented girl

Khanh Dan : You are the most valuable thing of your parents (Dan means the precious pill)

Khanh Giang : parents hope that their daughter will always have peace and a peaceful life (Giang means river)

Khanh Giao : I live in peace, in harmony with everyone

Khanh Ha : a beautiful, gentle and intelligent girl

Khanh Ha : a girl is expected by everyone, a good career, flexible and intelligent

Khánh Hân : girls always spread joy to everyone around them

Khánh Hằng : Parents hope to always have a lot of luck in life and have an honest spirit

Khanh Hoa : beautiful, lucky flower

Khanh Hong : You are a person with beauty, pure beauty

Khanh Huyen : A gentle, gentle, warm girl who brings joy to everyone

Khánh Hương : A gentle, pure, beautiful girl

Name for the baby rhyme L - N

Khanh Lan : elegant and elegant flower

Khanh Lam : a knowledgeable girl

Khanh Linh : is wise, has a happy and comfortable life

Khánh Ly : Meaning of joy, luck, and depth of wisdom (Ly is one of the four spirits representing wisdom)

Khánh Lệ : a beautiful, tall, beautiful girl who is admired by many people

Khánh Mỹ : You have a beautiful appearance and an honest soul

Khánh Mai : You always shine bright like a plum blossom in the new year

Khánh My : You are a beautiful , lovely, and virtuous girl at the same time

Khanh Ngan : I hope you have a life of wealth and wealth

Khánh Ngọc : You are a precious jewel, the joy and joy of your whole family

Khanh Nguyet : You are the light of your parents' life

Khanh Nhat : I hope you will always be happy and gentle in life

Khánh Nhi : girls are always small, small in the eyes of their parents

Khánh Nhung : She has a happy life

Khanh Nhu : May I have the intelligence, wisdom, integrity and goodness in life

Name the little girl with middle letters Khanh from P - Y

Khánh Phương : My life is always filled with joy

Khánh Quỳnh : My beauty is like a fragile Quynh flower that brings beauty to life

Khánh Tâm : A daughter of a beautiful, honest and kind spirit

Khánh Tiên: You  are a treasure of parents

Khanh Thuy : The girl is shy, stubborn

Khanh Thy / Khanh Thi : you are a lovely muse, love to fly, and romance (Thy / Thi implies what is soft, soaring, and romantic)

Khanh Trang : a gentle person (The page here means radio and luxury)

Khanh Tuyen : You have a calm personality, a talented and precious person

Khanh Thuy : Parents hope their daughter has a peaceful, peaceful and gentle life like flowing water

Khánh Thụy: The joy and joy of having children in the world

Khánh Vân : Gentle, gentle girl (Van means clouds in the sky)

Khánh Vy : You are a pretty girl, small but always full of life

Khanh Xuan : I wish you a beautiful, joyful child full of vitality like a new spring

Khanh Yen : small but lucky bird.

50 good name suggestions with middle letters Khanh for girls to have a happy life and a full future


The surname name is not only a name to distinguish from one another, but also has a certain cultural, aesthetic and meaningful value. Naming the little girl with the middle letters Khanh is a very good name . However, not everyone knows how to choose a good name with the same word Khánh. Wish parents choose the best name for their daughter !

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