Can pregnant women with gestational diabetes eat avocado?

Video Can pregnant women with gestational diabetes eat avocado?

Can pregnant diabetics eat butter? Is this a fruit suitable for pregnant women with high blood sugar? If possible, are there any dishes that are easy to eat and make?

Many pregnant women who have had gestational diabetes can still "have a round mother" by following the instructions as well as treatment plans from the doctors. Nutrition plays a very important role in the treatment strategy of gestational diabetes. You should not create your own diet on your own and you should consult your doctor carefully.

The article contains professional comments from Dr. Nguyen Ho Duy, General Department of Internal Medicine, Nguyen Tri Phuong Hospital (HCMC).

Nutrition Facts of Avocado

Avocado is the fruit of the avocado tree, scientifically known as Persea americana, native to Mexico and Central America. The following nutritional information is provided by the USDA for a medium, pod or seedless avocado (136 g).

Calories: 227

Fat: 21g

Sodium: 11mg

Carbohydrate: 12g

Fiber: 9.2g

Sugar: 0.4g

Protein: 2.7g

In addition, avocado also has a total of 14 popular vitamins A, C, E, B2, B6, B5 and many other minerals.

Can pregnant women with gestational diabetes eat avocado?

Health benefits of avocado

Stabilize  blood pressure

Weight control

Prevent cancer

Aids in the treatment and prevention of infection

Reduce blood cholesterol levels, prevent heart problems

Protects skin from harmful UV rays and prevents premature aging of the skin

Prevent macular degeneration problems, cataracts

The effect of avocado on pregnant women

Prevent fetal defects

Reduce morning sickness

Fetal brain development

Limit leg cramps

Reduce the risk of weight gain

Helps the body to easily absorb nutrients

Reduce the risk of pre-eclampsia

This super nutritious fruit is definitely suitable for pregnant women with normal health. But what about a pregnant woman who unfortunately has gestational diabetes? Their diet should always be careful to avoid high sugar. So whether pregnant women with gestational diabetes can eat avocado?

Can pregnant women with gestational diabetes eat avocado?

Good control of sugar and fat in the blood at optimal levels when having gestational diabetes will help mothers have a healthy and safe pregnancy. Eating avocados can help reduce several heart disease risk factors and regulate blood sugar levels, reducing the risk of pregnancy complications .

Butter is low in carbs and rich in fiber and healthy fats, making it a great choice for pregnant women with high blood sugar or gestational diabetes. Therefore, if you are wondering whether it is okay to eat avocado with gestational diabetes, the answer is absolutely to do.

Can pregnant women with gestational diabetes eat avocado?

According to one study, including avocados for breakfast can help stabilize blood sugar levels. In fact, pregnant mothers can eat a moderate amount daily to improve insulin sensitivity. What's more, avocados may help increase heart-protective HDL (good) cholesterol and lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, which can help reduce the risk of heart disease and enhance overall health during pregnancy.

To know exactly what amount is needed and suitable for your condition, be sure to consult with your mother's pregnancy health care doctor or a nutritionist.

This nutritious breakfast suggestion helps women with gestational diabetes eat delicious avocados

A healthy breakfast with poached eggs and avocado


1-2 eggs depending on your preference

Half an avocado

2 slices of black bread

A slice of lemon

Spices: pepper; chili powder and salt


Prepare the butter to smooth, squeeze a little more lemon juice and add the pepper and chili powder

Bread if you like, you can bake it briefly to be crispy hot.

Then spread the layer of butter just prepared on the slice of cake

Put the water in a pot to boil over high heat. If the water is boiling, lower the heat to bring the water back to a gentle boil. Then add vinegar, stir well to mix with water.

Crack the eggs directly into the pot (water will boil slightly). Boil eggs for 3-4 minutes, Do not touch the eggs, the egg white will gradually freeze in water.

After 3.30-4 'remove the eggs, put in ice cold water to prevent the eggs from cooking any more. Take the eggs out of cold water on top of a tissue and blot gently to remove the water.

Poach the egg on a butter spread and enjoy.

Can pregnant women with gestational diabetes eat avocado?

Butter baked eggs

Raw materials and tools

1 avocado.

2 chicken eggs.

Spices: Pepper, salt.

Oven mitts.


The butter is washed, cut in half and seeded. Make an extra hole in the middle of the avocado so that it contains one egg.

Crack the egg into the center of the avocado.

Bake the egg avocado in the oven at 425 degrees C for about 10-15 minutes.

Take out the butter, sprinkle with a little pepper, salt, you can add a little coriander to decorate and enjoy.

Can pregnant women with gestational diabetes eat avocado?

Opinion of Doctor Nguyen Ho Duy, Specialist of Internal Medicine, Nguyen Tri Phuong Hospital (HCMC)

Many pregnant women who have had gestational diabetes can still "have a round mother" by following the instructions as well as treatment plans from the doctors.

General principles of the treatment plan include:

Know how to monitor your own blood sugar and keep it at a safe level as directed by your doctor

+ Full nutritious diet

+ Regular and moderate physical activity

+ Avoid excessive weight gain

+ Record daily physical activity diary, nutrition

Use insulin / prescription drugs from your doctor

Nutrition plays a very important role in the treatment strategy of gestational diabetes. You should not create your own diet on your own and you need to discuss carefully with your treating doctor.

+ Carbohydrates : come from seeds, rice, corn, ... fruits and vegetables. Eating foods high in carbohydrates can affect blood sugar levels as the body consumes carbohydrates and creates sugars - a "essential" source of energy for the body to use in daily activities. Some pregnant women will be advised to avoid eating foods high in carbohydrates and sugars such as cakes, sweet desserts, carbonated soft drinks, ... many problems are not good for the health of pregnant women. One of the ways to get a good balance of carbohydrates to meet your needs is to convert dietary carbohydrates into grams and keep them within the recommended range recommended by your doctor. For example, one 100 grams of white rice is equivalent to 130 calories.

+ Meat, fish : provide protein, vitamins and some essential minerals. When processing, you should cut off the fat of the meat or the skin such as chicken skin, duck skin because it contains many bad fats that affect your health. Can be processed in the way of stewed, boiled, baked without using extra oil, fat, ...

+ Milk, yogurt, cheese : Pregnant women with gestational diabetes should choose skim milk, non-fat or low-fat yogurts (1%).

+ It is important not to skip meals , especially breakfast because hunger leads to loss of control in choosing foods suitable for the health of pregnant women.


A healthy and suitable diet is very important for pregnant women with diabetes. A little knowledge, thoroughness, creativity and hard work will help mothers not to have difficulties in the eating process, but also enjoy the taste of life.

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