Heartbreaking party full of tragedy months: Infants died from cigarette smoke

Heartbreaking party full of tragedy months: Infants died from cigarette smoke

This heartbreaking case of a baby dying from passive smoking is a wake-up call for all smokers.

We all understand the terrible destructive power that cigarette smoke can have on our bodies. Some people are aware of the dangers of smoking around others. Also known as " second-hand smoking" . But do you know how much damage tobacco can cause? Did you know that secondhand smoke can lead to death for babies and children?

Not long ago, a one-month-old boy in Indonesia died from passive smoking during a full month party.

Below is the tragic story told by her mother, Ms. Indah.

The risk of passive smoking in children: The story of Hafizh.

Ms. Indah recounts the chronological sequence of events that happened to her only son:

On the morning of July 17, 2017, our family held a full month party for our children. The party was held at my mother-in-law's house because we didn't have enough space.

 At the end of the party, I took her to the living room. Due to being busy with guests, I did not notice anyone who smoked.

 At first, Hafizh was healthy. However, two days later, the baby began to cough and gasp. After telling my husband, I was given cough medicine because the baby was too young and I was breastfeeding.


Hafizh's condition deteriorated day by day. The young couple takes their child to the midwife. However, the midwife refused to give the medicine because Hafizh was too young.

Finally, Hafizh was taken to the hospital to be examined. Results showed that the baby had pneumonia.

Heartbreaking party full of tragedy months: Infants died from cigarette smoke


The scene of little Hafizh struggling to breathe in the hospital is heartbreaking. This is a grim warning about the dangers of smoking around babies. Photo: Facebook NV

In her article, Ms. Indah continued to write:

Oh God, I felt suffocating when he was taken to the emergency room and diagnosed with severe pneumonia. If given the option, I will be ready to take over the child.

 I wait every second just to hear the good news from the doctor. But in the end, my son still had to be treated with X-rays.

Results of chest X-ray

Hafizh's parents were constantly praying. However, the reality is cruel: the baby's condition is even worse. The baby is only 4 weeks old and the immune system is still too weak.

In the end, Hazifh had to be transferred to the ICU. The doctor told the baby's x-ray results.

“And here are the results,… Baby Hafizh has severe pneumonia. Here is the X-Ray result: Normally, healthy lungs are black. However, Hafizh's lungs were almost completely white - only a small portion remained black. I ask you to agree to surgery even if something unexpected happens ”. The suffering mother remembers.

Very painful, Indah and her husband signed a consent form. They still hope that a miraculous miracle will happen.

Heartbreaking party full of tragedy months: Infants died from cigarette smoke


She still managed to smile before taking her last breath

But on Sunday, July 30, 2017, their hopes were shattered. Hafizh's heart rate weakened. At this point, Ms. Indah and her husband had lost all hope.

Last look

Indah remembers the last time she saw Hafizh. Even though she was breathing rapidly, she still smiled:

I saw Hafizh staring at me, as if it were a sign she was about to leave me forever. In response, I smiled, "I love you so much, my Hafizh".

Not long after I kissed the forehead, Hafizh was gone. Everything suddenly fell apart, and my world was gone forever. Only sobs from both my husband and I filled the void at that moment.

Heartbreaking party full of tragedy months: Infants died from cigarette smoke

The last prayer

Ms. Indah's prayers for the lost angel:

“Oh my God, please protect Hafizh. Give your baby a beautiful place in paradise. Give us the ones who stay, the courage and the strength to move forward. Amen ”.

Our hearts are disrupting the loss of our parents and we are just devastated because this tiny baby's life has been taken away from him by something completely preventable.

Take this sad story as a grim warning. If your family and friends smoke around your baby or other children. All we have to say is, they don't deserve it.

Passive smoking in children: Prevention measures

This tragic outcome could not happen if the baby was not exposed to tobacco smoke. Remember that the baby's immune system is still very weak. It is incomplete enough to protect the baby from infections. Including the toxic effects of tobacco smoke.

If your friends or relatives smoke, and you have children. Do not let them smoke anywhere near your children, including in the home or car

It is NOT recommended to take your baby to places where smoking is allowed, such as restaurants.

If someone near the baby smokes and you can't move:

Politely ask them not to smoke as this could make your child sick.

If they refuse, go elsewhere or open the window as wide as possible ..

Your husband smokes? Please share this article so he can understand the dangers of smoking around children. If he is unable to quit, advise him to seek the appropriate help.

Heartbreaking party full of tragedy months: Infants died from cigarette smoke


Passive smoking: The tomb of baby Hafizh, who died from smoke inhalation.

This tragic case of a baby due to secondhand smoking will be a warning about the dangers of secondhand smoke exposure to children.

We should not let our children become victims of tobacco smoke just because we cannot control our addiction .

Please share this story to let others know that they should not smoke around children.

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