Instruction to book cheap flight tickets of VietJet Air on New Year 2020

The demand for traveling, traveling and returning to the countryside on the occasion of the Lunar New Year 2020 by plane is increasing. But the procedure to buy flight tickets or how to book an online flight is sure many people still do not understand. The following article will guide you to buy VietJet Air tickets online .

Book VietJet Air tickets cheaply online

Step 1 : First, you access the homepage of VietJet Air . Looking at the right hand side, we will see a small box that allows users to enter basic information about the flight to be searched, such as ticket type (one way or roundtrip), flight date, departure and destination. , number of people ...

Instruction to book cheap flight tickets of VietJet Air on New Year 2020

Step 2 : If it is a normal booking, you fill in the basic information and then select Find flights , if you want to buy cheap VietJet Air tickets , add a tick in the Find the cheapest ticket .

At this time the interface will show as below, the position of the seats are marked by different colors, each color is a price type. Depending on your needs and abilities, you can choose the most suitable level. If in step 1 you have ticked the ticket type "round trip", then in this sport you can choose to book tickets for both directions to and from.

Instruction to book cheap flight tickets of VietJet Air on New Year 2020

If you only buy tickets in the normal way, do not tick the cheap tickets, the interface will be as below. And we only have the right to choose our seats.

Instruction to book cheap flight tickets of VietJet Air on New Year 2020

If you want to take seat position, you tick it ( Eco or Skyboss ) it will appear red to confirm, then select Continue .

You note, the two classes Eco and Skyboss differ quite a lot in price so the accompanying services will also be different. See the image below to see more clearly.

Instruction to book cheap flight tickets of VietJet Air on New Year 2020

Step 3: This is the time we need to provide our personal information such as full name, address, ID number ... Note that we should fill out the required fields, because Although there is no asterisk, the website does not allow to leave information blank.

Instruction to book cheap flight tickets of VietJet Air on New Year 2020


  • Use Vietnamese without accents to enter information
  • Please leave accurate and detailed information so the airline can contact or help you if the purchase or flight process has problems

Step 4 : Choose a seat on the flight. Just like cars, planes also have many different seating positions to choose from. However, depending on the size, number of guests and the time and type of ticket you book, these seating positions are not always the same and are always available for you to choose.

You can see the Notes section to know more about each type of seat. Click the left mouse button on the seat you want to select it appears to yellow, this time you choose to Confirm seats below. Select Cancel seat selection if you change your mind and want to choose a different seat.

Instruction to book cheap flight tickets of VietJet Air on New Year 2020


Select No, thanks to skip this step. Because this is really just a trick of the company to charge more for the customer service. You only choose the chair and perform this operation if you want to sit above the head or near the window, but if not, even though ignored, it is assured that 100% you still have a seat, just where it is.

Just to the right of the seat selection interface, we can quickly view our Flight Information such as time, flight location, and the total price to pay.

Instruction to book cheap flight tickets of VietJet Air on New Year 2020

Step 5 : Perhaps a bit redundant for those who are looking to choose a cheap ticket, but if you are interested, during the online booking process, we can also choose snacks and luggage weight to bring. time for checking in procedures at the airport.

Instruction to book cheap flight tickets of VietJet Air on New Year 2020

There are many different cuisines as well as different weight options, each with an equivalent price, which you can view and balance if you feel right. We can also choose for both return and return trips if we originally chose a return ticket.
Instruction to book cheap flight tickets of VietJet Air on New Year 2020

Once selected, a total cost table will appear below, select Continue to move to the next step, but if you want to minimize costs, you can skip this step.

Step 6 : Payment. After completing operations, reservations, ticketing, baggage weighing choose ... the system will calculate the total cost to you (including your choice charges and service fees) and show details on Details booking fee .

Instruction to book cheap flight tickets of VietJet Air on New Year 2020

Step 7 : If it is reasonable, tick the Payment method to select the type of card you will use to pay, and fill out the information related to the card and cardholder to proceed.

Instruction to book cheap flight tickets of VietJet Air on New Year 2020

Some information that you need to pay attention:

  • Card number : A series of embossed numbers on the card
  • Expiry date : Below the card number sequence
  • CVC code : The last 3 digits are printed on the back of the card
  • If you use your own card to pay, you can always click on Use passengers' address as the billing address, it will automatically fill in the information you have previously declared in the information. customers come here.

When the information is accepted by the system, a temporary statement will be displayed with the information that you have declared. Review again to check and tick the box Check this box to agree with the terms of the carrier and continue.

Instruction to book cheap flight tickets of VietJet Air on New Year 2020

Step 8 : The final step, check all information again. If there is any incorrect information, you should immediately notify the company to change soon before the confirmation code is sent.

Instruction to book cheap flight tickets of VietJet Air on New Year 2020

If all of the above succeeds, you will see a transaction number appear and the company will send you an "electronic ticket" into the email you have provided. Therefore, email addresses, full names and ID numbers ... are information that you should provide and remember absolutely exactly to avoid unnecessary situations.

Have a nice flight!

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