Dont skip the eight basic steps of pre-bed skin care

Pre-bed skin care with basic steps like how to have beautiful skin. Do not skip this article if you are a girl who absolutely wants to keep your skin youthful.

Why need skin care before bed?

This is the time when cells are strongly regenerated, collagen is replenished and harmful stem cells are destroyed. Therefore, when taking care of the skin first, it will help the skin absorb maximum nutrients in the product and heal the skin.

At night, you will not have to apply sunscreen, makeup or move around a lot under the dirt. That is why taking care of the skin before bed will help optimize the nourishing process of the skin.

Melatonin is one of the important hormones that help reverse skin aging. At the same time also prevents the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays to skin cells. And this is produced a lot when you do your pre-sleep skin care.

Steps to take care of skin before bed

1. Wash your hands well

This is a step that is often neglected by women. My hand touched a lot of dirty objects during the day. Therefore, there are a lot of bacteria on hand. It is essential to wash your hands before starting any skin care steps.

Moreover, when the Covid-19 epidemic is raging, frequent hand-washing is also an act of self-protection and contributes to helping society repel the epidemic.

Don't skip the eight basic steps of pre-bed skin care

2. Makeup remover is an important skin care step

It can be said that this is the first step in cleaning the skin. After a tiring day, makeup remover will help remove makeup, sun protection and dirt from your face.

The standard steps to remove makeup are as follows:

Wet the skin's surface with water. This step can be skipped if using an oil or wax makeup remover.

Use a cotton ball to blot the makeup remover and gently wipe over your face. If using makeup remover oil or gel, just take the appropriate amount and massage into the skin.

This is an important step to deep cleanse and unclog pores. Do not manipulate too hard to lose facial texture, skin easily sagging and wrinkled.

Wash off with water

For sensitive areas such as eyes, lips, it is best to use a separate makeup remover to avoid irritation

Don't skip the eight basic steps of pre-bed skin care

3. Clean skin with cleanser

Absolutely do not skip this step if you have removed makeup. Because these two steps cannot be combined together. This second cleansing step will help the skin become clean and help the skin absorb well the future steps.

Products with a pH <7 should be used to prevent skin from being worn.

Don't skip the eight basic steps of pre-bed skin care

4. Exfoliate

Pre-bed skin care needs exfoliating steps because it helps remove a layer of dead cells on the skin.

Unlike the steps above to be done daily, you only need 1-2 times / week to remove dead skin. You will immediately feel and heal the smooth and smooth skin after this skin care step.

Don't skip the eight basic steps of pre-bed skin care

5. Rose water (Toner)

After washing your face, don't forget to apply toner. This step helps the skin to be deeply clean, pH balance, moisturizes and facilitates the maximum benefits of nutrients.

Prioritize non-alcoholic toner and water base (water based ingredient) that will be better for your skin. Some water-based toners contain antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

It also has ingredients that are able to repair damaged skin, help soothe irritated areas and regenerate the skin's protective film.

Don't skip the eight basic steps of pre-bed skin care

6. Essences such as serum / essence / ampoule

This is the key to flawless beautiful skin, creating a clear turning point right from the first use. Pour a little on the palm of your hand and pat your skin gently with your hand to let the essence absorb to help fight the signs of aging .

7. Therapeutic products for dealing with skin problems in pre-sleep skin care 

If your skin is acne, aging, dull, freckles ... then this is the step for you to apply them to your skin. Use special treatment products for areas with serious problems: acne, freckles, dark spots ...

After this step, you should rest for 15-30 minutes to rebalance the skin's natural pH.

Don't skip the eight basic steps of pre-bed skin care

8. Moisturizer and moisturizing sleeping mask is the last step in the pre-bed skin care cycle to "hydrate" the skin.

Skin no matter what type must be moisturized. Apply a sufficient amount of cream on the face to lock "moisture" for the skin. And helps the essence used previously not "evaporate".

Alternatively, 2-3 times a week, you can use a moisturizing "boosting" sleep mask that hydrates your skin.

Don't skip the eight basic steps of pre-bed skin care

Pre-bed skin care is a favorite and somewhat addicted job for women. Currently on the market there are many ways and steps for you to nourish your skin. Therefore, it is important for you to understand your skin in order to choose the right process and product.

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