For every 9 things during pregnancy, mothers must regret later because they cannot help their baby to have a healthy birth

      As soon as she knows she is pregnant, she needs to be careful in all eating and living habits. These are 9 things that mothers must stop immediately if they want their babies to be born healthy and without defects. 

Want your baby to be born without defects, pregnant mothers remember to add 8 important vitamins during pregnancy

How do pregnant mothers know that the fetus is healthy?

      A healthy baby, full limbs and a developed brain are what every pregnant mother wants. To do this is both simple and difficult. If the mother is a careful person and has a healthy lifestyle, this is the easy thing. Excluding genetic factors, bad habits and subjective life can all seriously affect the health and safety of the fetus. Therefore, mothers need to be careful and stop these things immediately if they know that they are carrying a small and fragile being. 

For every 9 things during pregnancy, mothers must regret later because they cannot help their baby to have a healthy birth

9 things pregnant mothers absolutely should not do if they want their babies to be born healthy and safe

1. You should not use acne medication of the retinoic acid group

     Retinoic acid or derivatives of vitamin A with names in the cosmetic business such as Roaccutane, Acnotin, Istane. If you intend to have a baby, you must stop using products containing these substances for at least 3 months to 1 year to get pregnant completely safe. In case the mother accidentally uses retinoic products or drugs, most of the fetus will suffer from dangerous defects, especially the heart, nervous system, brain defects, deformed face and face, and cleft palate , ...

2. Excessive stress - I need to quickly improve this situation

     Stress, anxiety, and fever affect all bodies of all ages. But these effects will be even more serious if the mother is pregnant. When pregnant women worry too much, the body will release hormones that inhibit the development of the fetus. Therefore, the baby is slow to develop, and the mother is at greater risk of miscarriage (if it is the early stage of pregnancy) or premature birth (middle or late pregnancy).

3. Absolutely stay away from foods that are not beneficial for mothers and babies

      When you are pregnant, your body needs more calories and nutrients than usual to support the process of forming your baby's organs. On the contrary, when pregnant mothers eat foods with no nutritional content and are harmful to the mother and fetus such as:

Eat too much seasoning food.

Food contains a lot of fat.

Fast food like french fries, fried chicken, sausage, ...

Raw, salad, raw dishes, ...

Alcohol, sugar, carbonated, caffeine, ...

      These are all foods that can both cause a mother to have digestive disorders, be susceptible to diabetes, to have fatty blood, ... develops and grows in the womb. 

4. Pregnant mothers need to be careful with drinking cow's milk

       One of the drinks that every pregnant mother wants to strengthen so that the body is provided with more calcium for a healthy baby, fast growing. But pregnant mothers should also note that if you drink too much cow's milk, it is easy to encounter cow's milk protein allergy. Babies after being born, if they eat milk with a protein content of cow's milk, they may experience symptoms such as: Vomiting, diarrhea, passing blood, redness, ... At that time, eating and drinking Your baby also becomes more difficult and more restrictive in food choices. 

       Therefore, during pregnancy, mother should alternate between cow's milk, soy milk, milk from nuts or fortify with calcium-rich foods such as fish, cereals, ...

For every 9 things during pregnancy, mothers must regret later because they cannot help their baby to have a healthy birth

5. Excessive exercise is something pregnant mothers should not do 

     During pregnancy, pregnant mothers should maintain physical activities, gentle exercise. But mothers should also pay attention, do not exercise too much, use a lot of strength and each exercise should not exceed 30 minutes.

      When practicing, do not forget to sit and rest, drink water every 15-20 minutes to let the body heat out. This will help mothers prevent the phenomenon of body temperature too high, leading to the fetal lack of oxygen, affecting the development of body and brain of the baby in the womb. 

     Mothers who read newspapers often see famous stars exercise very hard during pregnancy to get in good shape even after gaining weight and after giving birth. But don't forget that, they need a team of coaches and doctors on duty to advise and guide. Therefore, mothers need to pay attention to the physical ability and endurance of the body to choose the best form and level of fitness. 

6. Pregnant mothers should refrain from standing too long and lying down too much

      One of the things that doctors advise pregnant women when entering their last pregnancy should be careful not to stand and lie down for too long, especially mothers who are 20 weeks pregnant onwards. The main reason is because when she lies too much or stands for too long, her legs and feet become more swollen. Many mothers can experience varicose veins from this cause. Therefore, pregnant mothers are prone to back pain and early arthritis. Meanwhile, with the fetus, when the mother lies and stands for a long time, the baby's weight will press on the stomach, intestinal wall and veins. Then the circulatory system also works more difficult, blood to feed the fetus can also be affected.

      Advice for pregnant mothers: Try to change positions from 30 minutes-1 hour / time. If you have to sit a lot, you should get up and walk, move your body to make blood circulation better. 

7. The story of losing weight after giving birth

      Although there are many changes in childbirth, it seems that some pregnant mothers become too worried with their chubby bodies compared to before and arise the desire to "lose weight". 

     But do not forget that there is a body in the womb that needs nutrients to grow and develop. If the mother eats "weight loss", the fetus is both slow growing but prone to malformations. In addition, the baby is born at risk of stunting and premature birth. 

     If mothers worry that they are too fat, not confident about their body shape, they just need to control food groups as well as the number of meals properly. For example, the same type of rice provides the same number of calories, but white rice has much more sugar than brown rice, ... The intelligence when choosing the daily menu will be an important key for mothers to control. your weight during pregnancy in the best way. 

For every 9 things during pregnancy, mothers must regret later because they cannot help their baby to have a healthy birth

8. Temporarily pregnant mothers should stop the sauna habit if you want your baby to be born healthy

     This wonderful way of relaxation can be dangerous for mothers while having a baby in the womb. An American study has shown that, steam can easily cause a pregnant mother to increase her temperature easily, the body easily lose water and essential minerals. Therefore, the steaming process can block the blood vessels, the fetus cannot develop. That is why the risk of miscarriage with pregnant mothers will be higher. 

9. When pregnant, mothers should limit bathing and hygiene for dogs, cats or domestic animals

     There's nothing wrong with that, mother love animals. But when she is pregnant, she must be very careful. Toxoplasmosis in the feces of domestic animals, especially cat feces, often contains Toxoplasmosis, one of the dangerous bacteria that can cause birth defects or worse, stillbirth. 

     So if you are pregnant, mom should ask a relative to do the cleaning and bathing for the pet to ensure the safety of the baby's life in the womb. 



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