Can colds be cured? Causes and signs

Today, apathy is more and more common in couples, has a great impact on their sex life and family happiness. So cold can not cure it? Find out the causes of your frigidity to have the most effective way to improve this condition.

Can colds be cured?  Causes and signs

What is apathy?

Apathy is a condition in which a decrease in libido, lack of interest or indifference to sexual acts. Frigidity usually occurs in women, but there are still cases of depression in men, but rarely.

Apathy occurs that causes the patient to lose desire or have their sexual desire eliminated, always avoiding because of fear of physical contact, even fear of having sex with a partner or lover.

Recognize apathy like?

The following signs can be based on whether or not a person is feeling cold or not

Reduced desire, lethargy, lack of interest in sex, weakness, fatigue, discomfort ...

No excitement when stimulated by caressing, provoking, hugging, kissing, or having sex with genitals.

Difficult to reach orgasm during sex

The causes of apathy

There are many causes of apathy:

Low testosterone

Testosterone affects libido in both men and women. In women, testosterone levels peak in their 20s, then fall rapidly during menopause. By the time of perimenopause and menopause, a deficiency of the female hormone estrogen or a decrease in testosterone is the cause of colds.

In men, the older the age, the less testosterone produced, leading to a deficiency, thereby causing physiological changes such as the shrink of testicles and penis, the erection of the penis is no longer the same. , the amount of fat accumulated in the abdomen is more, it is easy to be obese ... Physiological problems cause premature ejaculation, the penis is difficult to erect ... making men stress, mental breakdown, leading to frigidity. .

Can colds be cured?  Causes and signs

Due to defects

Women with genital defects such as vagina narrow or too short, due to too small clitoris, too high or thick hymen will lead to poor receptivity of stimulation so no pleasure.

On the other hand, in men, the incidence of urinary tract infections, erectile dysfunction or ejaculation disorders ... can also affect sexual needs. Besides, when the body has to "carry" more diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure ... causing serious health decline, signs of depression, loss of libido are understandable.

Due to psychology

Psychological factors account for 90% of the cause of chilling. Many stress factors affect the health of women and men in general such as:

Common problems in husband and wife relationships or children, husband gambling, smoking addiction, alcohol, lack of family responsibility or fading emotions are also causes of apathy.

Long-lasting stereotypes, claiming that you have a defect cannot satisfy your partner. Especially for women, some traits in the past (being raped) can cause a dreadful encounter with men.

Due to the lack of basic knowledge in sex, the influence of sad memories in sex is also easy for couples to have problems in sex.

Can colds be cured?

Through these signs, it is easy to tell if a husband / wife is feeling frigid. Although this is a common disease, it can be completely cured.

There are many different methods doctors use to treat colds. In which, most of them need to rely on the cause and the coordination with the husband or wife.

Can colds be cured?  Causes and signs

If the cause is due to hormone changes

Estrogen therapy

Pre-menopausal and postmenopausal women often experience huge changes in the hormone estrogen. This is due to a decrease in blood flow to the vagina. If decreased blood flow is the cause of the symptoms of sexual apathy, estrogen therapy may be recommended by doctors.

Use creams, vaginal suppositories

This therapy helps release estrogen in the vagina, helping to increase blood flow without causing the unwanted side effects of estrogen pills.

Use medication as directed by your doctor

Another treatment option is the FDA-approved flibanserin (Addyi) drug. This drug has been shown to increase libido in women suffering from sexual apathy. However, not everyone can take this medication because it has side effects including hypotension (low blood pressure), fainting, and dizziness.

Cold cure due to disease

Whether frigidity occurs in women or men, you need to first see a doctor to know your condition, and see where the cause of the cold is. If you suffer from colds due to gynecological or male diseases or cardiovascular diseases, obesity, high blood pressure ... should be treated early because that is the cause of colds, decreased libido.

Can colds be cured?  Causes and signs

Improve psychology repel apathy

At this time, the husband or wife plays a very important role in the healing of the spouse's apathy.

Husbands and wives should talk frankly about the reasons why they may not have a desire for intimacy. A wife's sexual function may be affected by events such as childbirth, child rearing ... and minor conflicts will accumulate. Therefore, the husband needs to deal with his wife's psychology thoroughly, helping his wife to be comfortable during sex.

Husband needs to always be together for treatment; keep the attitude and spirit of optimism, should not blame, be suspicious or jealous, avoid creating pressure in sex.

In case of irreversible problems, see a specialist for counseling and psychological treatment as soon as possible.

Lifestyle changes also help cure colds

Lifestyle changes can also reduce stress and help improve libido. Habits that positively affect libido include:

Exercise regularly.

Spend intimate time with your partner.

Practice stress reduction techniques.

Avoid substances that affect libido such as tobacco and alcohol.

Experiment with new types of relationships, change different poses.

Hopefully, with the information provided, couples will be less worried when finding an answer to the question "Can apathy cure?". This is a quite delicate issue, so it is sometimes difficult to share, so besides psychological therapy, maintaining a healthy sex life, constantly exploring each other is also a way to reverse this disease.

See more:

Postpartum frigidity "germs" of family happiness

Twelve simple ways to make women feel cold are also stimulated

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