Essential items for pregnant mothers - 3 very good items to help during pregnancy no longer aches and pains and fatigue

       Whether it is the first child or the second child, the essential items for pregnant mothers like this are always the first choice to help mothers feel less tired and more uncomfortable in 9 months of pregnancy.

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       Pregnancy is considered an important period in every woman's life. In addition to the physical and mood changes due to having a baby in the womb, the accompanying discomfort is always a nuisance for many pregnant mothers. So, every time you go out or stay at home, try to arrange and prepare the necessary items for pregnant mothers to make the process of picking up your baby more comfortable. 

Here are 3 essential items for pregnant mothers to choose from to suit their pregnancy.

Urinary absorbent bandages for pregnant mothers

Essential items for pregnant mothers - 3 very good items to help during pregnancy no longer aches and pains and fatigue


Photo: Essential supplies for pregnant mothers

        One of the most significant changes when a mother is pregnant is that in addition to the growing belly, the frequent urge to urinate also makes many mothers feel extremely miserable. Having to constantly run to the toilet or sometimes have urinary incontinence is even more embarrassing, especially with mothers who work, go outside often. Some mothers choose to abstain from urination, wait until they have time or find a clean place to dare to go. This is really not good for the fetus at all because it can affect the bladder to become infected. In the long term, pregnant mothers face the risk of preterm birth.

        At this time, to feel more comfortable and comfortable, pregnant mothers do not forget to use sub-type absorbent bandages for pregnant mothers. Designed with super absorbent function and has the ability to deodorize urine, this is really a "savior" product for those who have problems urinating while pregnant. 

Belt for pregnant women

Essential items for pregnant mothers - 3 very good items to help during pregnancy no longer aches and pains and fatigue


Photo: Essential supplies for pregnant mothers

         Mothers who have ever been pregnant or are preparing to have a baby are clear, back pain during pregnancy is the number 1 suffering for all women. With so many worries about the health of the fetus, now plus the worry of all kinds of pain on the body, many mothers feel extremely tired, especially with small mothers but the pregnant belly is too big. the more.

        Then do not forget to refer to the belly support belt for those who are pregnant, especially mothers preparing to enter the last 3 months with a heavy, bulky belly. 

       Abdominal support has a great effect that can help pregnant mothers reduce back pain and hip pain effectively. When the pregnant mother wears a belly support belt, the fetus is also supported in a comfortable position, not being swayed back and forth much. For mothers who have to work around walking or standing a lot, this is also a reasonable choice for mothers to be more comfortable.

Pillows for pregnant women 

Essential items for pregnant mothers - 3 very good items to help during pregnancy no longer aches and pains and fatigue


Photo: Essential supplies for pregnant mothers

      This is considered one of the great initiatives for modern pregnant mothers today. In the months when the fetus is growing up, the feeling of discomfort, back pain, leg pain, hip area will make many mothers miserable during pregnancy. These symptoms become worse in the last 3 months of pregnancy, causing many mothers to lose sleep constantly or feel struggling every time in bed.

     Pregnant women pillows can help mothers deal with this situation. When buying pillows for pregnant women, remember to note the following:

Do not be too greedy and cheap to buy a low quality, low quality gourd pillow. Using pillows is not long and makes it difficult for pregnant mothers to sleep.

You can choose U-shape pillows, designed to suit the shape of pregnant women, supporting all parts of the pregnant mother's body such as head, neck, back, abdomen and legs. Thanks to that, the pregnant mother will sleep better and reduce pain.

Choose a pillow that can be removed from the outer shell for easy washing, avoiding bacteria on the pillow. 

       Pillows can be used for many purposes, even after giving birth, mothers can continue to use these tools without fear of waste. Pregnant mothers should refer to the use of pillows as follows:

Option 1: Adjust pillows in many ways to suit the most comfortable sleeping position of pregnant mothers.

Essential items for pregnant mothers - 3 very good items to help during pregnancy no longer aches and pains and fatigue


Photo: Essential supplies for pregnant mothers

Method 2: When the baby is born, the mother can take advantage of the pillows to sit for the baby to breastfeed very conveniently.

Essential items for pregnant mothers - 3 very good items to help during pregnancy no longer aches and pains and fatigue


Photo: Essential supplies for pregnant mothers

Method 3: If you have a big baby, a pillow can be used as a comfortable and comfortable hug pillow for your baby.

Essential items for pregnant mothers - 3 very good items to help during pregnancy no longer aches and pains and fatigue


Photo: Essential supplies for pregnant mothers

Method 4: Use pillows as a support to adjust to a laptop or tablet place for pregnant mothers who want to work right on their bed. 

Essential items for pregnant mothers - 3 very good items to help during pregnancy no longer aches and pains and fatigue


Photo: Essential supplies for pregnant mothers

       Selection of necessary supplies for pregnant mothers depends on the needs of each mother. With the above 3 items above, hopefully pregnant mothers will have more ideas in finding the most useful and suitable for their baby's pregnancy.




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