Continuously still unexplained pregnancy, what tests should mothers do?

Unexplained consecutive pregnancies are a fairly common condition today. This phenomenon not only affects heavily the spirit but also makes the health of women somewhat impaired. 

Pregnancy and childbirth are a very noble position for a woman. Therefore, stillbirth is an event that no pregnant mother wants, especially stillbirth continuously many times. According to statistics, up to 20 - 50% of stillbirths do not have a specific cause. So, if you unfortunately encounter this situation, what should parents do? Let's find out through the following article!

How is the continuous stillbirth?

Continuously still unexplained pregnancy, what tests should mothers do?

Stillbirth is a fetal death and remains in the mother's womb for more than 48 hours. If the condition is repeated 2 or more times, it is called consecutive stillbirth. This is a very dangerous complication that can occur at any stage of pregnancy.

Continuous stillbirth stems from many different causes, but there are also many cases that cannot be determined. After the stillborn fetus is processed and removed, the mother's body needs a certain period of time to recover. When the mother's mental and physical health is more stable and comfortable, the couple can have normal sex. However, if you plan to get pregnant again, you should have some tests done.

Necessary tests for unexplained persistent pregnancy

When the fetus is stillborn many times but the exact reason cannot be determined, what you need to do is put aside grief and worries and perform the following tests:

Blood tests

Check the blood count for blood diseases such as anemia , blood cell abnormalities, ... or not. Also biochemical tests to see if you have diabetes, assess liver and kidney function and detect other abnormalities. In addition, this test also shows whether the couple has HIV, hepatitis B, Toxo virus, CMV, Rubella or not.

Gynecological examination

Continuously still unexplained pregnancy, what tests should mothers do?

The wife needs to check for leukocytes, fungi, cocci, ... through a fresh examination of vaginal cell fluid. Because if you have one of the syphilis, gonorrhea, genital tract infections, Urealyticu virus infection, Mycoplasma hominil, Ureaplasma, cervical polyps, ..., it can adversely affect the fetus, causing pregnancy. cease to grow or remain dead.

Assay for Antiphospholipid and Anticardiolipin

This is a test that should be done immediately when detecting pregnancy or after a miscarriage no more than 1 month, because at normal times these indicators are negative.

Antiphospholipid and Anticardiolipin are called immune syndrome. Accordingly, when conception occurs, the body will start to have inflammation, microvascular blockage, which makes blood and nutrients cannot be transmitted to the fetus, leading to stillbirth.

In the unfortunate case of being positive for this syndrome, when preparing for the next pregnancy or as soon as the pregnancy is detected, the mother should immediately see a specialist for monitoring and treatment.

Hormonal tests

Maternal parameters to check for consecutive unexplained fetuses include: LH, FSH, Prolactin, Estradiol, Progesterone (tested on day 2 of the menstrual cycle), Testosterone and AMH - chamber reserve egg.

Semen test map

Continuously still unexplained pregnancy, what tests should mothers do?

A test for fresh, newly ejaculated semen, usually collected through manual self-stimulation. From there, testing and evaluating the number, sperm shape, mobility, sperm survival rate, antibodies against sperm, pH, ...

Get a chromosome test

This is a test to analyze whether human chromosomes have mutations, by identifying sets of chromosomes, analyzing their structure and number. If the wife, husband or both spouses have a chromosomal abnormality, the fetus can stop developing, miscarriage.

Secondary follicular ultrasound

For the purpose of counting the total number of oocytes between 2 and 8 mm in size, it is usually done through the vagina. This ultrasound will show if the ovary is impaired (synonymous with monitoring of the eggs).

Continuously still unexplained pregnancy, what tests should mothers do?

Contrast hysteroscopy (HSG scan)

Uterine abnormalities such as uterine malformation, pediatric uterus, pediatric uterus, uterus with septum, adhesions, cervical adhesions or ovarian abnormalities such as dilatation, stenosis, occlusion eggs can only be detected through this test.

Those are some of the important tests that couples need to be aware of when having an unexplained recurrent pregnancy. Hopefully, this sharing will help parents to have more knowledge to be more proactive in determining the cause, thereby preventing stillbirth and being well prepared for the next pregnancy. In addition, please visit a qualified obstetrician to visit and get more specific advice. Wish you all the good news soon and welcome your baby to a very healthy birth.

See more:

Causes of continuous stillbirth and how to stop this situation?

The risk of stillbirth - The warning signs that pregnant women need to pay attention to

Science supports you to get pregnant again after 2 months of pregnancy


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